Where solarpunks organize for a better world!

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 6 hours ago) by hanrahan to c/climate

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9336139

He mentiond climate change and pollution , well worth a read IMO

“The future is really daunting for people in the Maldives … the climate emergency is an existential threat that overshadows all the other issues.”

over 40 million people have died of air pollution since I became special rapporteur in 2018, yet I just can’t get people to care.

“I can’t get people to bat an eyelash. It’s like there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand just how grave this situation is.”

“I think the right to a healthy environment is actually the foundation that we require to enjoy all other human rights. If we don’t have a living, healthy planet Earth, then all the other rights are just words on paper.”

If we don’t have a living, healthy planet Earth, then all the other rights are just words on paper.

I get his bemusement, just here in Australia, 11,000 die from air pollution from cars annually, another 20,00 are hospitalised annually. The numbers are beyond horrendous and yet, on a scale of 1 to 5 fucks given, it's 0

submitted 22 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate

“This case is very poignant because it shows how an extreme weather event — that has been fueled by climate change — results in major disruptions,” said Guillermo Murray-Tortarolo, a climate scientist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico’s Institute for Ecosystem and Sustainability Research.

submitted 19 hours ago by poVoq to c/solarpunk

Somewhat contrarian take, but despite the click-baity title it does have some good points.


"...across all the state’s utilities by 2035."

Is this a good balance between ambitious and realistic timeline? 2035 is just over a decade away.

submitted 22 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate

Archived copies of the article: ghostarchive.org archive.today

submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by activistPnk to c/climate_action_individual

My SOHO router has a some “green” configuration features to reduce energy consumption:

  • (wi-fi) A scheduler for the Wi-Fi radio to turn it off automatically during times it won’t be used. (dd-wrt has this)
  • (wi-fi) A power level throttle (10%, 20% 50%, 100%) so you are not amplifying the signal beyond the range that you need. (dd-wrt has this)
  • (wi-fi) A bezel button on the chassis so you can easily turn Wi-Fi on and off without entering the configs.
  • (wi-fi) choose an SSID that does not feed an oil partner (details).
  • (ethernet) A per-port choice of 1 Gbits/sec or 100 Mbits/sec. Apparently capping it to 100 Mbits/sec saves energy because they’re calling it a green setting. I’m a bit surprised the savings would be notable enough to justify the option. But I doubt my uplink has more than 100 Mbit/s anyway so I capped my ports.

Beyond the router:

  • (uplink) Since GSM radios use 30 times more energy than a wire, obviously getting your internet over cable, dsl, or fiber are more energy efficient than GSM (and probably any wireless uplink for that matter).
  • (web browsing) Disable image loading in the browser because images are much heavier than text. Most images are junk anyway.

reverse tethering

I’ve started reverse-tethering my phone over USB, so I can keep Wi-Fi disabled on both my router and devices most of the time. This option is threatened though, because the Android tool Gnirehtet is no longer maintained.

When Gnirehtet eventually dies, theoretically it’s possible to use openVPN for reverse tethering. But the ovpn project has decided to scrap the clearnet option under the naive view that there is no use-case for an unencrypted tunnel. If you can’t get cipher compatibility between your mobile device and your PC, it will not work.

submitted 23 hours ago by sexy_peach@beehaw.org to c/offgrid

Hi all, I'm really looking for some help. I need to create a reliable system of backing up and data storage. I'm not tech-savvy (will work on that when it's a priority in my life, which it definitely can't be right now) and I'm asking this community because it's forward-thinking and aligns with my values. There are things I have right now, on paper and digitally, that I want to be able to retrieve at least a decade from now (and we'll check in on how the situation changes and what's worth keeping or printing out etc then). Most of the stuff bouncing about in my brain is the conventional advice:

  1. The age-old "at least three places"
  2. Don't store what I don't strictly need
  3. Accessible & simple: the less I have to fiddle, the more sustainable it is (kind of seems to conflict with 1)
  4. Privacy-first, don't trust clouds, etc (kind of sems to conflict with 1, too!)

I'm not sure (a) if there are any other principles to keep in mind while designing a system that works for me or (b) how this might translate into practical advice about hardware or software solutions. If anything has or hasn't worked for you personally, please share. My daily driver is a LineageOS tablet and it's not clear to me how to best keep its data safe.

submitted 1 day ago by AEMarling to c/solarpunk

Projected last night at the Free Palestine Encampment at Cal, Berkeley. Colonial capitalism drives the war machine that bulldozes people from Gaza, to the Congo, to the Philippines. It’s important for solarpunks to show up in solidarity with native peoples against imperialism. Sustainability depends on the knowledge and stewardship of native populations. And, most importantly, Zionist punks fuck off! -

submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 1 day ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/technology
With or without Tesla, more E.V. chargers are coming (messaging-custom-newsletters.nytimes.com)
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate

Archived copies of the article: archive.today ghostarchive.org

submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 1 day ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/grasweeti


Three artists from art collective Creative Debuts have defended a mural it painted on a house in Ilford, England, paying tribute to Palestinian journalists amid calls for its removal from UK Lawyers for Israel.

Alia Shaikh, who owns and lives in the house, said she personally commissioned the piece because she otherwise “felt powerless” about the ongoing atrocities. She said "They’re heroes. Without them, we’d have no idea what’s happening.”


submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/podcasts
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate

In a move that underscores the growing financial impact of climate change on the insurance industry, Travelers Insurance, one of California’s leading home insurers, has announced significant rate hikes and policy non-renewals due to increased wildfire risk. This development is poised to reshape the insurance landscape in California, signaling a critical shift as insurers deal with the escalating threat of natural disasters.

Trains not planes (sh.itjust.works)
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
Lost (slrpnk.net)
submitted 2 days ago by Track_Shovel to c/bushrat_confidential

Always have at least two forms of navigation

submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 2 days ago by jol@discuss.tchncs.de to c/vegan
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 1 day ago by silence7 to c/climate

Archived copyof the article: archive.today

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