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[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

Would you say that it's a very significant amount of zeros?

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

That's why humans invented planning.

[-] 11 points 1 day ago

Sawdust would be an improvement. It's just fiber, desperately absent fiber.


cross-posted from:

A highway camera photo shows traffic in FortMcMurray jammed in the southbound lane of Highway 63 on the north side of the Athabasca River. The image was captured at 3:11 p.m. MT, about an hour after an evacuation order was issued for four neighbourhoods. (511 Alberta)

Evacuation order issued as wildfire threatening Fort McMurray draws closer


A highway camera photo shows traffic in FortMcMurray jammed in the southbound lane of Highway 63 on the north side of the Athabasca River. The image was captured at 3:11 p.m. MT, about an hour after an evacuation order was issued for four neighbourhoods. (511 Alberta)

Evacuation order issued as wildfire threatening Fort McMurray draws closer

[-] 2 points 5 days ago

I mean integrated directly into the interface of the apps. Example: they have an "Editor" tab for Word that can analyze and get into the document directly. I expect that this will be where the ChatGPT tools will be implemented. Or is there some professional version of ChatGPT that does that already? I have only tested the free one.


cross-posted from:

Water-rich Switzerland controls Western Europe’s taps — and wants it to stay that way. Its drought-ridden neighbors are getting nervous.

At the western edge of Lake Geneva, where the mighty Rhône river squeezes through a narrow dam, a blunder of French diplomacy is carved into stone for all to see

The inscription, mounted on the walls of an old industrial building, commemorates the 1884 accord between three Swiss cantons that have regulated the water levels of this vast Alpine lake ever since. It does not mention France — even though some 40 percent of the lake is French territory. 

“France, for some reason, wasn’t part of the contract,” said Jérôme Barras as he unlocked a gate below the epigraph to inspect a hydropower plant under the dam he has managed for more than a decade. 

When the agreement was renewed and a new dam was built a century later, Paris still wasn’t interested. 

The French government now regrets that.

And France has suddenly realized it can’t control that tap as it battles water shortages, destructive droughts and baking heat.

[-] 6 points 6 days ago

Wait, copilot and ChatGPT use are skills? Isn’t that a bit like how using a phone is a skill?

It's about at the same level as "Microsoft Office" as a skill. They're probably working on embedding ChatGPT and DALL-E in that suite. I've actually asked ChatGPT for some tips on using advanced features that I didn't know about and it worked nicely.

[-] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Hey, I have re read your comment a few times. Important info, but unsure how it relates to my comment. Rich people don’t contribute that much to C02?

There are 2 necessary changes as layers in this context:

  1. There are also studies that show the GHGs for "rich people's investments". This is important because they are in the way of necessary adaptation and mitigation. We can't do anything meaningful about climate and biosphere because that would require ending profiteering from planetary destruction, it would require decommodification.

  2. Rich people's consumption is excessive for anything. Not just their carbon footprint, but their ecological footprint. But they are a small minority, especially the richest. Being a small minority means that if they lose their... wealth and become wage workers, that's going mean only a decrease of 15% GHGs. This 15% is not meaningful to avert ruining the planet's surface. We need more than 100% (zero emissions and then removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). This means that EVERYONE has to participate, which also means that we need cooperation. And you don't have cooperation in a capitalist class society with all this "rat race" going on, you can't, we're literally all enemies (competitors) in this game.

So they can tell me how to live my life?

That's one side of it, yes. To have any meaningful action, all sides of economic activity have to change, we need decreases in production (supply), but also in demand (consumption). If only production decreases, the demand side goes nuts and there's hyperinflation and other problems. If only demand decreases (unlikely), the production side, which is owned by rich people, may decide to force and coerce an increase in demand somehow, as has been happening at least since the end of WW2.

Here, a game:

Bunny (


spoilerA "medieval drawing" style of a small bunny (portrait). The bunny is standing, is holding a flail (weapon), and is wearing an upper-body scale armor.

Superimposed text: "Soft, but not available for mistreatment"

submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/climate
submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/
submitted 4 weeks ago by to c/
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/climate

the movie is titled: Six Inches of Soil

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