[-] poVoq 2 points 4 hours ago


It means that the same goods and services can cost a lot less in some countries due to various factors.

[-] poVoq 2 points 4 hours ago

That "charity ship” claim is a fabrication by right-wing media that has no basis in truth and has been even thrown out of court in Italy. Please stop perpetuating such lies.

What is actually happening is that they are paying Libyanese mafia militia for illegal push back operations and they don't want witnesses for that.

[-] poVoq 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

This is one of these "maybe true in theory" but counter productive arguments.

Irregular migration has been on the rise for many years and the ratio of success is high enough that people risk it regardless of whether or not there are planes looking for ships in distress.

But there is another reason why the Italian government doesn't want these planes flying: they are unwelcome witnesses to illegal pushback operations that the Italians and Maltese (and Frontex) are doing in cooperation with Libyanese mafia militia.

[-] poVoq 5 points 5 hours ago

Partially, but it is also that due to wage and PPP differences a single person with a mediocre job in the EU can support an entire extended family back in their home country. Changing that is not so easy, especially when it largely comes down to PPP and lifestyle differences.

IMHO as much as I agree that it would be great for people to not feel a lot of pressure to leave their home countries to look for a better life, maybe the more realistic option is to try and find a way to make this migration more beneficial for both sides (which it already largely is, but we could do better).

[-] poVoq 15 points 17 hours ago

No, it is supposed to be a standalone VR headset.

[-] poVoq 8 points 20 hours ago

The original project was called Owncloud and was made largely by the same people, but they split over a disagreement in management.

[-] poVoq 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Unrealistic or outright dangerous "solutions" like carbon capture or geo-engineering are probably meant by that.

[-] poVoq -1 points 22 hours ago

In this case: you reap what you sow. She has been peddeling right-wing BS a lot to fish for voters.

submitted 23 hours ago by poVoq to c/solarpunk

Somewhat contrarian take, but despite the click-baity title it does have some good points.

[-] poVoq 40 points 1 day ago

Maybe in your small bubble, but outside of it there are people that actually still know what punk means.

submitted 3 days ago by poVoq to c/energy
[-] poVoq 2 points 3 days ago

Glad it worked out despite the papercuts here and there with the current wiki.

[-] poVoq 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You will have to ask the original poster @Nooodel@lemmy.world

submitted 3 days ago by poVoq to c/outdoor
[-] poVoq 2 points 3 days ago

Sorry... done now.

The Lemmy UI makes this easy to forget.

Another world... (slrpnk.net)
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by poVoq to c/grasweeti

Alt text: "ANOTHER WORLD IS POSSIBLE" stencil graffiti on an interior brick wall with the "A" stylized as a red circled A as commonly done to signify Anarchism.

submitted 6 days ago by poVoq to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
It takes time... (slrpnk.net)
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/memes
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/tidalpunk
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/outdoor
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/xmpp

This is quite a big one, as it required significant changes in the underlaying data-storage and will finally allow not only replies but also reactions etc. to be displayed in Gajim.

submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/solarpunk
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/collapse
submitted 1 week ago by poVoq to c/tidalpunk
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