submitted 6 hours ago by silence7 to c/nyt_gift_articles@sopuli.xyz
submitted 7 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate
submitted 8 hours ago by silence7 to c/nyt_gift_articles@sopuli.xyz

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9362826

While the timing of this trend lines up with the planet’s rising temperatures, scientists are hesitant to definitively attribute tornadoes’ clustering behavior to human-caused climate change.

“The link between climate change and tornadoes is still pretty tenuous,” Dr. Fricker said. “It’s a really open and difficult question for us.” One difficulty is that tornadoes are too small on a planetary scale, and too ephemeral, to show up in the global mathematical models that scientists use to study climate change.

submitted 8 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate

While the timing of this trend lines up with the planet’s rising temperatures, scientists are hesitant to definitively attribute tornadoes’ clustering behavior to human-caused climate change.

“The link between climate change and tornadoes is still pretty tenuous,” Dr. Fricker said. “It’s a really open and difficult question for us.” One difficulty is that tornadoes are too small on a planetary scale, and too ephemeral, to show up in the global mathematical models that scientists use to study climate change.

submitted 10 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate
[-] silence7 5 points 11 hours ago

We probably can't make it that hot. We can however make it too hot for us.

submitted 11 hours ago by silence7 to c/nyt_gift_articles@sopuli.xyz

cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9358901

G.M. produces the Malibu at a plant in Fairfax, Kan., and will continue to manufacture the car until later this year, when it plans to retool the factory to make a new version of the Chevrolet Bolt, an electric car, and the Cadillac XT4, a luxury S.U.V.

submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by silence7 to c/climate

G.M. produces the Malibu at a plant in Fairfax, Kan., and will continue to manufacture the car until later this year, when it plans to retool the factory to make a new version of the Chevrolet Bolt, an electric car, and the Cadillac XT4, a luxury S.U.V.

submitted 11 hours ago by silence7 to c/texas@lemmy.world
submitted 12 hours ago by silence7 to c/nyt_gift_articles@sopuli.xyz
[-] silence7 0 points 13 hours ago

Look at what the payments were in say, 1950 — about 10% of the average yearly wage. That's not a retirement; that's a little bit to keep you going.

submitted 13 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate
[-] silence7 2 points 15 hours ago

The virtue of the old employer-sponsored pensions is that they forced contributions. Letting people decide means that lower-income wages will fall so that people can't contribute.

Social Security wasn't ever meant to be enough; it was mean to be something minimal.

[-] silence7 1 points 16 hours ago

There are a number of places you can see roads and foundations which have halfway-fallen as the land under them eroded away.

submitted 16 hours ago by silence7 to c/politics@lemmy.world
[-] silence7 10 points 18 hours ago

The Inflation Reduction Act (passed with only Democratic votes in 2021) has significant subsidies for the US to do exactly that. Factories are going up. Just not fully in place yet.

submitted 18 hours ago by silence7 to c/climate

Scientists say emissions from burning fuels like coal must ramp steeply down to protect Earth’s climate, yet there was an increase in electricity made from burning fossil fuels. China, India, Vietnam and Mexico were responsible for nearly all of the rise.

The report said some countries burned coal to make up for the loss of hydroelectric power they experienced when drought caused their reservoirs to dry up. This is an example of a vicious cycle — when climate change prompts the use of more of the substances that cause climate change in the first place.

[-] silence7 7 points 19 hours ago

Paying for the damage being done is of course the right thing to do.

[-] silence7 11 points 19 hours ago

They bite through the lining of the stomach and circulate with blood looking for tissue to develop inside of. They usually do this in pigs, but it sometimes happens in humans

[-] silence7 1 points 20 hours ago

The doctor believed that the abnormality seen on his scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died,”

[-] silence7 2 points 20 hours ago

I don't think you need to worry about The Onion now that Global Teteahedron took over that publication

[-] silence7 10 points 1 day ago

Yeah. That's a very low-probability outcome though; we're much more likely to end up doing something like redistributing rainfall in a way that leaves us without enough food.

[-] silence7 6 points 1 day ago

For rooftop, definitely. But those were (at peak) only about 5% of annual solar installs in California. It's almost all utility-scale.

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