
joined 3 years ago
[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Flat memes are the best

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I just realized we're having a "serious" discussion on /c/memes right now. I'll just leave this here then

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (6 children)

Wow you're still just as funny as you were last time I talked to you

Taking territory is only meaningful if you can hold it

Correct. And they absolutely can hold it. On the first try it took Russia months to take it, and I don't see how they can do that again, given all the troops that were involved are now in Kherson. But I guess we'll just have to see.

orderly and strategic withdrawal.

Lol no. Literally just take a look at https://twitter.com/UAWeapons and you'll see tons of abandoned and destroyed Russian vehicles. They were completely overwhelmed in Kharkiv and did not plan this. Of course it's not all precisely geolocatable but it has to come from somewhere.

This is a war of attrition

Correct. And majority of the Russian army is in Kherson with their back towards a river with no bridges. Supplies are limited and they are unable to move a meaningful amount of vehicles in or out of Kherson. This is completely unsustainable in the long term.

Even western media admits that the fighting is far more expensive on the Ukrainian side

It sure is expensive. But Kherson has tied so many russian resources that Ukraine now managed to steamroll through Kharkiv. It doesn't matter whether Kharkiv was just an orderly retreat (it wasn't) or a "sign of goodwill" (it wasn't) or a rout (it was), Ukraine just wants their territory back. And there is "steady" progress on Kherson too, at least more steady than LDPR progress on Pisky and Bakhmut

zero evidence that HIMARS have made any strategic impact

HIMARS is the reason Russian logistics are completely fucked in Kherson. It's also the reason for the rise in "smoking accidents" in ammo dumps on Russian occupied territory.

Russia has [..] MLRS systems comparable to HIMARS

So in Russias hands they do have strategic impact? Also please tell me the name. I'm looking for something with about 80km range, less than 10m deviation at max range, and which is actually used by Russia. So far I have only seen them use Kalibrs for comparable targets, and those are much more expensive than HIMARS rockets and easier to intercept. It's also questionable how many of those are still left.

I'm done with this thread, we both know this discussion won't reach a conclusion. I'm interested to see where our points will stand in another 6 months

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 years ago (14 children)

The Kharkiv offensive won't decide the outcome of the entire war of course. But with how little the front has moved in the last two months, this sudden change is pretty big. It was also very unexpected because everyone kept talking about Kherson before. Every bit of territory matters to Ukraine, and I guess they saw this was the most lightly defended part.

You’ll have to elaborate on what exactly makes Izyum and Lyman strategically important in this war

Izyum and Lyman provide an additional axis to attack Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. (Successfully) attacking from that direction and from the east could have allowed Russia to encircle and therefore conquer a large part of Donetsk Oblast. Now they can only attack from the mostly heavily fortified east. Taking Donetsk Oblast was one of their big plans, right? Well it just became much harder. Also Luhansk is now open to attack from the west, with the only big defense being the Oskil river. That's where the main front is, right? Luhansk and Donetsk Oblast, the Donbass region?

Also there was a lot of equipment left behind. Russia still has a lot of tanks at home, but it still hurts, especially when the enemy is able to make use of it. Lots of POWs as well.

LPR and DPR making steady gains

What did they gain in the last two months? Pisky? With all 6 inhabitants? Their area gains are miniscule compared to what just happened in a span of days.


Russia had no gains in Kherson for a while now and some small area losses. The fight there is extremely expensive for both sides, but Kherson is currently in a similar situation as Severodonetsk was a few months ago, just with the sides switched. There are no working bridges over the Dnieper, making supplies extremely difficult because they have to be ferried over the river. And those ferries are constantly harassed by HIMARS strikes. With no hope for properly supplying the area, it is basically already lost. It's just a matter of time, and Ukraine has the logistical advantage

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 years ago (17 children)

Kupyansk is a critical node to supply Izyum and Lyman. Russia did heavy fighting for weeks to take these two cities and constantly launched attacks from there, binding a lot of Ukrainian troops. With Kupyansk gone, Izyum is fully cut off (and already confirmed taken) and Lyman is now very difficult to access for Russians (rail access is gone and the major roads lead to ukrainian held territory) as only small side streets are left for the Russians. Proper logistics to Lyman are pretty much impossible now and it's a matter of time until Russia has to leave it too. Rail access to Severodonetsk is also gone, but it can still be supplied through Svatove, so I don't think it will change hands soon (unless the rumours of Russians abandoning Svatove are true, which I doubt at this moment).

I also doubt Russia will counterattack anything in Kharkiv in the near future. They announced fully retreating from Kharkiv oblast and there's already confirmations of ukrainian troops in cities/villages north of Kharkiv even though they shouldn't be really affected by the attack on Kupyansk. They might hold on to the east of the Oskil river though, in an attempt to keep Severodonetsk

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yeah snap firefox always took a while to launch for me. My real problem though was that it just seemed to ignore my systems DNS settings so I couldn't use it to access internal websites in my VPN, and there was no simple fix for that. Just installed native firefox from some sketchy repo instead

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 7 points 2 years ago

Just tried finding some lemmy posts in DuckDuckGo. Doesn't seem like they're indexed

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 years ago

Yes, it leads to a lot of good art criticizing censorship

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

This has unfortunately been going on for decades. They bulldozed many many places. There's a Wikipedia list. It also says over one hundred thousand people have been displaced just for brown coal mining in Germany. Here's a map of the largest brown coal mining area. The grey villages have been destroyed and the orange ones will be next. It's sad how this destruction can go on while everyone else is much more concerned about luxury issues like speed limits

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (23 children)

USA bad != Russia good
I come from Germany, we hate both of them here.

Where have I been the last 60 years? Nonexistent, mostly. Probably just like you. Stop this whataboutism

Again, NATOs eastward "expansion" is going on for 30 years, and it doesn't happen by force but by those countries voluntarily joining it. And Russia is still doing great advertisements showing why someone should join NATO. They do this to themselves. The only thing forbidding this expansion is an old agreement with the Soviet Union, which still doesn't exist.

And where is the 0.2% Nazis nonsense coming from

Good question, I don't know where it's coming from either. I don't see it anywhere in this entire thread, so it must be coming from you. I already explained in another comment what a straw man is, thanks for the great example. You even combined it with Godwin's law.
But since you bring it up, why doesn't Russia bother getting rid of their own Nazis first? The Wagner Group? Why do they not-so-covertly sponsor many far-right parties in European countries? Why does a presence of Nazis even warrant an invasion? If Russia just never bothered annexing their land and sponsoring seperatists, things like Azov (which I assume is what you're on about here) would have never even existed in the first place.

I didn't suddenly "wake up" to this war by the way. I have friends and relatives in Ukraine, I have actually been there and seen the country and the people. Did you? I talked to people who were fighting the separatists, and who are fighting in Kiev now. The parents of a friend are stuck in Sumi right now, a shop next to their home was bombed a few days ago. They sure love being "liberated" by Russian artillery.
And before you say "whAt AboUT tHe USa??!": yes they invade countries too and it's bad too. Finally something we can agree on

I won't feed this discussion any further

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago (25 children)

Countries joining NATO want to join NATO. The majority of people in Ukraine want to join NATO. Russia is currently demonstrating to the world exactly why Ukraine wants to join NATO. Also Russia knows exactly NATO would never dare to attack Russia, just like NATO knows exactly Russia would never dare to attack them. Russia (Putin) is not scared about a NATO attack, he's scared he won't be able to insert a puppet government in Ukraine ever again. Let's not pretend it's about something else.

NATOs eastward expansion (in the past 30 years, not 60) is the product of those countries wanting to be in NATO. The Warsaw Pact was with the Soviet Union. Not sure if you noticed, but the Soviet Union does not exist anymore. Oops. I want to introduce my own whataboutism here: what about the Budapest Memorandum that Russia broke in 2014 by annexing Crimea?

Yes NATO did bad things and will do bad things in the future. This does not legitimize Russias invasion at all.

And sorry for being silent about things going on in the world years ago, I was too young to understand shit at the time. But anyway, when there's police fatally shooting hundreds of protesters, it's a sign the Maidan revolution was absolutely necessary.

Even Chinese state media (CGTN) is criticizing the invasion.

[–] UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago

I haven't tried it personally, but for content requests you can host Ombi. People can then request content through Ombi, which then instructs your *arr stack to get the content. It would basically be fully automated


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