This is a job at a casual dining establishment. My colleague is driving me nuts but there seems to be no recourse for it. UK btw

Let's call my colleague Sarah. Sarah is a salaried worker while most of the others are zero contract but she's technically not above us in any way, just acts like it. Here are some of the things she's done just recently:

-Left me by myself during the lunch rush while another colleague was on a break to manage FOH to go on a half hour smoke break. I was literally having to run from the pass to take out food to diners, back to the till, and making coffees at the same time, with a massive queue. She comes back for ten minutes then disappears somewhere again once the other colleague is back. Smoke breaks aren't a part of her contract

-Leaves 15-20 min early every day but reported me for arriving 5 minutes late

-Reported me for not saying good morning to her happily enough

-Eats off of customers plates BEFORE they go out

-Signs off on things she didn't actually do on the task sheet, but told others to do

She's very two faced, and gossips with everyone about everyone else. And is very friendly with the manager and constantly reporting back to them. Everyone is waiting for her to leave the entire shift since she only ever opens, yet she expects everything to always be perfect when she comes in when there's 10x more things to do on a close than when she opens as we are often busy until the very last minute

Honestly, she is making me dread coming into work, but the spot I'm stuck in at the moment for uni has very few students jobs and I desperately need the money. Is there anything I can do or am I just fucked?


I understand why there are the ones where he didn't kill himself, but the cameras were destroyed, how come no one thought to think he just walked out? This has been bugging me since it happened.

I do think he's dead, but this would be a great conspiracy theory. Why hasn't anyone gone with it?

submitted 13 hours ago by GissaMittJobb@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I'm getting close to the bottom of my backlog on a few podcasts, so I'm looking to get something new in there.

Personally, it's been, in no particular order:

  • If Books Could Kill
  • Darknet Diaries
  • Hard Fork
  • 99% Invisible
  • The War on Cars
  • The Urbanist Agenda
  • The Climate Denier's Playbook
  • Well There's Your Problem

I'm mildly considering getting into Behind the Bastards and It Could Happen Here, but I'm a little bit skeptical on account of how damn much there is to be listened to in their feed.

submitted 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) by appledinosaurcat@beehaw.org to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Please read post for full context; any help or input is appreciated! I disclosed sensitive info to a close female coworker (let's say Ann), who is best friends with the male coworker mentioned (Ned). I'm sure she told him, but then they both seemed to want me to still tell him directly. I did because I believe in doing the right thing, and Ann also was a huge help for something relating to my info, even though I strongly did not want this secret to spread. Ned kept it secret; however, I detest how he started feeling like he had the upper hand and could manipulate me like a puppet to do stupid intern shit for him like repeatedly printing files, including evenings and even attempted to reach me on the weekend by text. I ignored and replied from my work email the next Monday. I could see in his eyes that he had romantic thoughts about me which is largely what made all of this sickening. Ann also went behind my back to tell my private business to one of our other coworkers, who is extremely judgmental and tough on people, and even he did not exploit it - leading us to actually become much closer and respect each other.

What pissed me off the most was when Ned - and Ann - ganged up and tried coercing me into letting him drop me off at home on a Saturday night after I reluctantly made sacrifices in my schedule to meet with them two - choosing to ignore my multiple clear "NO" about the ride as I preferred public transportation. I was having a panic attack in his car while they just relentlessly and repeatedly egged me on, thinking they could break me. They finally let up after going back and forth, and I went home by public transpo.

Ned went to a different team so we didn't talk for months. I then updated everyone in a mass email about my leaving the overall group, and that's when he called. Again, he waited until evening - after work hours - to call me. I instantly feel disgusted as it took me back to that traumatic experience. Why can't he just get the hint and drop it? I did not reach out to him directly to update him, even though it is related to the original sensitive info, because I do not want to talk or encourage anything! I do not want to keep in touch with someone who completely disregarded my preferences and basically nearly kidnapped me. I have no interest in him platonically, romantically, or professionally. Should I call back, text, email from my soon-to-expire work address, email from my personal address, or ignore him? I'm afraid it'll still bug me if I ignore. I also want to be on good terms with Ann (she has some connections where I'm heading to and I fear she'll retaliate), even if she doesn't understand what went wrong and no one has apologized since that incident.

submitted 11 hours ago by small44@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

My pick is /c/albumartporn

submitted 5 hours ago by CraigOhMyEggo@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Asking both questions here. Please don't be too political here, it's a timeless issue and that's the angle I'm asking from.

Especially in an age which no longer is lenient towards it (not that any era did; I'm sure the most ancient of knights did not wish to fall for it), it always surprises me how dogmatically people treat their intuition, as in there are people who will say "that's definitely a guy" or "that's definitely a girl" even though a trip down Google lane will show how easy it is to have "definitely a guy" vibes as a girl or "definitely a girl" vibes as a guy.

My voice over the phone is ambiguous and I was calling customer service for a sport company one day, and half-way through the call, they held their hand on the part of the phone they speak in (poorly, which is why I still heard them) to refer to the "ma'am" on the other side (me), and quick-thinking me imitated the old man from the demonic furby clip saying "I'm a sir", to everyone's laughter. I'm only humorous when it's adequate to get the message across.

I'm not often misgendered by my looks, the last time that happened I was in school wearing pink and a teacher thought I was a girl. And I think I've only misgendered someone once for the same reason.

I thought to ask this seeing people really hammer into people about what gender a friend of mine must be even though it's not the friend's gender. Like, take this picture of the friend for example, what gender comes to your mind looking at that (you can count that as a side question and a "second opinion" question to an earlier one)? What made you say this with certainty?

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by DonBarzini@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I am currently struggling heavily with depression. Which impacts my quality of sleep. Sleep now has never been a talent of mine. So I generally make up for it by napping. I used to absolutely love it. Both the initial and the waking up (feeling well rested). But lately the waking up part is getting more and more difficult. It then feels like someone hung an anchor on my mental health. I am at that point in absolute disarray and so depressed it makes me feel anxious it's so bad.

This may be above lemmy's pay grade but still here goes. Should I stop taking naps? Also I'm thinking of taking antidepressants, anyone here have any experience?

submitted 1 day ago by Oka@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml


There was a music compilation album called "Ultimate Dance" from 2004 that my family listened to. I maintain a YouTube Playlist with all the songs, some were difficult to track down, being that they are all published before 2004, and many are not of English origin.

submitted 2 days ago by lemmylem@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I just got ghosted by the girl I was talking to, I want to find another girl to talk to. This girl and I met at the gym, but I don't want to be the guy that goes to the gym just to meet girls. I mean sure there's the bar and Tinder, but I want a real relationship. I mean, I guess it'll come to me.


My wife and I have just recently had our first child and I'm looking at getting a decent baby monitor (or security camera) setup.

Our place is not very big at all (think a studio with a separate bedroom/bathroom). I was given a cheap security camera to use for now but I want to start planning for when we move into a bigger apartment (security cameras) and a generally better system for monitoring our baby when we are in another room and cannot hear.

Should I invest in a baby monitor now or would it be better to invest in a decent security camera system instead?

I'm based in the EU and am quite tech-savvy so I don't have a problem setting things up myself if it means a better system.

submitted 3 days ago by Ragdoll_X@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 days ago by WeAreAllOne@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 days ago by manucode@infosec.pub to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

feddit.uk, feddit.de, feddit.nl, a different one? Who came up with the name "Feddit" for federated Reddit?

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by lemmylem@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml
submitted 4 days ago by venusaur@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I’m guessing it’s from dry air god me but even with humidifier I always have to blow my nose a bunch of times in the morning. Sometimes my lungs feel tight for a while after waking up. This happen to anybody else? Why does it happen for you?

submitted 4 days ago by NONE_dc@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

My mother's laptop has been running as fast as a turtle on a snail going uphill for a long time now. Everything has been done to it, including formatting it and installing another, less cumbersome OS, but nothing improves. I have an HHD available, I have done some tests and it does work.

Would changing the hard drive do any good?

submitted 4 days ago by tomatol@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

Seriously, been working as a software developer for 9 years now and never passed a single coding test.

The jobs I got were always the ones giving me weekend projects or just no coding test at all.

I have a job opportunity that looks exciting but they sent me this coding test link and I know I'm gonna fail for sure. Any tips aside from the obvious (practicing in advance on leetcode etc)?

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by DonBarzini@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day.

So unless it's like a one time purchase or if the costs are actually that low. What do you think I should do?

Reddit mirrors (lemmy.ml)
submitted 4 days ago by dameoutlaw@lemmy.ml to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I know it’s not popular and I’m typically against it but I was listening to a podcast and it made me think there are absolutely important communities that shouldn’t be on a centralised platform like Reddit. The contents of them are so important that it should be on the Open Social Web. I’m wondering if there is someone or a community that mirrors subreddits as I would love for the contents of these communities to be preserved. Such as Preservation

Subreddit Description r/Archivists News for Archivists in the 21st Century r/GamePreservationists Preserve games r/FilmPreservationists Preserve films r/FilmPreservation for Moving Image Archiving and Preservation r/ComicPreservationists Preserve comics r/MusicPreservationists Preserve music r/datahoarder r/Archiveteam We Are Going to Rescue Your Shit ! r/MediaArchival

Internet Media

Subreddit Description r/lostyoutubevideos r/lostyoutube r/lostyoutubers r/internetarchive r/InternetMysteries r/forgottenwebsites r/oldinternet r/drownedmods r/deletedvideos Inform the people. Reduce censorship.


Subreddit Description r/lostcomics Lost comics r/lostbooks Lost books


Subreddit Description r/lostgame N/A r/lostgames Lost games

Movies and Television

Subreddit Description r/Lost_Films Lost films, Lost Television, Lost media r/lost_film Lost film r/LostTVshows Lost tv shows

Commercials and ads

Subreddit Description r/LostAdsFoundation Lost ads r/LostCommercials Lost commercials

Mystery Based Subreddits

Subreddit Description r/UnresolvedMysteries Unresolved Mysteries r/nonmurdermysteries Non-Murder Mysteries r/InternetMysteries A Hub for the Internet's Dark Side r/mystery Myserty r/MysteryMedia A place to discuss podcasts, YouTube, blogs, books, and videos devoted to mysteries and true crime! r/mysterysearch Mystery Search r/SillyMysteries Silly Mysteries r/sleuths solving problems since 2012 r/rbi Reddit Bureau of Investigation r/UnexplainedPhotos Unidentified and the Unexplaine


Which days do you do laundry, grocery shop, cleaning, other life necessities? Any good planners or LPT YouTube channels for a less chaotic life?

submitted 5 days ago by Marighost@lemm.ee to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

More specifically, are we seeing companies breached due to their (obvious?) security flaws, hackers getting better at what they do, or a combination of both?

What is the future of security for these large companies that we put our trust into that our data is safe?

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