c/solarpunk: Solarpunk

The space to discuss Solarpunk itself and Solarpunk related stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.

Join our chat: Movim or XMPP client.

4,896 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/meta: Meta (slrpnk.net)

Here we can discuss anything about this Lemmy instance/server itself.

Our XMPP support chat: Movim or XMPP client.

Please also refer to our Wiki

549 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/collapse: collapse of the old society

to discuss news and stuff of the old world dying

679 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/food: Food

Everything related to cooking, nutrition and food preservation

622 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/diy: DIY

Share your self-made stuff and half-baked projects here.

Also check out !diy@beehaw.org

There is also a related XMPP chat.

2,543 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/farming: Solarpunk Farming

Farm all the things!

Also see:

908 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/fixing: fixing

Celebrating/talking about repairing stuff, the right to repair stuff, and the intersection of tech and solarpunk ideals.

What does it mean to use what we have, including technology, to try to build a better, more environmentally just world?

560 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/art: art

Wecome to the art community of solarpunk, where we host any and all forms of art related to solarpunk!

Remember to follow the instance rules when interacting, and also:

-Cite the author whenever possible, or state it as unknown when unsure.

-This is an art community, for other aesthetic related things, check out our sister community /c/aesthetic.

-Keep it SFW.

Hope you enjoy your time here! :D

As a last thing, kindly reminder that solarpunk is not just a form of artwork/aesthetic, but also a mindset and a movemet. For more on this, you can check our community /c/solarpunk.

Icon artwork by tk-sketches

Banner artwork by 六七質

552 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/urbanism: Solarpunk Urbanism

A community to discuss solarpunk and other new and alternative urbanisms that seek to break away from our currently ecologically destructive urbanisms.

  • Henri Lefebvre, The Right to the City — In brief, the right to the city is the right to the production of a city. The labor of a worker is the source of most of the value of a commodity that is expropriated by the owner. The worker, therefore, has a right to benefit from that value denied to them. In the same way, the urban citizen produces and reproduces the city through their own daily actions. However, the the city is expropriated from the urbanite by the rich and the state. The right to the city is therefore the right to appropriate the city by and for those who make and remake it.
1,521 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/memes: solarpunk memes

For when you need a laugh!

The definition of a "meme" here is intentionally pretty loose. Images, screenshots, and the like are welcome!

But, keep it lighthearted and/or within our server's ideals.

Posts and comments that are hateful, trolling, inciting, and/or overly negative will be removed at the moderators' discretion.

Please follow all slrpnk.net rules and community guidelines

Have fun!

2,037 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/zerowaste: zerowaste

Discussing ways to reduce waste and build community!

Celebrate thrift as a virtue, talk about creative ways to make do, or show off how you reused something!

1,111 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/selfhosting: Self-hosting

Hosting your own services. Preferably at home and on low-power or shared hardware.

Also check out:

2,518 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/aesthetic: aesthetic

Wecome to the aesthetic community of solarpunk, where everything that reminds you of it has a place, be it visual, audible, fashion or anything else!

Remember to follow the instance rules when interacting, and also:

-Cite the author whenever possible, or state it as unknown when unsure.

-We have a sister community where solarpunk artwork is posted, /c/art, so even though art is also welcome here, keep it in mind when posting.

-Keep it SFW.

Hope you enjoy your time here! :D

As a last thing, kindly reminder that solarpunk is not just a form of artwork/aesthetic, but also a mindset and a movemet. For more on this, you can check our community /c/solarpunk.

Banner and icon courtesy of solinus.

470 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/clothing: clothing
208 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/energy: Green Energy

everything about energy production

1,847 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/technology: Solarpunk technology

Technology for a Solar-Punk future.

Airships and hydroponic farms...

2,030 subscribers, a community founded 2 years ago
c/fiction: Fiction

Solarpunk themed fiction. Books, short stories, movies, games... pretty much anything you can dream of!

459 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/infrapolitics: Infrapolitics

Infrapolitics is to politics what infrared is to light. Its domain encompasses the acts, gestures, and thoughts that are not quite political enough to be perceived as such.

Learn more here:

194 subscribers, a community founded 1 year ago
c/vietnam: Việt Nam

Cộng đồng văn hoá Việt

Đây là nơi để bàn luận về văn hoá, ngôn ngữ, các địa điểm và tất cả những gì khác nữa liên quan tới Việt Nam.

Nội quy

  1. Cư xử lịch sự
  2. Không đăng quảng cáo
  3. Viết tiếng Việt đúng chính tả (có dấu), kể cả trong ngôn ngữ khác

Vietnamese culture community

This is a place for discussing the Vietnamese culture, language, and locations, and anything else related.


  1. Be civil
  2. Don't post advertisements
  3. Spell Vietnamese words correctly (with diacritics)
130 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/vegan: Vegan

A community to discuss anything related to veganism.

649 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/composting: Composting

Anything related to composting, vermicomposting, bokashi, etc.

Ask any question, or show us your black gold or your family of wigglers!

800 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/xmpp: XMPP
249 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/podcasts: Podcasts

A place for all podcast lovers to come together and discuss the medium, find recommendations and talk about podcasts they have created.

575 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/buyitforlife: Buy it for Life

A place to share practical, durable and quality made products that are made to last, with an emphasis on upcycled and sustainable products!


Things that are well-made and durable (even if they won't last a lifetime) are A-Okay!

Unlike that other BIFL place, Home-made and DIY items are encouraged here, as long as some form of instruction is included in the body of the post.

Videos links are not allowed as post titles, but you may use them in a text post.

A limited amount of self-promotion is accepted, IF the item you are selling aligns with this criteria:

  1. The item must be made with sustainable or recycled materials.
  2. If electronic in some way, the item must be open-source.
  3. The item must be user-serviceable (if applicable).
  4. You cannot be a large corporation.
  5. The post must be clearly marked with a [Self Promotion] tag in your title.
3,616 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
c/cdr: Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

CDR is removal of CO2 from the atmosphere - an essential basket of technologies for achieving UN IPCC best outcomes to mitigate climate change. This is a community for discussing advances and issues of CDR.

217 subscribers, a community founded 11 months ago
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1,275 readers
121 users here now

What is Solarpunk?

A SolarPunk Manifesto

Basic Rules:

For any community related question or to just test some function: !meta@slrpnk.net

Try our Photon & Alexandrite frontends.

We also host a lightweight frontend.

All accounts also work with XMPP chat automatically incl. our Movim client.

Learn more about us on our Wiki.

founded 2 years ago