submitted 9 minutes ago by stoi@lemm.ee to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15185181

Official Blog: Ondsel ES 2024.2 released: more assembly tools and UX/UI polish | Ondsel

submitted 13 hours ago by land@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Even though this question has probably been asked countless times in other communities, I still want to know: what tool do you think comes closest to ShareX? I'm particularly interested in features like image capture, video recording, GIF creation, and OCR reading all in one tool for Linux.

Advanced AI agent (github.com)

I've written an AI agent with a full frontent similar to the BingAI with the capability to look up information and access files within the current "context" and a python interpreter for mathematics etc.

If anyone wants to add to the project please do I've been working on this for a couple days so its complete spaggetti code but I'm pretty happy with it as of present.


What I am after is something that I can use to plan out a home project and not have to deal with realigning things manually like if I did in something like libre office calc. (It would be a bonus if I can self host it across a few devices.)

It doesn't seem like any of the recent threads are questions, so apologies if I have missed a rule or FAQ by asking this. (I left reddit in the debacle last year and have only just made an account)

I'd also love it if somebody could point me at any aggregated lists of open source software since I have already picked up some new ones and confirmed my intention to use some that I had heard of.

Thanks in advance!


This is a robust, locally hosted web-based PDF manipulation tool using Docker. It enables you to carry out various operations on PDF files, including splitting, merging, converting, reorganizing, adding images, rotating, compressing, and more. This locally hosted web application has evolved to encompass a comprehensive set of features, addressing all your PDF requirements.

Stirling PDF does not initiate any outbound calls for record-keeping or tracking purposes.

All files and PDFs exist either exclusively on the client side, reside in server memory only during task execution, or temporarily reside in a file solely for the execution of the task. Any file downloaded by the user will have been deleted from the server by that point.


There has been a lot of talk about companies and individuals adopting licenses that aren't OSI opensource to protect themselves from mega-corp leechers. Developers have also been condemned who put donation notices in the command-line or during package installation. Projects with opensource cores and paid extensions have also been targets of vitriol.

So, let's say we wanted to make it possible for the majority of developers to work on software that strictly follows the definition of opensource, which models would be acceptable to make enough money to work on those projects full-time?


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/9289381

Very interesting and understandable explanations of low level architecture and filesystems, namespaces, userspace, kernel functions, drivers etc.

Highly recommend!


Fair-code is not a software license. It describes a software model where software:

  • is generally free to use and can be distributed by anybody
  • has its source code openly available
  • can be extended by anybody in public and private communities
  • is commercially restricted by its authors
submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by vlev@lemmy.world to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Hi all,

I have seen lately that the 'source available' N8N (which is excellent), has starting increasing pricing and restricting what you can get for your pricing.

In time, I can only assume this will get worse. Now, they deserve to get paid, and that's fine, but I had gone in thinking this was open source, but I see now it's not that at all.

This has led me to wonder if there's a true open source / self hosted alternative to N8N out there? Doing a bit of a hunt shows 'source available' alternatives, with a price point, and restrictions. I'm wondering if any team has tackled this in a truly open manner and if there's something out there?

Thanks so much

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Dillo is a fast and small graphical web browser with HTTP, HTTPS and FTP support.

Other protocols like #Gemini #Gopher and #Spartan are available via plugins.

Dillo is on Fediverse : https://fosstodon.org/@dillo

UPDATE, available on Arch Linux now : https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/dillo

submitted 4 days ago by fl42v@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by BrikoX@lemmy.zip to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

This is why people say the open source ecosystem sucks.

it is what it is (lemmy.world)
submitted 3 days ago by vk6flab@lemmy.radio to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Anyone know of any scriptable asynchronous communication tools?

The closest so-far appears to be Kermit. It's been around since CP/M, but apparently there's still no centralised language reference and the syntax predates Perl.


Hi all :)

I'm setting up a small business in the UK, and need some accounting software to keep track of everything, and generate invoices, that sort of thing. I tried Wave a few years ago, and it looks like it does what I need, but is US based and proprietary.


It has the option of linking to your bank account too, and automatically pulling your transactions etc. This is quite important, as I'm trying to get diagnosed with ADHD, and have a terrible memory. I won't remember to manually enter transactions regularly.

Being able to use it on Android and Windows / Linux would be ideal. I can self host it if there are any options that work.

Does anyone have any ideas please?

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

RISC OS Pi also refreshed

For many new users the low cost Raspberry Pi computer is their first inroad into using RISC OS. The ready made SD card image has been refreshed to include:

  • Ovation Pro desktop publishing application courtesy of David Pilling
  • Out of the box WiFi support for those models which have the chip on board (3B, 3A+, 3B+, 4B, 400, Compute Module 4, Zero W and Zero 2W)
  • The full read/write edition of SparkFS, now integrated into the standard distribution across all platforms
  • Updates across the entire collection of applications which were previously bundled on RISC OS Pi
  • The latest version 3.11 of the Open Source web browser NetSurf
  • Toolbox example source code for developers to dig into
  • Improved welcome instructions for those not familiar with RISC OS’ way of doing things
submitted 6 days ago by poVoq to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

We’re no longer using our old ftp, rsync, and git links for distributing OpenSSL. These were great in their day, but it’s time to move on to something better and safer. ftp://ftp.openssl.org and rsync://rsync.openssl.org are not available anymore. As of June 1, 2024, we’re also going to shut down https://ftp.openssl.org and git://git.openssl.org/openssl.git mirrors.

GitHub is becoming the main distributor of the OpenSSL releases.

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