submitted 2 months ago by Five to c/twoxchromosomes
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[-] BustinJiber@lemmy.world 66 points 2 months ago

Decades of wearing band t-shirts and not even once that happened to me (even at a concert). Men don't ask that kind of questions to each other, which means it's only used to antagonise women.

[-] MadBob@feddit.nl 11 points 2 months ago

I don't mean this as a damning counterpoint but I can think of at least one occasion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqK-i6KSY88

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[-] Noel_Skum@sh.itjust.works 55 points 2 months ago

Terrible advice. If men like that really exist in the real world I wouldn’t suggest antagonising them. My advice to anyone is to learn how to say “I’m sorry I don’t speak -native language- “ in a non-native language. So much of my life has been improved and enriched by looking blankly at people and saying: “lo siento, pero no hablo inglés” and walking away…

[-] starchylemming@lemmy.world 33 points 2 months ago

until you run into the rare polyglot bigot

[-] Noel_Skum@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 months ago

It’s ok, ignore them - you won’t understand what they’re shouting at you anyway as they follow you down the street as, remember, no hablas inglés.

[-] Vilian@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 months ago

i never heard about a polyglot bigot, maybe people lertitg other languages open their mind?, or i am biased?

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[-] punkisundead 11 points 2 months ago

I think its great to have a range of options when confronted with a situation like that. If someone wants to antagonize someone for gatekeeping, all power to them and if they want to just get out of the situation with the least amount of trouble, then the same.

Being able to respond to situations in multiple ways instead of just one gives people real autonomy and can feel really empowering.

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[-] Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social 43 points 2 months ago

I just like seeing kids have a connection to my generation. When I pick up my kid from school I see Tupac and Biggie and Nirvana and Sublime shirts and it feels nice. Even if they don't realize I'm literally playing one of their songs through my open window.

(Not a Pac or Biggie song, though. Not in car line at least.)

[-] acastcandream@beehaw.org 25 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It’s why gatekeeping is so fucking stupid. What? You don’t want more people listening to your favorite music or watching your favorite show? You don’t want more people to relate to? Congratulations, mission accomplished!

I loved listening to punk/metal when I was younger but that was definitely a nasty habit I picked up. I don’t know how it is these days, but in the 90s and 2000s there was very much a tendency to call anybody who didn’t pass your arbitrary litmus test a “poser.” Pretty baked into the culture at the time. You had to tear down other people to assert how authentic you were.

[-] GluWu@lemm.ee 14 points 2 months ago

I think the punk scene is one of the most welcoming communities to anyone these days who isn't there to hate or be negative. It's not just 3 piece bands anymore, there's rap and hip hop, electronic, and a lot of small genres that aren't widely accepted so they just join the punk scene. Also those of us who were new in 90s-2000s are now the old heads and don't want to inflict that experience on the new kids.

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[-] ArmoredThirteen@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The punk scene at least in Seattle is very chill and welcoming. I see all kinds of people at the shows nobody gives anyone any shit. I'm usually in workout clothes for practical moshing reasons looking like a fucking suburban mom out for a jog. Nobody's ever said anything to me about my decidedly not punk appearance. I've never heard anyone say poser as anything other than an in joke like calling a friend a poser

I actually brought my mom to a show last year there was maybe 20 people total counting the band members. She's just a sweet old lady everyone thought it was great sharing music and culture with someone very clearly not part of the scene

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[-] livus@kbin.social 13 points 2 months ago

@Semi@kbin.social yeah I love seeing GenZ in 90s clothes and band shirts.

Played the Rebel Rebel video to a Gen Z kid one and they ran out of the room and came back dressed as like Bowie as they could. Gave me warm fuzzies.

[-] rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social 6 points 2 months ago

It could be a great segue into current music, too!

[-] thecrotch@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 months ago

As a guy who was wearing Pink Floyd, Beatles, and Rush shirts in high school in the 90s I relate to these kids

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 34 points 2 months ago

One of the best things about being a middle aged old fuck is not only being able to give those five names plus a dozen others is that I'm no longer enough of an idiot to care if someone is wearing a band as fashion instead of fandom.

Mind you, when it's a band I'm really into, I'm disappointed when it's fashion only, but at least it's a chance to have a good convo about a band. But the fact you don't open up with the bullshit "name five songs" goes a long way. You can just start out not being a douche and mention the band, say they're great/you like them too, and just be two humans doing the thing we do best: talk about nothing important.

Shit, I've made friendly acquaintances by exactly that kind of interaction. See a cool shirt or whatever, strike up a conversation, make it short and friendly without pushing at all, and people remember. The next time you see them, they smile, maybe throw horns \m/ if it's a metal band and that's part of how you brought it up, and now there's two people smiling and waving at each other instead of just grimly looking down and ignoring the world.

Fuck, my favorite cashier at the grocery store was like that. Threw horns, dude looked confused, I explained that the band on his shirt was a metal (ish, depending on how you count Danzig lol) band. He didn't know it was a band shirt, it's just the skull logo with no text.

Now he knows me by name and waves me over to his line when he sees me so we can chat a bit while business happens. Turns out, he likes a couple of the songs on the cd I made for him, so now he is a fan of sorts. Cool fucking kid.

Which is a long winded way of saying to do the golden rule thing and don't be a douche about music.

[-] averagedrunk@lemmy.ml 7 points 2 months ago

I always thought Danzig was pretty much baseline metal in the 90s. His other band was (is? I don't keep up) a few subgenres of punk.

But truthfully I don't try to keep up with how they draw genre lines. I like what I like, and Danzig makes music I like.

I have nothing useful to add to anything you've said and agree with your message.

[-] southsamurai@sh.itjust.works 7 points 2 months ago

That's me too. Danzig is metal by nature, even if every album he ever made wasn't, and I prefer not to gatekeep genres unless it's absurd.

Rock on, my homie :)

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[-] AnarchistArtificer 6 points 2 months ago

"maybe throw horns \m/ "

Man, I love devil horns, it's a great non verbal communicator. I remember seeing someone wearing a t-shirt of one of my favourite bands at an semi fancy event once. I wasn't able to go over and talk to them, so I excitedly waved, pointed at my own t-shirt (which was plain), and then threw devil horns. They understood what I was saying and in that moment, a friendship was formed, although unfortunately we never got the chance to actually talk.

I just love the fact that I was dressed quite unlike I usually do, so didn't have many alt aspects of my appearance, but this one neat hand gesture was sufficient to establish rapport between me and someone cool.

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[-] sharkfucker420@lemmy.ml 27 points 2 months ago

I think I know like 3 women to be fair

[-] Frozengyro@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago
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[-] ABC123itsEASY@lemmy.world 23 points 2 months ago

Would it be so hard to not shame other people for liking a band but maybe not knowing their entire discography, regardless of your or their (perceived) gender?

[-] Alexstarfire@lemmy.world 21 points 2 months ago

I'm not sure I know 5 people I trust outside of family members.

[-] uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 points 2 months ago

Yeah, having sponsored women gamers in the gaming community, but am otherwise a recluse, I know three women who aren't family. Though family also includes wife and stepdaughters.

I strive to be trustworthy, though it's risky to leave fresh baked goods near me unattended for very long. (There have been incidents.) But even when I'm on good terms with wifey friends, I can't say they trust me.

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[-] WhereGrapesMayRule@lemmy.world 15 points 2 months ago

Well fuck. I can only name 3 non family women I trust. Then again I can only name one man that I trust and that's including family. Guess I'm old and jaded.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I imagine this is pretty normal for most men older than college age.

[-] AFC1886VCC@reddthat.com 14 points 2 months ago

When the band is newly formed and has only released a 3 song EP thus far: 😫

[-] lefaucet 14 points 2 months ago

Another fun one would be to put on a furrowed, thoughful brow and slowly count with your fingers, "Go..." " Fuck..." "Yourself..." And either shooing then with your hand or turn away without awaiting a response.

[-] clark@midwest.social 7 points 2 months ago

What coming-of-age movie did you excerpt that line from?

[-] rhythmisaprancer@kbin.social 12 points 2 months ago

I'm disappointed that this still exists, but sexism certainly still does so maybe I shouldn't be. I just took a class today on high conflict personalities; now I'm not sure how great this response would be but yesterday I would have thought it was great. Maybe some questions just don't need a response. I feel mixed.

[-] doctorcrimson@lemmy.today 11 points 2 months ago

A bit nonsequitur isn't it? What's the statement supposed to mean "you wouldn't trust me even if I told you?"

[-] frostysauce@lemmy.world 13 points 2 months ago

It means the guy is a douchebag.

[-] doctorcrimson@lemmy.today 6 points 2 months ago

The advice guy or the rude questions guy? Because I just feel like saying nothing and making confused eyebrow prolonged eye contact would be a bigger own than saying something stupid in response.

[-] Hangglide@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

That should be really easy to do for most men.

[-] Landmammals@lemmy.world 48 points 2 months ago

Yes, but most men wouldn't ask that question.

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[-] RaoulDook@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Yeah obviously since they are strangers, you could just name 5 random traditionally female names.

Sonia Relleno Nancy Spicoli Jennifer Constantine Laura Palmer Edith June

[-] nickwitha_k@lemmy.sdf.org 5 points 2 months ago

... Laura Palmer

Wait a second!

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[-] uriel238@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 points 2 months ago

I have a bad habit of quoting lyrics and expecting everyone to know what I'm talking about.

It's a sea of blank faces.

Also having been trained in design, I think it's appropriate to wear well-designed logos or shirts, even if the product advertised is shoddy.

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this post was submitted on 21 Feb 2024
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