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[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 10 points 7 months ago

Thanks for all you do!

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 1 points 8 months ago

Screenshot this for after work, thanks!

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 4 points 8 months ago

Keep it civil everyone

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 6 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Anyone is welcome to make their own community but this one will stay as is. The propose of using this name was to bring in the people transitioning from Reddit to a familiar community name. You do not have to stay here if you do not like it however, any woman who identifies as a woman is welcome as stated in not one but two stickied posts as well as the header image.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/twoxchromosomes

The official stance of this community is that any woman is a woman. If you identify as a woman, you are a woman and you are welcome here. We will not tolerate anti trans hate.

Also sorry for mod absence, work has been CHAOS.

We are now accepting mod applications! Please fill out the mod application if you'd like a chance to become a new mod here. Due to the nature of this community, please only apply if you identify as a woman.

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 6 points 9 months ago

Yes, it was unusable on my work tablet this week. Just making up weird ass words that make no sense. Division kept becoming driven like 20 times

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 5 points 9 months ago

I notice as a woman my body reacts different to my Adderall depending on my cycle

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 3 points 9 months ago

I legit just bought one yesterday lol

Why is it so hot? (
submitted 9 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns
[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 4 points 9 months ago

To me, it just showed me that I can essentially do whatever I want to make myself happy. Work, not work, hobbies, whatever is right for the moment.

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 3 points 9 months ago

Yes, yes they are

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 7 points 9 months ago

I took 9 months off work (well kinda I did some freelance shit but I mostly got to not work). I did eventually get bored but it took 6 of those 9 months to actually get bored lol. It may have been different if I had enough money to do whatever I wanted but, I had enough to survive.

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 1 points 9 months ago

What have you tried so far?

[-] greatwhitebuffalo41 5 points 9 months ago

I'm actually also using square home. No complaints.

Native Grasses (
submitted 10 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

If you're going to plant grass, make it native to your area, wildlife depends on it.

Graphics rules maker (self.sims2help)
submitted 10 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/

Just wanted to remind everyone that using graphics rules maker (or changing the rules) is a must with the Sims 2! There's so many posts in the original Reddit group about this.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

I've seen 2 new awesome resources pop up in the comments this week (I haven't added them to the list yet my personal life is chaos right now). I'd love to know if you guys have come across any other books, websites, videos etc that you find very useful and informative to add to the list.

Here is the current list of resources.

I'd love to get as many resources as possible outside the US.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

Would love to see lists from all over the world!

Love the Sims 2! (self.sims2)
submitted 11 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/

So happy to see a Sims 2 sub!! I'm really hoping to see r/sims2help migrate over here at some point. Chances this community will include the link they have in their wiki to download the game?

Why native plants? (
submitted 11 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

Here's another link to Wild Ones explaining why to choose native plants over non natives.

What natives do you have growing?

Reddit comments getting reported (self.RedditMigration)

I run a decent sized sub. I've noticed the last few days that all my sticky posts that say where else you can find us are getting mass reported. I usually have like 6 reports a week. I'm getting a report on every post made that gets the sticky all of a sudden. I just took the word "Lemmy" out and we'll see if that changes. Anyone else noticing something similar if you still have an account?

submitted 11 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

Obviously these plans aren't inclusive of the entire US but from what I understand they are working on adding even more garden plans to their list.

This can be beneficial if you live in any of these towns and would like to have a list or a plan for natives in your own yard and your don't know where to begin.

Pleasant Forever Habitat Seed Store (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/nolawns

Just sharing this link since everyone always loves American meadows so much. The only issue I take with them is they sell seed packs that are "native to your area" and some are not.

One of our Reddit mods has said he's had great luck with Pheasant Forever as a US based option who focuses on natives for habitat restoration.

I've never used them personally but I wanted to drop it as a link since I had never heard of them before.

Mead (self.homebrewing)
submitted 11 months ago by greatwhitebuffalo41 to c/

How many of you make mead? I made my last small batch for Thanksgiving and I've just gotten caught up with life and other hobbies and forgot it existed until I saw this community.

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joined 11 months ago