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submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by punkisundead to c/
submitted 3 days ago by punkisundead to c/
[-] punkisundead 5 points 3 days ago

(Wenn mensch denn überhaupt das Recht dazu hat, in Deutschland leben aktuell ca. 20 Millionen Menschen die das nicht haben)

[-] punkisundead 2 points 4 days ago

Hey wrong community. Deleted and repeated offenses will result in a ban

[-] punkisundead 12 points 5 days ago

Hey, if possible, please provide an image description in the post body. <3

Also anyone not OP can reply to this comment with an image description.

While I think the piece and thought behind it are cool and its worth sharing, do you feel this fits a community for "Sweet Graffiti and other acts of wholesome vandalism" and "cute graffiti, stickers, wheatpastes and more"? I think it might be too off topic and maybe a better fit at places like ! or !

[-] punkisundead 1 points 5 days ago

Hey, if possible, please provide an image description in the post body. <3

Also anyone not OP can reply to this comment with an image description.

Also if you feel a piece is wholesome / sweet than keep posting :)

[-] punkisundead 22 points 5 days ago

Ich stimme für Modell 4: Keine Wehrpflicht

submitted 5 days ago by punkisundead to c/
submitted 5 days ago by punkisundead to c/breadtube
submitted 5 days ago by punkisundead to c/
[-] punkisundead 3 points 5 days ago

I get that part, but there is also an element mentioned in the video where its about building structures that are able to dismantle the system sometime in the future. And often enough those structures get more focus than the well being of the individuals that make up those structures.

I also agree that hope is a great motivator, but I think its not wise to rely on only one. Fun and love are rqually powerful as motivation imo.

[-] punkisundead 0 points 5 days ago

Kannst du nicht gegen mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig demonstrieren?

[-] punkisundead 3 points 5 days ago

Disrupt ist ja so eine Gruppe die mehrere Anliegen wir Klima&Umweltschutz, Antikapitalismus, Antifaschismus etc. zusammenbringen will und da passt Tesla schon ziemlich gut. Ein ausbeuterischer, dreckiger Konzern der nem miesen Fascho gehört passt da schon ganz gut. Es ist also nicht so eindimensional wie du schreibst.

[-] punkisundead 2 points 6 days ago

Yes its everyone else and not you. I get it.

[-] punkisundead 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I dont like your assumption of the safety of everyone here. While I agree that most participants are probably not in a super dangerous situation right now, some probably are because you can literally participate here from everywhere in the world if you have an internet connection.

For me "safe(r) space" reads as a call for mindful and careful discussions and I dont understand why you call that out in this aggressive and insensitive way.


non-existent than clothes on the body of Sydney Sweeney.

Just noticed this part of your comment. Like why bring up the way a woman dresses? Its none of your business and reads like you think being upset about her choices. Please stop commenting such things.

submitted 1 week ago by punkisundead to c/
submitted 2 weeks ago by punkisundead to c/zines

cross-posted from:

Scrappy Capy Distro has released the first issue of Harbour, an anarchist literary journal. It has 7 pieces from 6 authors, poets, and artists. You can download it for free online, or get it on paper if you happen to live in Berlin and know the anarchist scene there.

Full Disclosure: one of those authors is me! My story Fair Game is the first prose story in this edition (on page 3 on both versions of the PDF). I'm very excited that they accepted it, especially because that means I can start posting a related comic/art project I’ve been working on in the background for several months.

In the beginning of the journal the editors say this on the subject of fiction:

Traveling to some anarchist book fairs, we noticed that most of the tables were filled with theory and there was very little fiction. This edition, and future ones, is an attempt to remedy this.

Theory is often placed above fiction as more important and serious, but we believe that fiction deserves just as much space. Not all critique of the world has to offer a complete or even partial alternative to the existent, but when we fail to tell a narrative of what possible anarchist futures could look like, it can be very hard to entice others away from the pull of capitalism.

If there ever were some collapse or successful insurrection, ideologies whose ideas were most digestible or had been most widely spread would win out. Following such change, we don’t want things to return to the way they were. We want anarchist ideas to ripple out across the populace, for them to be something easy for others to play with and understand. Stories are one way to do this.

We want to make a space — a space to imagine, a space to vent, where ideas from many different places can come together, a place where we can then leave with these ideas, to pass them on.

A harbour is a place from which to venture out.

I think there's a ton of overlap between that and solarpunk in general, and the ability to show positive, attainable futures, and to demonstrate the lived experience of those better worlds, how they work, is a big part of what draws me to the genre. Hopefully I'll have a more solarpunk story for them in the future.

Speaking of which, if you have a vision of the future you want to share, they're already planning for their Fall 2024 (Issue 2). Submissions will be open from September 1st to 30th:

ZINE || Steal Meat // Be a Kleptitarian (
submitted 3 weeks ago by punkisundead to c/zines

cross-posted from:

you should never purchase meat. but always steal it. kleptitarians steal all their food. when it suits them they steal food that results from harm to animals and the environment such as meat.

PDF for printing

archived link

submitted 3 weeks ago by punkisundead to c/

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Wie ein antifaschistischer Slogan für einen Konflikt in der Berliner Dart-Szene sorgt

Dem Dartverein ADV Zebras droht ein Ausschluss aus dem Berliner Verband. Grund dafür ist ein antifaschistischer Slogan auf den Trikots, der aus Verbandssicht nichts im Sport zu suchen hat. Das wollen die Zebras nicht hinnehmen. Von Lukas Witte

submitted 1 month ago by punkisundead to c/
submitted 1 month ago by punkisundead to c/shoplifting
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by punkisundead to c/

Angefangen hat alles mit und einem heute nichtmehr sichbaren Outcall auf Instagram.

Statt sich aktiv und transparent mit den Vorwürfen auseinanderzusetzen wird von FSF immer noch so getan als wüsste man von nichts, es werden die Vorwürfe kleingeredet oder anwaltlich gegen Social Media Posts vorgegangen.

Seit die Vorwürfe breit öffentlich geteilt wurden haben sich Bandmitglieder verabschiedet und Kollektiv/poltische Gruppen haben die Vorwürfe bestätigt. (Link1 Link2 Link3)

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