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[-] 18 points 15 hours ago

Sure bud... violently cries

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah but I'd rather have something with a journaling system that might make recovery easier. I don't have any issue with temporarily connecting the drive to my pi and then moving the files via sftp (or spinning a vm via hyper-v/wsl). Also I don't have much experience with CoW filesystems like zfs and btrfs and I am scared to mess with them in case I cause data loss by accident. So ext4 it is...

[-] 2 points 1 week ago

I was kidding...

[-] 1 points 1 week ago
[-] 2 points 1 week ago

I use fedora 40 kinoite which uses btrfs but i am not sure i trust it enough for this data. Also forgot to mention in original post that I had some problems when overwriting files in ntfs which caused corruption. Thankfully chkdsk on a windows machine fixed that but I wouldn't like for that to happen again when backing up from a linux machine.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Hello all,

I have recently bought an external 4tb drive for backups and having an image of another 2tb drive (in case it fails). The drives are used for cold storage (backups). I would like a prefference on the filesystem i should format it. From the factory, it comes with ntfs and that is ok but i wonder if it will be better with something like ext4. Being readable directly from windows won't be necessary (although useful) since i could just temporarily turn on ssh on the linux machine (or a local vm) and start copying.

Edit: the reason for this post is also to address an issue i had while backing up to an ntfs drive on linux. I had filesystem corruptions (thankfully fixed by chkdsk on a windows machine) and I would like to avoid that in the future.

Edit2: ok I have decided I will go with ext4. Now I am making the image of the first 2tb drive. Wish me luck!

[-] 18 points 2 weeks ago

Unironically, I kind of find that heartwarming (I haven't watched the related anime, I just like the idea that this character will comfort me that way)

[-] 13 points 3 weeks ago

Ok that isn't in the list of the things I expected for this year.

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

If the message is small (eg. I am going out tomorrow. Wanna come?) like a yes/no answer, then that's ok.

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

I mean of cource you will be sending a message in that case. It is just that I'd preffer you call if you can.

[-] 36 points 3 weeks ago

What if you do it in a ship of theseus type of way. Like, swapping each part of the brain with an electronic one slowly until there is no brain left.

Wonder if that will work.

[-] 30 points 4 weeks ago


[-] 6 points 1 month ago

I personally preffer someone calling me rather than texting. I hate reading and the tone of the voice helps a lot to detect when someone is sarcastic or not. It is also faster. The only bad thing is that you have to specifically record in case soneone says something you need to remember.

submitted 3 months ago by to c/

Hello all! I am looking for suggestions for a new mouse since what I have now is very old and the usb cable is falling apart, messing with the connection and also the mouse3 button is broken. I want it to be durable and at a budget of 20-35€. Do you have any suggestions?

submitted 8 months ago by to c/

I don't feel compeled to play any online game at the moment except if a friend asks me to play with them. Even then, the only part where I am having fun is when some weird shenanigens happen which doesn't happen at all given how sanetized and "ballanced" games are. I just want to see a funny ragdoll fly off one side of the map, or get an op weapon and listen to trash talk by the enemy team as I obliterate them (or the opposite). I want to mess around with other players and try dumb strats with my pals. Not every modern game is that way but they tend to get fewer and fewer as time comes...

submitted 8 months ago by to c/

Άι γουάντ πίπολ μπάκ...


Question is in the title. I want to know the complications, if any. I am interested in running rom hacks and most of them are based on patching the NTSC version of the game...

submitted 8 months ago by to c/

My little brother came up with this meme. A little outdated but it was a chance to show him how to make stuff like that!

submitted 10 months ago by to c/

Every day I feel like the world will colapse. No freedom of expression. Companies want to control each aspect of our lives. This hit me really hard: I want to believe that people will wake up and stand up against this, but it won't happen because of cource fomo will hit and addiction keeps people on board.

I don't want to rely on discord, meta, microsoft and google...

Nobody from the mainstream cares about freedom as long as they get their fix.

Not to mention how the environment suffers from this...

Only God can save us...

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

Linux reached 10% of the desktop operating system market in Greece!

submitted 11 months ago by to c/

Since Payday 2 comming to Epic Games, I've heard many complaints that it doesn't work under proton and they discontinued the linux build. I am installing it to try it once again after a long time... Anyone got any heads up about the situation?

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joined 11 months ago