No, that divide isn't political. Its about utilitarianism.
The side you are opposed to cares more about getting many people "good enough" privacy, than getting the best possible privacy for a few while alienating most other people.
No, that divide isn't political. Its about utilitarianism.
The side you are opposed to cares more about getting many people "good enough" privacy, than getting the best possible privacy for a few while alienating most other people.
Ist warscheinlich die am wenigsten schlechte Option. Die CDU kann einige ihrere derzeitigen populistischen Forderungen wieder einpacken, die Grünen können ein bisschen realo-öko machen und sind danach hoffentlich als Partei am ende, und die SPD kann in der Opposition mal ihre ganzen Personalaltlasten in die Rente schicken.
I ran it some years ago, and over all it wasn't bad.
The UI is a bit old fashioned and some of the built in plugins seem pretty useless, but the webdav/carddav/caldav integration is nice.
Nomadic identity also works fine, but if you are selfhosting it there will be probably not much use for it.
I am working on a customized fosspay fork that also has OpenCollective integration. Might be an option, but right now the extra fees that causes would be really only worth it if there are many people from the US that would really like those donation certificates.
Due to checksum based auto-correction ZFS and btrfs (in raid1) are actually less sensitive to data-corruption due to non-ECC ram.
To utilize power that is otherwise wasted? The water can still be used in the garden etc. Also if there is a power cut the water often keeps running, so you could use this to charge a small battery or a phone.
Fairerweise muss man sagen das durch die Covid-19 bedingten Reise- und Kontaktbeschränkungen grade auch in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit sehr viel kaputtgegangen ist. Das es dadurch einen gewissen Blindflug in den letzten Jahren gegeben hat wundert mich wenig.
"Any thoughts" is a bit broad. Look up which of your national parties is a member of this group and it usually gives you a better idea.
If you had read the article it would be clear that both of these were the result of bureocratic red tape, but I guess that is too much to ask from some people here 🙄
Thanks. Seems like bureocratic red tape killed the idea then... not surprised.
I can speculate myself 😅 But I was interested in the actual reason, as delivering packages to specific postal lockers would work very well if those lockers are placed near the tram stations, which they often are.
Dunno, realisticly speaking it is a slightly cheaper 7600, hardly a market shake-up.