Hi all,

Quiblr now has personalized post feeds for Lemmy!

I haven't seen a "recommended feed" feature anywhere else in the fediverse but I thought I would take a crack at building it!

My goal was to make a privacy-focused recommendation engine that tailors your experience based on the content you interact with. None of the data leaves your device. You don't even need to log in for it to work

  • You can turn it off or tune your feed in the settings
  • Each post now also includes a show me more/less button

I would LOVE feedback from folks if you get a chance to try it out!

This was really fun to build so let me know if there are any questions!

PS: Let me know if someone else has built this feature for the fediverse - then I will change the title to not claim "the first" lol

submitted 17 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago) by MrSoup@lemmy.zip to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I've introduced two of my friends (not into tech) to Lemmy. Since they're not into tech this is their first web forum.

I've explained the federation thru the usual email metaphore and that's ok, but to lookup for communities is not quite there on client side.

Let me explain.
He wanted to see all the communities on an instance because that instance is in his native language but he's registered on another instance. So to see all those communities you must go on instance.domain/communities, copy the name of the community you are interessed in and paste it inside the app/web client to look it up.

And to see all the communities all over the fediverse you must use lemmyverse.net which is a cool site, but still you got to copy paste back and forth to the app.

This could be implementend inside app itself by listing all communities and add ability to filter by things like instance.

Obviously open to discussion about the issue itself and how that could be improved.

Feel free to tag apps/clients devs to ear their opinion too.

submitted 18 hours ago by Pacrat173@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

A year ago today I made my Lemmy account

I now have a Mastodon, a Pixelfed, a bookwyrm, and a Peertube account. I switched off of most google services to privacy respecting ones. A week ago I bought a laptop to run Linux mint on.

And I couldn’t be happier here’s to another year of the Fediverse!



Some are calling Loops (https://pixelfed.social/loops) the FediTok (Federated TikTok). What's your personal stance on this?

  1. General use
  2. Gaming
  3. Retro gaming
  4. Books
  5. Art
  6. Animation
  7. Food
  8. Cooking
  9. Steam gaming
  10. Sega gaming
  11. History
  12. Languages


Sorry, I'm not sure if this is the right community, but I wasn't able to find a Pixelfed community on Lemmy.

I've recently started to use Pixelfed, and I've been loving it so far. However, I can't seem to find any cool profiles to follow. Most of the content that shows up for me on my "Discover" tab doesn't really interest me.

Most pictures on said tab are nature photography - don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome that photographers are posting their work on Pixelfed, but that's not really what interests me.

What profiles would you guys recommend?


Woo-hoo today's my cake-day on Lemmy.world.. actually I'm the first here but many will follow the next days. Happy cake day to you all!


I'm having to register to Lemmy directly now, when I'm used to posting from KBin's instance. But now the errors is getting so bothersome that I can't even surf around currently on it. The 50x error comes up after everytime I post somewhere, like make a thread.

The current admin is dealing with issues at the moment and can't always be there, which is unfortunate because it sets up KBin and it's magazines to be contaminated with bots, spam and other problems.


Well, so as the thing says, I've updated the software a lot, comissioned an artist for a logo and now is not a hell to install.


Any topic!


For the past few years, I've been running a tech blog focused on the Fediverse. It's evolving into a bonfide news organization.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by ekZepp@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world


  • Celebrating the 16th birthday of the fediverse

  • The European Commission sets up a new fediverse instance

  • bridge between the fediverse and Bluesky has been used to spam Bluesky with pro-Trump messaging

  • Three new products for the ATmosphere by Japanese developers: Video platform Bluemotion, Blogging with WhiteWind, and audio spaces with Bluecast.

  • Fediverse share button - https://stefanbohacek.com/project/fediverse-sharing-button/


EPISODE 70 - https://fediversereport.com/last-week-in-fediverse-ep-70/

submitted 1 week ago by mox@lemmy.sdf.org to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/fediverse@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ekZepp@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

The Verge and 404 Media are building out new functions that would allow them to distribute posts on their sites and on federated platforms – like Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky – at the same time. Replies to those posts on those platforms become comments on their sites.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by supersquirrel@sopuli.xyz to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

In the end I don’t think internet users in rich powerful countries are the users most likely to benefit and invest their time into in the fediverse. They might be the ones with the most free time, money and privilege around computers which makes being on the leading edge of niche technologies far easier, but I don’t think using the fediverse vs commercial social media is thattt crucial of a difference for most (add a million qualifiers here except if you are black, queer, trans etc… I am talking in relative terms here) livimg inside the borders of colonial powers like the US, France, Germany etc..

Speaking as a hetero white dude who grew up with a decent amount of privilege the fediverse isn’t for the countless versions of me living within the borders of colonial powers…

It might have been programmers living within the borders of colonial powers that did most of the labor to create the fediverse, and most of the early users might have come from within colonial powers but I think it is important to recognize that the gift that the fediverse represents to the world is the capacity to empower people living outside the borders of colonial powers to own and run their own social networks instead of having some random Facebook employee who doesn’t have the time or basic knowledge of a country to make major decisions about what news accounts to moderate as dangerous spam and what to allow.

From a 30,000 foot view, speaking in broad terms and specific values and priorities, what do you think are the best strategies for flipping the script on the fediverse being mostly a tool used by people within the borders of colonial powers to one used by without and within?

I wonder about the capacities of fediverse software being useful as a compliment to HOT open street mapping type initiatives in the wake of disasters and just in general?

(Are server costs just generally cheaper/easier in colonial countries to run or is it purely a money and time thing? I don’t really know)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by MrCenny@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Vivaldi (the web browser) is hosting a community talk together with AllThingsTech about "Why does being on the Fediverse matter to us?". You can listen along to it via. https://audon.space/u/@Vivaldi@social.vivaldi.net.

They start on the 25th of May, 13:00 EDT / 17:00 UTC.

Deleted (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Josselin@lemmy.world to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I made the choice to migrate from Reddit to Lemmy because the R had become a disaster. I'm getting more and more interested in Peertube because I don't like it when a company like YouTube isn't independent but linked to big G. But why Mastodon? Why would people want to migrate to Mastodon where the whole point is to chat with people, except there's no one there?

I mean, to me, Mastodon is like a huge Discord server. Did you really take the step to be fully integrated into Fedivers, because X poses problems in terms of privacy, or simply because you want to support free and open source software? I wanted to know your opinion on this for the people on Mastodon.


FediVision is an annual music competition in the spirit of Eurovision. This year probably had the biggest turnout ever: 72 entries from a variety of artists and musicians, and you can listen to all of them!


We dug into Mastodon's new US-based non-profit entity, and checked out who their board members are, and what they've accomplished in the past.


Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it.

These days, there is certainly a lot of hype and nonsense about artificial intelligence and the ways that it can impact all kinds of industries and businesses. Last week at Google IO, Google made it clear that they’re moving forward with what it calls “AI overviews,” in which Google’s own Gemini AI tech will try to generate answers at the top of search pages.


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A community to talk about the Fediverse and all it's related services using ActivityPub (Mastodon, Lemmy, KBin, etc).

If you wanted to get help with moderating your own community then head over to !moderators@lemmy.world!


Learn more at these websites: Join The Fediverse Wiki, Fediverse.info, Wikipedia Page, The Federation Info (Stats), FediDB (Stats), Sub Rehab (Reddit Migration), Search Lemmy

founded 1 year ago