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submitted 2 days ago by to c/
submitted 2 days ago by to c/
submitted 3 days ago by to c/
submitted 4 days ago by to c/
submitted 4 days ago by to c/
submitted 4 days ago by to c/
[-] 2 points 5 days ago

this article is a byproduct of some delightful media news (Grist acquiring the long-shuttered The Counter and reviving it as a column), incidentally

submitted 5 days ago by to c/
submitted 5 days ago by to c/
submitted 5 days ago by to c/
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/
submitted 5 days ago by to c/
[-] 30 points 6 days ago

Obviously, my point is that beehaw admins should accept that they made a mistake and refederate with I would also recommend upgrading to the latest version of Lemmy, because it at least gives users the option of instance blocking. I understand that you intend to move to Sublinks or another platform in the future, but in the meantime you are neglecting your users by allowing the current implementation on Lemmy to languish.

unless we're compelled to, it is exceedingly unlikely we will upgrade. we are fully committed to moving off the platform so it just makes no sense to prioritize Lemmy updates.

with respect to refederation: we already polled that with both SJW and LW months ago and were given a very definitive no, do not refederate from our userbase. only 11% and 17% of our users were in favor of refederation respectively, and majorities were fine with continued defederation from both. our defederation policy was also strongly supported. (i believe this is the first time these numbers have been posted because they were so definitively in favor of the status quo.)

At the time that they defederated SJW, Beehaw was more that 3 times larger, at about 12k total/3k monthly users. Now, SJW is more than 5 times larger than Beehaw, which has dwindled to just 450 monthly users.

we're not and have never been in this for numbers so this is immaterial to us--we've been quite public that we'd be fine having a community of a few dozen people, because that's what we were before the Reddit fiasco. in any case: please understand that we are not responsible for the health of the Lemmy ecosystem. and even if we were (which we reject categorically) we have definitively been told to leave the platform because of our disagreements with the Lemmy developers. bettering this platform is no longer a priority for us in any way--and it is the general opinion of the team that we wasted a lot of time prioritizing that given the developer antipathy toward us. you can read more on that here if you'd like.

[-] 12 points 1 month ago

if it can happen in the South, it can happen in your workplace too! you should start a union--and if you need help to that end, reach out to the AFL-CIO or, if you would prefer a more radical alternative, EWOC

[-] 14 points 1 month ago

this is actually quite cute, i think.

[-] 21 points 1 month ago

i don't think "adding race-specific stripes to a pride flag" is a bad thing, is "treating people differently based on skin tone" except in the most cringeworthy, pedantic, I See No Color way possible, or is "racist"—and i think that if you believe these things you probably will not be allowed to partake in discussions like this on our instance after today

[-] 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

So a pride flag that is clearly textbook racist is good and arguing against it and the people that say its better because of the racism is not allowed here

when you call them racist and imply they're segregationist for having their preference, yes, that is not allowed. that's needlessly aggressive and needlessly sectarian—and speaking personally, "having a preference for more stripes on a flag that represent marginalized communities is racist and like segregation" is just such an overstatement of the point (that i otherwise agree with, for the record—i am not a fan of the progress flag) being made that it verges into being unserious.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

this is not news and it's not US news; don't make a post like this in this section

[-] 17 points 1 month ago

also in Israel news today is this--the probable shutting down of Al Jazeera's operations there. Netanyahu says he'll act swiftly to request the outlet be banned under this new law

[-] 12 points 1 month ago

the strategy here appears to be that Israel is trying to bait Hezbollah into attacking them, which is a very sane strategy and not at all completely psychotic

[-] 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Otherwise you could claim a crossdresser were trans or people who claimed they were “attack helicopters” would have to be accepted as trans because there would literally be no argument you could make against it.

this just sounds like a skill issue on your part, i'm sorry--this is not an issue if you have a postmodernist understanding of gender, which most trans people (myself included) subscribe to.

at the end of the day when you drill down? there really is not a material difference between the "real" and "fake" genders--gender is entirely socially constructed, and the designations of "male" and "female" that most people fall into are as arbitrary as any xenogender (real or frivolously created by right-wingers). you only "lose" by entertaining frivolous designations if your understanding of gender is already so narrow that you can't conceptually accommodate anything beyond a handful of stock gender identities to begin with.

[-] 17 points 1 month ago

yeah the difficulty here really is: even if we wanted to stick around (i think the consensus is not especially) and even if we did get the mod tools we think are needed (no reason to believe this will happen), the bridge here is burned pretty definitively. i don't personally see the sense in sticking around on a place where the people stewarding the software have an actively adversarial relationship with us

[-] 16 points 1 month ago

anything of importance is generally going to be mirrored on the Docs page, so for example: Beehaw, Lemmy, and A Vision of the Fediverse

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