Here are links to the website, GitHub, and Wikipedia pages.

The article I linked is a couple years old but I did a quick search of the community and it doesn't seem to have been mentioned here. Hopefully you find it as neat as I did.

There's also a couple YouTube videos covering it if you have some time to kill.

RainbowSnakeOS (palma3000.itch.io)

A 512 byte OS and snake video game written in 16-bit x86 assembly language (FASM). It can be run from boot sector and MS DOS as .com application.


Fedora 40's Changeset

It's mostly minor changes, but the most noticable one for me was that Gnome 46 now has expandable notifications, no extensions needed. (Making it impossible to read the full notification text was one of the design choices of all time.)

submitted 2 months ago by ylai@lemmy.ml to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/9979951

Monday, February 12, 2024
Ribbon and Ron Williams write:

As Redox functionality becomes more complete, we have been working hard to get a wide variety of software working.

This post will cover our porting strategy for Linux/BSD programs.

We have ported the following games and emulators:

PrBoom (Doom engine)
Space Cadet Pinball
and others.

Porting is a major part of the Redox development effort. We are using porting as a way to prioritize and validate Redox functionality.

Currently dozens of programs and many more libraries work. Our initial focus has been on porting Rust programs, but we also recognize the importance of supporting programs written in other languages.

In last year Ribbon began the porting of more than 1000 programs and libraries to Redox! They are still work-in-progress and many require customized cross-compilation scripts or improved library support. You can see them here.

With our recent change to a Linux-compatible path format, we have removed a major hurdle to supporting Linux applications. In the future we plan to expand our POSIX support, port more Rust crates and continue to improve Relibc.

Some thought is being given to virtual machines and Wine as possible mechanisms for running proprietary binaries and possibly even proprietary drivers. However, there are no specific plans for that capability at this time.

Read Porting Strategy - Redox - Your Next(Gen) OS

TIL about KDE @ KDE Social (lemmy.kde.social)

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/8098358

KDE set up their own Lemmy instance and has an active KDE community [relative link]

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by brie@beehaw.org to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

For example, things you do often but not often enough to make a muscle memory? On Linux systems with Bash, I just use bash aliases. If I do it more than once, It gets an alias or a script; cause I won't remember next time. Example of my current desktop aliases :

alias fuck='sudo $(history -p \!\!)'
alias hstat='curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '\''%{http_code}\n'\'''
alias ls='ls -la --color=auto'
alias pwgen='< /dev/urandom tr -dc "_A-Z-a-z-0-9\#\+=\$" | head -c${1:-15};echo;'
alias rsync='rsync -ah --info=progress2'

And in my bashrc I have the following settings and functions which come in handy when heads down in the terminal:

# append to the history file, don't overwrite it
shopt -s histappend

# for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)

function stopwatch() {
    local BEGIN=$(date +%s)
    echo Starting Stopwatch...

    while true; do
        local NOW=$(date +%s)
        local DIFF=$(($NOW - $BEGIN))
        local MINS=$(($DIFF / 60))
        local SECS=$(($DIFF % 60))
        local HOURS=$(($DIFF / 3600))
        local DAYS=$(($DIFF / 86400))

        printf "\r%3d Days, %02d:%02d:%02d" $DAYS $HOURS $MINS $SECS
        sleep 0.5

function md() {
  pandoc "$1" | lynx -stdin;

function weather() {
  ( IFS=+; curl wttr.in/$(curl -s http://ipwho.is/ | jq .postal););

So what do you do to remember or recall your most used commands?


I rebased my Silverblue install yesterday. The most notable change in my opinion is the tweaks to the UI and theming of Gnome 45.



Linux 6.5 has many great features from the AMD P-State EPP driver default rather than ACPI CPUFreq for Zen 2 and newer supported AMD Ryzen systems, initial USB4 v2 enablement, initial MIDI 2.0 kernel driver work, more Intel hybrid CPU tuning, and a whole lot more.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by CorrodedCranium@leminal.space to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

I am aware of the Linux subsystem and projects like Linspire and ReactOS that attempt to either better compatibility between the two OSs or replicate the other but I was wondering if Microsoft were to open source the entirety of Windows what the ramifications on the Linux community would be.

Would WINE and Proton's development rapidly accelerate? Would they be necessary?

Would Windows tools like their file explorer become dominant over others in the Linux space?

Would things like NTFS be installed by default in most distros? exFAT also seemed to be (or was) in a weird legal position.

Do you think a lot of people and businesses would jump on a chimera distro that was half and half?

Bit of a weird question I know but I wouldn't even know how to word it for a web search. I could also be missing a lot due to my knowledge level on licenses and compatibility projects.

It doesn't have to be Linux specific either. If you wanted to mention how it would affect BSD or other OSs I'd be interested to hear about that as well.


Long story short, I was arrested for disorderly conduct and "resisting arrest." The police took my phone and arrested me when I told them I was recording. They took me in a car, and we waited for about 15 minutes, then they brought my phone back. When I got out of jail, the recording only went up to a few seconds before a key moment and then ended before the time the police arrived.

Under file properties, the time 'edited' does add up to the length of the recording after another short recording had stopped. I started and stopped recording, and the started again shortly afterward. If you trim the end of a video, does it also change the time it was edited?

The Trash folder on my phone was empty, I have never emptied this folder, perhaps I've never deleted anything in 1.5 yrs? I still have 40 gb left in storage.

One of three things happened:

  1. I bumped the phone, and it stopped recording, I wasn't looking at the screen at all and was just holding it against my chest.
  2. My phone overheated and stopped recording. It is a pixel 5a 5g, it has overheated on me from just sitting in the sun, so I can see it overheating while recording, it was very hot out at the time.
  3. The police officer trimmed the video down and then emptied my trash folder to make it harder to recover.

I've tried several different apps and haven't been able to recover anything relevant, only old files that I deleted (Again, I don't remember ever emptying my trash folder)

All the options for copying a full disk image require root, which requires unlocking the bootloader, which requires wiping the entire phone. I might still be able to recover data that way, but who knows.

I'm almost willing to have it sent off to have the data pulled from the physical storage inside the device if I have to.

I feel like I'm going crazy, it would really help to have the rest of the video since it does show someone threatening my life with a weapon.

I already explained this to my attorney. If the police claim they watched the video on my phone, they are lying since my phone would have been locked by the time they got there if it wasn't recording, right?


Debian release code names are derived from the names of characters in the movie Toy Story. This post lists Debian releases accompanied by images of their corresponding Toy Story characters.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by SkepticElliptic@beehaw.org to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

Ok, I know this is outside of the norm for this page, I don't really care.

Backstory: I buy things from estate auctions on hi-bid. Nobody else bid on this so I got it for the minimum bid, $2.50 USD.

It was missing the hdd, and it was in a filthy barn.

Side note: auctions are generally "as-is, where is" that means you pick these items up at the location of the estate, they usually pull things out and organize them, but they don't clean them or anything usually.

I have an extra IDE HDD, so I threw that in and tried to install Windows XP. I got errors halfway through saying "setup cannot copy the file:"

Then I got it to go all the way through, but it won't boot.

Then I got a system error that the HDD is not present.

I tried an IDE adapted SSD, still not recognized.

Then I got the HDD recognized again.

I figured I would check the ram: 1x 256MB. I threw in 2x512MB, that's a neat trick.

I also swapped out the cd drive since it was having a hard time opening up anyway.

Now I'm back to, "setup cannot copy the file:"

Maybe a bad CD burn? Idk, it's been awhile since I've done this.


If you're looking for what might well be the most polished and user-friendly Linux distribution on the market, Zorin OS has a new release for you that covers all the bases.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by d3Xt3r@beehaw.org to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

Nitrux uses OpenRC instead of systemd, unlike most mainstream distros. It also features the Liquorix kernel, described as "an enthusiast Linux kernel designed for uncompromised responsiveness in interactive systems, enabling low latency in A/V production, and reduced frame time deviations in games."

New in this release is kboot, a utility to switch kernels on-the-fly without needing a reboot, and VMetal, which allows users to run Windows in parallel to Nitrux to provide users of access to Windows software.


I have a laptop with obsolete, licensed diagnostic software that I use on old equipment still in service. I've kept it alive longer than it should have been, but it's only a matter time before a disk or mobo failure puts me in a bad spot.

I'd like to make a clone of the current OS (Windows 10) as-is that could be run in VirtualBox or some other VM as a backup. Is it as simple as making a disk image with DD and then loading that up in VirtualBox? I'm sure it's not, but what am I overlooking? Or what other software would be better to use?

I'm fairly computer literate, but a mechanic by trade; So, not an expert.

Thanks for any help.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by bbbhltz@beehaw.org to c/operating_systems@beehaw.org

*or distribution

Having been a (GNU-)Linux user since 2006 (desktop only), I have done what many Linux users have also done: hop around from one thing to another.

That all stopped a few years ago when I decided that I would just stick with Debian. I was happy and comfortable. It worked. I used Stable, Testing, Unstable... no issues.

That is until about 4 months ago I was cleaning and found an older laptop and decided to try something different on it: Alpine Linux.

I even wrote about it on my blog. It was such a nice installation and process that I decided to put it on my main personal laptop.

Since April I have been using Alpine and I must say I am pleased. Differences from one Linux to the next aren't much to write about. With Alpine however, I finally experienced another part of Linux that I hadn't had the opportunity to enjoy: the community.

Package requesting? Easy. Asking for help? No shame. Patience and help provided? Excellent.

None of those comments are to disparage other OS communities. It is simply that I had only ever used popular distros (Debian- and Arch-based) so I never needed to ask for help. Either way, I am still using Alpine.

So, just to repeat the titular question: what have you tried out this year? What are your impressions?


I got this Chinese brand tablet pc and I'm positively surprised by it. Its a Dere T30 pro for those who are interested. I've been a Linux user for 20 years now so windows 11 is kinda new to me but I don't think I like it in the long run. I'm going to try to get Linux running on my tablet. So...What os or dm is best to use with a touchscreen?

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