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[-] ProdigalFrog 36 points 1 week ago

There's a great ms paint alternative from KDE called Kolour Paint, which you can grab from the software center.

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submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by ProdigalFrog to c/
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submitted 2 weeks ago by ProdigalFrog to c/solarpunk
submitted 2 weeks ago by ProdigalFrog to c/fixing

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Kobo and iFixit partner for OEM parts and repair guides

submitted 2 weeks ago by ProdigalFrog to c/technology
The Spectrum Show EP140 (
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submitted 2 weeks ago by ProdigalFrog to c/
[-] ProdigalFrog 35 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The LiMux project in Germany had some shady stuff going on in the background. Microsoft almost certainly bribed the new conservative government to switch everything back to Windows. There was a great documentary about it from DW that interviewed some whistleblowers, but I can no longer find it. However, Quidsup on Youtube did a good video encapsulating the course of events.

EDIT: I was able to find the documentary by searching the old title in German, which brought up the original German version, and from there found the English translation!

[-] ProdigalFrog 36 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Hell yeah Linux Mint Debian Edition

[-] ProdigalFrog 41 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)
[-] ProdigalFrog 35 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

That feeling between when you decide to lay down for a nap and actually falling asleep. When there's nothing on your mind, and you get your blankets just right, It's like coziness cranked to 11. One of my favorite sensations.

[-] ProdigalFrog 31 points 2 months ago

I've seen you all around lemmy, and always enjoyed your takes on things. It's crazy to learn that you've been going through all that all the while. I hope things get better for you, man!

[-] ProdigalFrog 35 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Well, I mean... of course, yeah? They're a private a corporation, they want to make a profit on anything they do. But the idea is the Steamdeck with Linux on it is worthless if it doesn't play games, hence why so much money was poured into Proton to make the Steamdeck a desirable and profitable object.

Saying it's not a good handheld because it will become outdated is like saying every laptop in existence is bad because it will eventually become outdated. You sacrifice upgradeability for portability.

[-] ProdigalFrog 30 points 5 months ago

Love the idea of this. I believe slowly building up these alternative, open-source and decentralized platforms will be pay off long term as the centralized platforms bloat and die via enshittification.

[-] ProdigalFrog 33 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Looking into it; depending on how much time you contribute, you apparently would share in the profit of the store.

It also appears to be taking steps to prevent drop shippers from plaguing the platform like Etsy suffers from, and ensure everything is actually handmade. Personally I like what they're going for, but I'm not a seller.

[-] ProdigalFrog 31 points 6 months ago

Quite glad to see Mint looking forward, good on them.

[-] ProdigalFrog 34 points 8 months ago

The Godot developers created a new business entity that will facilitate porting games to closed platforms.

[-] ProdigalFrog 39 points 9 months ago

Bernie Sanders is pretty spotless if you look at the history of his career. He's consistently stood up and voted for the little guy.

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