Feels Good Man (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

I'm not affiliated with DBZer0 beyond being an active member, but today I decided it was time to do my part and donate. We all benefit from this place. We all have a haven to share our knowledge and shitposts. If you're reading this, I'm talking to you. Socialism begins at home.

We are seeing IP hawks do more and more to shut down our piracy sites, streaming sites, and even the places we come to just talk about these things. Our safe spaces are made possible by a handful of generous people who spend their money, time, and brainpower to create places where we can come together. They don't have to stand alone. We can have their backs.

You can donate to DBZer0 at the following link, or by clicking the pirate themed coffee mug in the sidebar: https://ko-fi.com/db0

My donation has given me a sense of pride and community. I'll be doing this every month until the wheels fall off. I know some of you will see this and hear the call--now's the time. We owe it to each other.

"We must hang together or surely we shall hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by alsaaas@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/leftymemes@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hello everyone!

First of all, I'm glad to see the growth of this community. Thanks to everyone posting/commenting/voting here! The increase of subscribers as well as posts, however, warrants a clarification/addendum to the contribution rules:

Only post socialist memes That refers to funny image macros and means that generally videos and screenshots are not allowed. Exceptions include explicitly humorous and short videos, as well as (social media) screenshots depicting a funny situation, joke or joke picture relating to socialist movements, theory, societal issues, or political opponents. (e.g. the classic case of humorous Tumblr or Twitter posts/threads)

this will be added to the sidebar as rule 0.

For more serious contributions and discussion, there is always:


I also want to appeal to you to report posts/comments that you think violate the rules. This does not mean, however, that you should report contributions that you simply dislike or think are not of high enough quality. The downvote button exists for filtering like that (so please use it, as well as the upvote button when you see good contributions!).

submitted 21 hours ago by Val@lemm.ee to c/leftymemes@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Transcription: White text on black background with the anarchist logo at the top reading "True freedom begins when everyone starts listening to everyone else". At the bottom left corner is a signature "ee/u/val".

Dots connected (lemmy.world)
Interesting (jlai.lu)

This should disambiguate between Jan 6 and generic “fed up”, right?

Education (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 3 days ago by Val@lemm.ee to c/leftymemes@lemmy.dbzer0.com
Every American President (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/leftymemes@lemmy.dbzer0.com
Double Standards (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Another World is Possible (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Another classic (kolektiva.social)
Drug sniffing cats (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Skill (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to c/leftymemes@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Ever seen someone doing their "unskilled job" all their life? It's just fucking magic!

The truth is that capitalists hate skilled workers, because those workers have bargaining power. This is why they love the sort of automation which completely removes workers or thought from the equation, even if the ultimate solution is multiple times more expensive or less competent than before.

Nothing is more infuriating to a boss, than a worker that can talk back with experience.

Growth as an end (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

source: unknown

It's a simple law (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

Remember, if you aren't buying anything, the police can legally beat the shit out of you. It's called loitering, don't you understand?


It's voluntary though (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
Best Monty Python skit (lemmy.dbzer0.com)

What I love most about this scene is that it represented anarchists fairly decently. Yes they're a bit silly but so is the whole film. However they didn't equate them with random chaos or Anomie.

However they accurately deconstruct the farce of the monarchy and why it makes no sense that it has power over them, which most everyone can understand. However if one were to replace the King with the State or Capitalists, suddenly the liberals would treat the anarchists as inane.

Break all the rules (substackcdn.com)
Inb4 "oxymoron" (lemmy.dbzer0.com)
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Lefty Memes

3487 readers
566 users here now

An international (English speaking) socialist Lemmy community free of the "ML" influence of instances like lemmy.ml and lemmygrad. This is a place for undogmatic shitposting and memes from a progressive, anti-capitalist and truly anti-imperialist perspective, regardless of specific ideology.

Serious posts, news, and discussion go in c/Socialism.

If you are new to socialism, you can ask questions and find resources over on c/Socialism101.

Please don't forget to help keep this community clean by reporting rule violations, upvoting good contributions and downvoting those of low-quality!


0. Only post socialist memes That refers to funny image macros and means that generally videos and screenshots are not allowed. Exceptions include explicitly humorous and short videos, as well as (social media) screenshots depicting a funny situation, joke, or joke picture relating to socialist movements, theory, societal issues, or political opponents. Examples would be the classic case of humorous Tumblr or Twitter posts/threads. (and no, agitprop text does not count as a meme)

1. Socialist Unity in the form of mutual respect and good faith interactions is enforced here Try to keep an open mind, other schools of thought may offer points of view and analyses you haven't considered yet. Also: This is not a place for the Idealism vs. Materialism or rather Anarchism vs. Marxism debate(s), for that please visit c/AnarchismVsMarxism.

2. Anti-Imperialism means recognizing capitalist states like Russia and China as such, as well as condemning (their) imperialism, even if it is of the "anti-USA" flavor.

3. No liberalism, (right-wing) revisionism or reactionaries. That includes so called: Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Dengism, Market Socialism, Patriotic Socialism, National Bolshevism, Anarcho-Capitalism etc. . Anti-Socialist people and content have no place here, as well as the variety of "Marxist"-"Leninists" seen on lemmygrad and more specifically GenZedong (actual ML's are welcome as long as they agree to the rules and don't just copy paste/larp about stuff from a hundred years ago).

4. No Bigotry. The only dangerous minority is the rich.

5. Don't demonize previous and current socialist experiments or (leading) individuals. We must constructively learn from their mistakes, while acknowledging their achievements and recognizing when they have strayed away from socialist principles.

6. Don't idolize/glorify previous and current socialist experiments or (leading) individuals. Notable achievements in all spheres of society were made by various socialist/people's/democratic republics around the world. Mistakes, however, were made as well: bureaucratic castes of parasitic elites - as well as reactionary cults of personality - were established, many things were mismanaged and prejudice and bigotry sometimes replaced internationalism and progressiveness.

7. Absolutely no posts or comments meant to relativize(/apologize for), advocate, promote or defend:

(This is not a definitive list, the spirit of the other rules still counts! Eventual duplicates with other rules are for emphasis.)

founded 10 months ago