
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 6 days ago


it is the ironic subversion

[–] 3 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

hmm :/

was able to get this in the web client

mb additionally putting it in the post body would be a good idea for future posts?

[–] 11 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (13 children)

I posted this through Jerboa and filled out the alt text field accordingly.

Could you give me some feedback on it, is it visible for you? I could only see the alt text through a long press on the image in the web client...

EDIT: ofc simply adding it to the post body as well is a solution, but ATM I'm interested in the "integrated" alt text field and how visible that is for others

Liberals be like (
submitted 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) by to c/
[–] 6 points 6 days ago

Bitte ersteres 😁

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (7 children)

I- what does this even mean? TwT

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (9 children)

There is a distinct difference between progressive and reactionary violence

The rule of "law and order" takes constant systemic violence to upkeep, to protect the ruling class, their private (not personal!) property and interests.

This violence of the ruling classes is normalised, even legalized/codified in law. Standing up against it, however, and enacting systemic change is branded by their lackeys as "terrorism" or "violent chaos".

Class struggle is a constant fight of one class to oppress another. Currently in most of the world, the exploitative classes oppress the exploited ones. For society to progress, the exploited must suppress the exploiters.
(Or for the expropriators to be expropriated as Marx put it. But that's just the same in fancy)

After all

One person's terrorist is another one's partisan

Mao put it quite well, which is why all following quotes are from him
(btw ysjk: quoting someone on a specific issues doesn't mean supporting their views in general/every other aspect)

"War is the continuation of politics." In this sense, war is politics and war itself is a political action; since ancient times there has never been a war that did not have a political character.... However, war has its own particular characteristics and in this sense, it cannot be equated with politics in general. "War is the continuation of politics by other . . . means." When politics develops to a certain stage beyond which it cannot proceed by the usual means, war breaks out to sweep the obstacles from the way.... When the obstacle is removed and our political aim attained the war will stop. Nevertheless, if the obstacle is not completely swept away, the war will have to continue until the aim is fully accomplished.... It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. - "On Protracted War" (May 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, pp. 152-53 *

Revolutions and revolutionary wars are inevitable in class society, and without them it is impossible to accomplish any leap in social development and to overthrow the reactionary ruling classes and therefore impossible for the people to win political power. - "On Contradiction" (August1937), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 344.*

War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions, when they have developed to a certain stage, between classes, nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed ever since the emergence of private property and of classes. - "Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War" (December 1936), Selected Works, Vol. I, p. 180.

This is why only after the abolition of classes, private property and states (ie. communism), will the contradictions, which are the root cause of virtually all large scale violence, be resolved.

Which in turn is why:

We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun. - "Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 225.

[–] 22 points 1 week ago

relevant quote

The revolutionary struggle is the very antithesis of the parliamentary struggle. In Germany, for four decades we had nothing but parliamentary “victories.” We practically walked from victory to victory. And when faced with the great historical test of August 4, 1914, the result was the devastating political and moral defeat, an outrageous debacle and rot without parallel. To date, revolutions have given us nothing but defeats. Yet these unavoidable defeats pile up guarantee upon guarantee of the future final victory.

from "Order Prevails in Berlin" by Rosa Luxembourg

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

uuu you are in for an adventure with so much replayability

and as some other comment said: even "failed" checks lead to interesting outcomes

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

this kinda made my morning. Thx ^w^

[–] 21 points 1 week ago

Ganz schönes plakatives Beispiel dafür, dass die Errungenschaften der Gewerkschaften nur (temporäre) Zugeständnisse der Reichen sind, die jederzeit widerrufen werden können...

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

just FYI: you can finish the game without ever as much as looking at the body, there even is an achievement for it!

ich🤲iel (

cross-posted from:



cross-posted from:

Hiii there~ fellow revolutionary socialists! Ik, I have been putting this off for faaaar too long, but have finally got myself to open up mod applications!

Since the inception of this batch of communities, I haven't rly had the capacity to proactively moderate them as I'd like to (and still don't). My instance administrators took care of most of the reports and banning a few .world libs here and there usually did the job 😛 (luckily, Dengists and other such revisionists have thus far not rly invaded these communities as they did with Hexbear).

Thus, I'd like to request your help in taking over moderation and have come up with a vetting process to hand off virtually all day-to-day operations.

The "batch of communities" I keep referring to:

Here are some criteria/expectations:


  • be at least fluent in English (not proficient, doesn't have to be your 1st language; it's technically my 3rd language lol)
  • be a revolutionary socialist falling into the spectrum defined in the rules of the specific community
  • have a Matrix account


  • be somewhat knowledgeable with revolutionary socialism and it's concepts (again, relevant to the specific community
  • have enough time and motivation available to reasonably and regularly check on your community(/ies) (ofc in the context of what makes sense in your timezone)
  • have an account that is older than 3 months, with pre-existing history

Nice to have:

  • familiarity with Lemmy moderation tools
  • have a history of being active in the community(/ies) you'd like to mod

entirely optional:

  • be willing to regularly post in/contribute to your community(/ies)

To apply please:

  • send me your @matrixUsername:matrixHomeserver with a PM from the Lemmy acc with which you are applying
  • answer the questionnaire
  • subsequently contact me over on Matrix
  • send me your "filled out" questionnaire that way in the following format:
  1. Question1?
    your answer here
  2. Question2
    your 2nd answer here

(just copy paste the questionnaire and append your answers to the questions)

If I think you'd fit, I'll invite you into the Matrix space I've set up. I'd like to first pool some ppl there and then come up with a concept collectively, after which I'll give out the mod rights on Lemmy.
After this initial group has been established, future applications will be overseen in the "Recruits" room of the mentioned Matrix space.


  1. Which community(/ies) would you like to help moderate?
  2. Have you read the rules of said community(/ies) and do you agree to upkeep/enforce them proactively?
  3. Would you want humanity to evolve past capitalism towards a stage of a class-, money- and stateless society (ie. communism)?
  4. Do you think there should be a socialist world republic?
  5. Would you classify the Russian Federation and the Peoples' Republic of China as imperialist?
  6. What is your take on the fraternal war between Russia and Ukraine, triggered by Russian aggression?
  7. What is your take on the Zionist occupation of Palestine?

cross-posted from:

Hiii there~ fellow revolutionary socialists! Ik, I have been putting this off for faaaar too long, but have finally got myself to open up mod applications!

Since the inception of this batch of communities, I haven't rly had the capacity to proactively moderate them as I'd like to (and still don't). My instance administrators took care of most of the reports and banning a few .world libs here and there usually did the job 😛 (luckily, Dengists and other such revisionists have thus far not rly invaded these communities as they did with Hexbear).

Thus, I'd like to request your help in taking over moderation and have come up with a vetting process to hand off virtually all day-to-day operations.

The "batch of communities" I keep referring to:

Here are some criteria/expectations:


  • be at least fluent in English (not proficient, doesn't have to be your 1st language; it's technically my 3rd language lol)
  • be a revolutionary socialist falling into the spectrum defined in the rules of the specific community
  • have a Matrix account


  • be somewhat knowledgeable with revolutionary socialism and it's concepts (again, relevant to the specific community
  • have enough time and motivation available to reasonably and regularly check on your community(/ies) (ofc in the context of what makes sense in your timezone)
  • have an account that is older than 3 months, with pre-existing history

Nice to have:

  • familiarity with Lemmy moderation tools
  • have a history of being active in the community(/ies) you'd like to mod

entirely optional:

  • be willing to regularly post in/contribute to your community(/ies)

To apply please:

  • send me your @matrixUsername:matrixHomeserver with a PM from the Lemmy acc with which you are applying
  • answer the questionnaire
  • subsequently contact me over on Matrix
  • send me your "filled out" questionnaire that way in the following format:
  1. Question1?
    your answer here
  2. Question2
    your 2nd answer here

(just copy paste the questionnaire and append your answers to the questions)

If I think you'd fit, I'll invite you into the Matrix space I've set up. I'd like to first pool some ppl there and then come up with a concept collectively, after which I'll give out the mod rights on Lemmy.
After this initial group has been established, future applications will be overseen in the "Recruits" room of the mentioned Matrix space.


  1. Which community(/ies) would you like to help moderate?
  2. Have you read the rules of said community(/ies) and do you agree to upkeep/enforce them proactively?
  3. Would you want humanity to evolve past capitalism towards a stage of a class-, money- and stateless society (ie. communism)?
  4. Do you think there should be a socialist world republic?
  5. Would you classify the Russian Federation and the Peoples' Republic of China as imperialist?
  6. What is your take on the fraternal war between Russia and Ukraine, triggered by Russian aggression?
  7. What is your take on the Zionist occupation of Palestine?

Hiii there~ fellow revolutionary socialists! Ik, I have been putting this off for faaaar too long, but have finally got myself to open up mod applications!

Since the inception of this batch of communities, I haven't rly had the capacity to proactively moderate them as I'd like to (and still don't). My instance administrators took care of most of the reports and banning a few .world libs here and there usually did the job 😛 (luckily, Dengists and other such revisionists have thus far not rly invaded these communities as they did with Hexbear).

Thus, I'd like to request your help in taking over moderation and have come up with a vetting process to hand off virtually all day-to-day operations.

The "batch of communities" I keep referring to:

Here are some criteria/expectations:


  • be at least fluent in English (not proficient, doesn't have to be your 1st language; it's technically my 3rd language lol)
  • be a revolutionary socialist falling into the spectrum defined in the rules of the specific community
  • have a Matrix account


  • be somewhat knowledgeable with revolutionary socialism and it's concepts (again, relevant to the specific community
  • have enough time and motivation available to reasonably and regularly check on your community(/ies) (ofc in the context of what makes sense in your timezone)
  • have an account that is older than 3 months, with pre-existing history

Nice to have:

  • familiarity with Lemmy moderation tools
  • have a history of being active in the community(/ies) you'd like to mod

entirely optional:

  • be willing to regularly post in/contribute to your community(/ies)

To apply please:

  • send me your @matrixUsername:matrixHomeserver with a PM from the Lemmy acc with which you are applying
  • answer the questionnaire
  • subsequently contact me over on Matrix
  • send me your "filled out" questionnaire that way in the following format:
  1. Question1?
    your answer here
  2. Question2
    your 2nd answer here

(just copy paste the questionnaire and append your answers to the questions)

If I think you'd fit, I'll invite you into the Matrix space I've set up. I'd like to first pool some ppl there and then come up with a concept collectively, after which I'll give out the mod rights on Lemmy.
After this initial group has been established, future applications will be overseen in the "Recruits" room of the mentioned Matrix space.


  1. Which community(/ies) would you like to help moderate?
  2. Have you read the rules of said community(/ies) and do you agree to upkeep/enforce them proactively?
  3. Would you want humanity to evolve past capitalism towards a stage of a class-, money- and stateless society (ie. communism)?
  4. Do you think there should be a socialist world republic?
  5. Would you classify the Russian Federation and the Peoples' Republic of China as imperialist?
  6. What is your take on the fraternal war between Russia and Ukraine, triggered by Russian aggression?
  7. What is your take on the Zionist occupation of Palestine?
The poll has spoken (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

cross-posted from:



cross-posted from:

Post title says it all.

I already looked on Modrinth and other platforms, but was unable to find what I was looking for. They all seem to remove/disable the new soundtrack, but I'd prefer to have a different approach of just "balancing" the old soundtrack back into the mix by making the C418 tracks more frequent.

Ideally, it would also retain the weighted functionality that adjust the music to the situation/biome you are in.
Another bonus point would be incorporating the tracks of the C418 MC albums which were not included even in the old soundtrack


cross-posted from:

Post title says it all.

I already looked on Modrinth and other platforms, but was unable to find what I was looking for. They all seem to remove/disable the new soundtrack, but I'd prefer to have a different approach of just "balancing" the old soundtrack back into the mix by making the C418 tracks more frequent.

Ideally, it would also retain the weighted functionality that adjust the music to the situation/biome you are in.
Another bonus point would be incorporating the tracks of the C418 MC albums which were not included even in the old soundtrack


Post title says it all.

I already looked on Modrinth and other platforms, but was unable to find what I was looking for. They all seem to remove/disable the new soundtrack, but I'd prefer to have a different approach of just "balancing" the old soundtrack back into the mix by making the C418 tracks more frequent.

Ideally, it would also retain the weighted functionality that adjust the music to the situation/biome you are in.
Another bonus point would be incorporating the tracks of the C418 MC albums which were not included even in the old soundtrack


cross-posted from:

It’s preposterous that the flag of the most destructive proponent of western (mostly US) hegemony and imperialism is placed right there beside a pride flag with a peace sign!

Let’s use out combined power to stamp out this murderous, civilian-bombing and subjugating stain from the canvas (by extending the prideflag over it)!


It’s preposterous that the flag of the most destructive proponent of western (mostly US) hegemony and imperialism is placed right there beside a pride flag with a peace sign!

Let’s use out combined power to stamp out this murderous, civilian-bombing and subjugating stain from the canvas (by extending the prideflag over it)!

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