submitted 2 days ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 days ago by cypherpunks@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Bridgy Fed's Bluesky integration is now in beta, and makes it possible to connect your account from the Fediverse to Bluesky, and vice versa.

There's still some quirks, and every bridged account has to opt in to it, but it's a promising moment for people that want to communicate across networks.

submitted 6 days ago by marathon@lemmy.ca to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

The fediverse won’t succeed at putting up a #Stackoverflow substitute and that’s a problem?

Just an impression: All the pieces seem to be there. But what’s required is a team, with devs, PMs and coordinators, dedicated to making a particular place in the #fediverse .

That’s resources and decently sized financial and organisational demands, especially to get a critical mass of users.

Is the fediverse up to that challenge? If not, is it an issue worth addressing?


submitted 1 week ago by marathon@lemmy.ca to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Codeberg was asking about this. The linked toot by a commenter points to :


These are CC-BY-SA 4.0 remixes of the Stack Exchange Creative Commons Data Dumps. 100% Unendorsed by Stack Exchange, Inc.

They are minimal. They provide the data you probably care about and the data you need to comply with the original license in SQLite format.

submitted 1 week ago by wakest@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://mitra.social/objects/018f5a57-6019-a5fb-f554-a1b86be0a9e3

Article Interop WG: How to represent titles?

Should title be inserted into Article.content as an <h1> tag, or should it go to Article.name?



This noob is testing the interconnectivity of the #Fediverse, with the AP (Mastodon, etc.) and AT (Bluesky) Protocol protocols, and also starting to test #Nostr this week.


#ActivityPub #Bluesky #ATProtocol


A lot of people have talked about the possibility of forking Mastodon to get the many improvements their communities need. Making such an effort successful is another discussion entirely.

submitted 1 week ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I don't want to run FediDB, Loops, Sup, Pixelfed, PubKit myself long term, my goal is to establish a solid foundation for these projects and find the right home to allow them to thrive.

This could perhaps be through a non-profit organization I could start, or one that is trusted by the community

Regardless, I don't want to be "in charge" of all these fediverse services, I love building but it's a lot of work to run them and I don't like the notoriety tbh, it's a lot to deal with

submitted 2 weeks ago by pedroapero@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

The blog Its FOSS has 15,000 followers for its Mastodon account — which they think is causing problems:

When you share a link on Mastodon, a link preview is generated for it, right? With Mastodon being a federated platform (a part of the Fediverse), the request to generate a link preview is not generated by just one Mastodon instance. There are many instances connected to it who also initiate requests for the content almost immediately. And, this "fediverse effect" increases the load on the website's server in a big way.

Sure, some websites may not get overwhelmed with the requests, but Mastodon does generate numerous hits, increasing the load on the server. Especially, if the link reaches a profile with more followers (and a broader network of instances)... We tried it on our Mastodon profile, and every time we shared a link, we were able to successfully make our website unresponsive or slow to load.

It's Foss blog says they found three GitHub issues about the same problem — one from 2017, and two more from 2023. And other blogs also reported the same issue over a year ago — including software developer Michael Nordmeyer and legendary Netscape programmer Jamie Zawinski.

And back in 2022, security engineer Chris Partridge wrote:

[A] single roughly ~3KB POST to Mastodon caused servers to pull a bit of HTML and... an image. In total, 114.7 MB of data was requested from my site in just under five minutes — making for a traffic amplification of 36704:1. [Not counting the image.]

Its Foss reports Mastodon's official position that the issue has been "moved as a milestone for a future 4.4.0 release. As things stand now, the 4.4.0 release could take a year or more (who knows?)."

They also state their opinion that the issue "should have been prioritized for a faster fix... Don't you think as a community-powered, open-source project, it should be possible to attend to a long-standing bug, as serious as this one?"

Abstract credit: https://slashdot.org/story/428030

submitted 2 weeks ago by BrikoX@lemmy.zip to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Bridge to Bluesky silently launches to significant interest. New features for PeerTube. Increased federation between the forums, WordPress and Lemmy.


The Fediverse has, not one, but two different streaming platforms readily available to people. They both work a bit differently...but, both of them work great with OBS Studio. We dive in to how to set each up.

submitted 2 weeks ago by wiki_me@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

This is a feature that as far as i know lemmy does not have, so it might be worth it to checkout and support piefed, it will probably be useful if there are certain topics that are really relevant to you and you want to develop in depth knowledge of.

submitted 2 weeks ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Nice demonstration of why mastodon's dominance is problematic

See the conversions here:

AFAICT, mastodon's decisions, which are arguably problematic (on which see: https://lemmy.ml/post/14973403) are literally trickling down to other platforms and infecting how they federate with each other as they dance around mastodon's quirks in different ways.

It seems like masto is ruining "the standard" with its gravity.

#fediverse #mastodon

submitted 2 weeks ago by emerald@beehaw.org to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Last time I checked there was no ~~functioning~~ Mobilizon instance based in North America, so I started one. If you have an event coming up this summer but don't want to use Facebook or some other corporate platform, maybe give Mobilizon a shot?

I'm also open to federating with any existing instances, just shoot me an email and I'll set it up 🫡

submitted 2 weeks ago by JustinH@twit.social to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

"We Need To Rewild The Internet"
An absolutely excellent read (and great analogy) by @mariafarrell and @robin Probably the best piece I've read all year.

I often struggle to think of a term for "appearing messy from a distance is often, on a human scale, healthy actually." Comparing the social web to an ecosystem is exactly it.



submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Reflecting on the firefish/calckey "moment"

which was about a year ago now, I can't help but suspect it was a small event with wider implications on the dominance of #mastodon in the #fediverse

I think it was the last chance to direct the twitter migration energy into discovering new/different fedi platforms.

And it was blown, with alt-social in a weird steady/waiting state that's smaller I suspect, than what many hoped for.

#firefish #calckey

cntd: https://hachyderm.io/@maegul/112358202238795371


PeerTube 6.1 is out! (joinpeertube.org)
submitted 2 weeks ago by morrowind@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Is it easy to customize Mastodon front-end or front-page like that ? Any pointers ?

submitted 3 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 weeks ago by lemmyreader@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 weeks ago by BrikoX@lemmy.zip to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

The EU pilot for the fediverse comes to an end, but the European Commission will stay on the fediverse; Ghost announces that they will support ActivityPub and build a fediverse news reading client, and Mastodon creates a U.S.-based non-profit.

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