
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

How do contacts work? I assume you use cheogram. Does cheogram access your phone's contacts, or does it have a separate database of contacts?

[–] 13 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

No, more like the US's revolution likely wouldn't have succeeded if it wasn't for the French support.

France's revolution attempted for a democracy but that got twisted and they got Emperor Napoleon, so then they had to fight again.

Edit: And today the US and France are again fighting similar political battles so it feels like the strong support from a French person has a long history.

[–] 30 points 4 days ago

Tesla's future is not the one I'm worried about.


The French may not have the first democracy, may not have the best democracy, but they have had to fight harder than most for their democracy.

  • paraphrasing from an audio tour by Rick Steves, I think.

Edit: oops, i flipped words in the title

[–] 3 points 5 days ago

Yes, you link your OSM account to StreetComplete and it adds your contributions via your OSM account. Same with Vespucci.

When you log into OSM you can see all the contributions pushed by StreetComplete.

[–] 34 points 5 days ago (1 children)

After reading the sidebar, I'm not sure this counts as an article. Happy to remove it.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

The devs are doing a stunning job with the app so I have no qualms.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Yeah I still can't figure out how to add a postal box in StreetComplete so I use Vespucci. But yeah Vespucci is intimidating at first

[–] 20 points 6 days ago

That's a great point. I probably could have worded that differently.


I first learned of Street-Complete here and I really like it.

It's satisfying to walk around, complete little tasks, and get prizes, scratching a similar itch to Pokemon Go.

Stuck waiting for someone? Add opening hours for a few local businesses.

Have a long walk ahead of you? See if you can add/check house addresses as fast as you can walk.

Want to walk off a few beers before heading home? Complete some tasks in the bar street.

Its a very constructive way to "be right" on the internet.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

It sounds like you have a lot of experiences that others could learn from, but you will likely push people away if you attack them directly (calling them extremist) rather than only attacking their positions.

One tactic that I like is asking them questions that lead them to point out the flaws in their own arguments.

Would you be more or less likely to learn from someone that calls you an extremist?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (4 children)

This post was reported for transphobia. Specifics weren't given. It seems like you use the term "female" to mean someone that was assigned female at birth. I'm not sure if language is changing in this area and I certainly don't know technical definitions. Female does seemed to be used as a gender identity as well. For example the opening paragraph here:

I think many cultures are learning how to be more welcoming to people from all walks of life, which is great, and conversations like this one are good for discussing some of the nuance.

Please keep things civil and assume the best of other's intentions. We are all learning. We are all human.

Edit: spelling

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah I think this is the difference. I don't have a strong second language so I think of infants being only the earliest stage of life. They speak some french where enfant is older than a bébé.


Is one a sub group of the other? Does either term include toddlers?

I'm having this discussion with someone and we both thought the opposite from eachother and we were quite sure our way of thinking was the common understanding.

[–] 46 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Does anyone else think the thumbnail looks like a llama with laser eyes?


I want to know if the car I'm renting comes with liability insurance. I just want to be sure that if I am at fault in an accident, that the other car will be covered. Lets try to ignore any personal car insurance policy and let's ignore collision insurance for now.

I am under the impression that in many countries they are required to give you liability insurance when you rent the car, but I don't have a good source. Many articles have mixed information.

For the US, this article says:

For a registered car rental company in the US, they must provide a minimum level of liability protection for cars they rent out.

But this other article says

In the U.S., every state requires a minimum amount of liability insurance on car insurance policies, so you may already have liability coverage through your personal auto insurance.

Which sounds like in the US your personal insurance is all you have.


I just joined from the reddit-exidus. I'm very impressed by all the hard work going into Lemmy. If you want to help fight off the next wave of the hug of death, you can support:

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