submitted 18 hours ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

People are editing OSM to be able to get their Pokémon and others are changing OSM to mess with people so they can't get them

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by arnalielsewhere@en.osm.town to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

We are bringing @openstreetmap to #Wikimedia East, Southeast Asia & Pacific (ESEAP) 2024! 🗺️✈️🌏🇲🇾

Join us on Sunday, 12 May, 11AM at Mahua 1 Room to learn how to map in #openstreetmap + link #wikidata!

Full program here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/ESEAP_Conference_2024/Programme

#eseapconference2024 #ESEAP #ESEAP2024 #ESEAPKK24 #WikimediaESEAP #WikimediaESEAP2024 @seav @Supaplex

submitted 1 week ago by Dirk@lemmy.ml to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

Recently the city redesigned the street and prepared at least 4 bus stops. The stops all have the road markings and tactile paving, etc. but no bus stop signs yet and currently no line stops there. (There is an ongoing reorganization of bus lines in my area.)

The wiki page describes how to map a bus stop and I can follow along. Everything except the line(s) and the names is local knowledge.

How should those be mapped (if at all)? Map what’s known already and add construction:bus_stop?


I have a solar array on my roof. If I find my house in OSM, there's a lightning bolt icon indicating there's a solar array present. Not only that, but the exact layout of the panels in my roof is shown. I never submitted this info to anyone, Google Maps Satellite view doesn't show them. I'm really curious where OSM got such detailed data.

Beware of Fake Beaches (community.openstreetmap.org)

Overpass Query:

out body;
out skel qt;

post has been crossposted since the original did not federate correctly with lemmy.ml

submitted 3 weeks ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

StreetComplete is an easy to use editor of OpenStreetMap data available for Android. It can be used without any OpenStreetMap-specific knowledge. It asks simple questions, with answers directly used to edit and improve OpenStreetMap data. The app is aimed at users who do not know anything about OSM tagging schemes but still want to contribute to OpenStreetMap.

submitted 3 weeks ago by jorge@feddit.cl to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml
submitted 4 weeks ago by toaster to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 month ago by infeeeee@lemm.ee to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

To connect simply run:

telnet mapscii.me
submitted 1 month ago by Ludrol@szmer.info to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I wonder how many I have already mapped.


Pretty cool idea by using open street maps you can download the location you want and play the game there, defend your neighborhood or loot your house.

The reviews seem decent but mention it needs a lot of tweaking as it just released on early access, like water not affecting where zombies can walk or elevation not being a thing.

Maybe this can get some more people interested in mapping

submitted 1 month ago by Mex@feddit.uk to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

2004: OpenStreetMap is founded because Ordnance Survey won’t make their data open

2024: Ordnance Survey now publishes its data in OpenStreetMap format because that’s what people expect

-- Richard Fairhurst @richardf

osm2gmaps (codeberg.org)
submitted 1 month ago by soloojos@lemmy.ml to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

Convert your OpenStreetMap-based application links into Google Maps, Apple Maps or other links (and vice versa) without having to use proprietary software!

osm2gmaps converts links from applications like Organic Maps or OSMand to proprietary maps links, like Google Maps or Apple Maps. Just copy the link and share it to osm2gmaps or copy and paste it inside the app, it will automatically convert the link to your chosen type and copy it to the clipboard.

submitted 1 month ago by ray@lemmy.ml to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I thought I’d share this Mastodon bot - @SmallTownUSA - here as I’ve found it great fun.

Posting towns in the USA with a population less than 1000 that are undermapped on OpenStreetMap.org

I quite enjoy mapping areas that have nothing or very little mapped. This bot kind of helps with that. Although, I’d love another one for my home country and current country of residence.

Bot’s GitHub

submitted 2 months ago by the_third@feddit.de to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I've found that I still record a lot of data while hiking. Trail surfaces, POIs, you name it. However I find less and less time to turn these datasets into actual map data. I can't be the only one that this happens to. Is there some kind of service that connects people that collect data and armchair mappers?

submitted 2 months ago by rando@lemmy.ml to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I would like to use openstreetmap as replacement for google maps (on web) However default nominatim doesn't generally give correct address (when searched for POI). Is there way to change nominatim provider?


Organic Maps is available on Linux! It's on flatpak and several package repos (but not apt). I don't know how long it's been there — I just discovered it.

The splash screen cautions that this Linux beta doesn't have parity with the mobile apps yet, but it's still a huge leap over Gnome Maps. Vector rendering, so you can zoom in as far as you want, and free / open source / not shitty (notwithstanding the big scary EULA, which just contains all the OSS licenses for all the pieces).


Where is it coming from? Are there other open sources of map data?

I've seen multiple mapping websites that provide business solutions that seemed to be sourcing their data from OSM. However, when I zoom in to known problem areas, I find a lot more detail. They're not getting it from Google, Bing, or Apple, and I find it implausible that these small specialized companies are sinking tens of thousands of hours into adding fine map detail. So where are they getting it? If it is open source is there a way to merge it back into OSM?

For example this website, maptiler, cites open street map as their source. Compare it with the official site. I have found multiple examples of the same thing. Can anyone explain to me what's going on here?


Crowdworked mapping: more fun in #OpenStreetMap! 🗺️ 🫶

Traveled back to my home court #UPLB to bring the great news of #opendata #foss4g to young leaders! Grateful for the opportunity 🙏🏼🙏🏼

thank you besh @dfeyeandal for coming with! New #youthmappers chapter, yeah? 😉✊🏼❤️‍🔥


submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by gedaliyah@lemmy.world to c/openstreetmap@lemmy.ml

I live in an area where tons of data is missing. I mean the whole areas with no street addresses, missing streets, missing bike routes, etc.

Is there a guide or special tools for preparing to make massive edits like this? Is there a particular work flow that people use or resources? How do I even get started?

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