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[-] 5 points 1 day ago

"Why is there a cloud of smog coming out of your city Seymour?"

"Uh... oh! That isn't smog, it's fog! Fog from the hllls and humidity. Mmm hilly fog."

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

I mean... using the water as an indicator for directional Gs is technically correct lol.

It won't help you learn to drift better, but it does work as a bargain basement indicator for roughness of driving, which could be important if you're moving food and don't want it to spill.

Alternatively, you could just use a car with good suspension and not drive like a maniac lol.

[-] 0 points 1 day ago

tbh not really

Even the largest comment threads tend to only have a select few comments that are either blatant shilling or next level dumb.

Everyone else seems to have at least several comments that match their opinion.

Even the complaints about .ml spamming seem mostly untrue, I haven't really seen any spam or mod deleted content.

ml and world defnitley mod or ban eachother, but I don't think they're increasing in trolls.

[-] 6 points 1 day ago

Heavy Update plz

Volvo I beg

[-] 40 points 1 day ago

DNC and DNC shills expecting free votes because they're democratically funding a genocide instead of fascistly funding a genocide

You morons in November when Trump inevitably wins due to horrendous voter turnout in November from former Democrat voters and not because the 5 communists in the USA made the difference

It's like a copy paste of Trump v Clinton and clearly no one learned their lesson from literally 8 years ago.

[-] 22 points 1 day ago

I get that Organic is not an end all solution but I swear not enough people realize that eating produce that was grown in roundup ready acid probably isn't a valid solution either.

It's kind of annoying that there's no easy way to tell how something was grown because it could range anything from barely any added targeted weed killer to air dropped agent orange (/s) lol.

Lots of non organic farms can be perfectly healthy if they opt to control weeds with a variety of methods instead of letting ~~Monsanto~~ Bayer nuke the soil.

[-] 1 points 2 days ago

Jokes on you USA will have it auto taxed at morbillion percent so I will be stuck on intel and amd x86_64 for the foreseeable future

[-] 13 points 2 days ago

Okay not that I'm insinuating that this is the same circumstance, but the last time a certain nation said this, it eventually backfired.

Putin's plan to capture Ukraine failed miserably, but Russia still has a significant fighting force and time to keep drawing this war out as long as they want.

Ukraine's former general emphasized their own losses and said it was critical that Ukraine train more troops and acquire supplies quickly.

They can't afford to stock on latest greatest weapons which is why they've been overly reliant on donations of old and surplus tech, especially vehicles.

NATO, ie mostly the USA, has failed to supply Ukraine with any significant stock of modern muntions that would give them an edge against Russia. It's been two years and they still don't have base block F-16s which would absolutely have helped during the early stages of the war.

Russia can keep the war machine going, slowly rearm, and try again, which could prove detrimental for Ukraine. They need to be decisively defeated in order for Ukraine to succeed.

For Ukraine's sake, I really hope someone diposes Putin in a coup, considering how much of a wreck he made.

[-] 1 points 3 days ago

I just wish their websites reflected to show all their available spins. It feels like you have to go out of your way to get to the spins site because the main page only shows Gnome.

I get that Gnome is RedHat's main thing, but like at least make a button that says "See other excellent DEs". The only thing they have is a button for alt downloads that shows stuff for net install and rawhide.

[-] 2 points 3 days ago

KDE should be moved into Android's spot and Android should be chucked further away with Windows.

[-] 3 points 3 days ago

BSD is useful for when you want to program some specialty hardware once and chuck it into the abyss with no updates and without releasing the source code so you can maintain a barely passing level of security through obscurity. Or if you really just don't want to publish your source code for a unix system.

Things like modems and old routers come to mind. Also PlayStation iirc.

Most modern IoT stuff I've messed with uses linux probably because the devs like not having to manually package things and deal with weird edge case bugs. Since they're usually making software updates anyway, published vulns are less of a concern.

[-] 2 points 3 days ago

People really out here pretending Biden himself is a not centerist

submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
Spotted in Atlanta (
submitted 6 months ago by to c/
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