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I was very excited to learn about this project...only to discover it's neither free nor open source. Does anyone know of any true open source and accessible tools for Syllabus sharing/curating/researching?

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

I really appreciate all the responses, but I'm overwhelmed by the amount of information and possible starting points. Could I ask you to explain or reference learning content that talks to me like I'm a curious five year old?

ELI 5?


I'm new to the field of large language models (LLMs) and I'm really interested in learning how to train and use my own models for qualitative analysis. However, I'm not sure where to start or what resources would be most helpful for a complete beginner. Could anyone provide some guidance and advice on the best way to get started with LLM training and usage? Specifically, I'd appreciate insights on learning resources or tutorials, tips on preparing datasets, common pitfalls or challenges, and any other general advice or words of wisdom for someone just embarking on this journey.


[-] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Most challenging teaching experiences of my still new career. I'm having a lot of anxiety over how students are responding in one class, if I'm getting through to them, and adjusting lesson plans and my lectures to ensure I am. I'm teaching a very difficult subject, with a history of students failing out of it. So after taking it over from the last professor, I've toned it down. It's a "why we budget" class and most of the students are either a) completely accounting illiterate but great at decision making or b) accountants and don't understand why we're talking about theory and decision making. It's a bit of both, across all major sectors, which makes it notoriously challenging for professors and students. Trying my best, but I'm loosing a lot of sleep over this class.

Am I getting through? Why did only 2 students provide mid-term feedback? 1 positive, 1 not so much? All fair critiques, and fair praise, but where's everyone else? Is anyone actually doing the readings or is my approach (you read, you research a little, then I lecture and summarize what you need to take away), not working here?

Struggles, and I also decided no scotch this week which was my "I am home now, not in the classroom" mental break from the day.

[-] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Manor Lords. Its got some annoying bugs in this EA version, but the developer should be really happy. Enjoying what is in front of me. Its beautiful, mind boggling at times, and fun.

[-] 8 points 2 weeks ago

So many story telling memories. ME is still a treasure to me despite its challenges and missteps. ME2 is among my favorite game of all time, right behind Dragon Age: Origins.

But ME3 has a scene that was so well executed that I don't think anything has ever topped it, for me, in video gaming storytelling. From his decision to rectify what he now believes is a past wrong, do it alone, to his final remark about seashells.

It, to me, is extremely emotional and in the best way that a good story can be.

[-] 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I'm using Claude (subbed) to help me do qualitative coding and summarizing within a very niche academic framework. I was encouraged to try it by an LLM researcher and frankly I'm happy with the results. I am using it as a tool to assist my work, not replace it, and I'm trying to balance the bias and insights of the tool with my own position as a researcher.

On that note, if anyone has any insights or suggestions to improve prompts, tools, or check myself while I tinker, please, tell me.

[-] 7 points 3 weeks ago

I'm in a glass box of emotion, in an easy to read list:

  1. SCOTUS and the entire justice system in the US scare the shit out of me and are giving off some very Weimar Republic vibes with their handling of important issues. We are all thinking of how tiered and corrupt this cavalcade of insanity has been, but I've yet to hear anyone at the top do or say anything to fight back.

  2. I have a student who is just a total asshole who absolutely needs to be kicked out of my class. Really disappoints me. The mountain of paperwork is exhausting but I'm doing it because someone in a position of power needs to do the right thing once in awhile.

  3. I'm loosing weight and just need to get over this plateau and into my goal area. So close but wow is Laphroaig delicious on cool evenings.

  4. New "older me" personal best on the bench. So I got that going for me, which is nice. I use our college gym and it's amazing. Most of the staff use the faculty hour but early in the morning, it's only dedicated athletes and people who want to be there. It's incredible and extremely satisfying to never need to wait for anything, and loose myself in heavy metal. 10/10.

  5. Since AI is all the rage here, I used it for qualitative coding. Not to do my research. But to summarize and make suggestions. After playing with prompts it was pumping out time saving insights to empower me to dive deeper. Saved me MONTHS of work.

  6. Finished a really funny article in the Atlantic on cruise ships. Awesome writing. Great story.

[-] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I was on two Boeing 787 flights and made it back to type about it. No problems. However, I have to admit I was irrationally nervous since all the whistleblower reports on the 787 came out as I was checking in for the second, a 10 hour direct journey.

So I got that going for me, which is nice.

[-] 2 points 1 month ago

Dragon Age: Origins

[-] 5 points 2 months ago

I'll need to learn to swim better than a dead fish, but yes, I should look into doing this.

[-] 13 points 2 months ago

A long long time ago I had two serious knee injuries on the same knee. They warned me after injury and surgery 2 that the day would come when running just would became impossible and I should do everything I could to keep my muscles and health good. I was a runner my whole life, the injuries were not running related, but I could go on a 10 mile run like it was nothing and was pushing 60 miles a week for most of my adult life.

I started noticing some pain issues and swelling and had to stop running cold turkey two years ago. I got some training and hired an expert to craft a program to support my leg. Personal best in squats and deadlifts, it was incredible, looked and felt great for two years. But then, just like that, I went down on one knee to do a pallof press and HOLY MOTHER OF ALL THE GODS OLD AND NEW the pain.

I lost what remained of the cartilage. The muscle atrophy as I've gone through the systems to get a treatment plan and learn what's going on has been brutal. I'm looking at major life changes to hold onto the knee until I'm old enough to warrant one replacement I can die with. And it absolutely devastated me. I drove home and saw a jogger and just got so insanely depressed. I want to go and start doing the exercises I know can help me regain some strength, and support that joint, but I also know an f'up will make it way worse. So I wait for PT and am just getting depressed AF.

[-] 7 points 2 months ago

It's only Monday and I'm already falling asleep from exhaustion. Must. Turn. This. Week. Around!

[-] 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I respectfully offer that the Better Business Bureau is not a reputable source. They rate companies and charities in the same way Yelp rates businesses. They offer fees for ratings and the complaint process does absolutely nothing. I'll let you do the google sleuthing on it, but please, do not use them for anything.

Charity Navigator, Candid, and ProPublica offer far better tools for assessing charity. If you're paywalled from navigating some of the tools provided by Candid or other big entities, you can try your local library as they'll sometimes have access.

Finally, the "best" charity in my line of work (I research these things) depends on three things:

  1. % of contributions spent on administrative overhead
  2. % of revenue spent on ED/CEO compensation
  3. Measured program effectiveness in the service area

And you should absolutely read what has contributed. Clear mission/value/goal/program alignment, transparency, and accountability to the public are, generally, praise worthy organizations. Those that do not provide annual reports, 990s, and other important information on their websites are, in my research/experience, generally doing something questionable if not illegal.

submitted 4 months ago by to c/

Forgive my ignorance, but I've got a question concerning OCR tools. Until now, I have utilized a paid service to upload, scan, convert them to searchable documents, and store my handwritten Uni notes. Handwritten because, frankly, my brain seems to engage with the content "better" than by digital note-taking.

It worked fine for what I needed, so I have never investigated open-source or had actual ownership/control over my uploaded notes before. As my work expands and the database of notes grows, maintaining data privacy is a huge concern, and I do not want to use the same system for interviews and such. My Uni has been, well, unhelpful sadly.

Are there any recommendations for having a similar system that puts more control and privacy in my hands?

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joined 4 months ago