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I'm due for my annual play through so I'm pretty hyped to try this myself.

[-] 8 points 2 hours ago

Yeah, because that's what the queen was referring to when she made that off handed, old misogynistic, probably also racist undertoned remark.

[-] 2 points 2 hours ago

No. I will put what the title the author decided to use, the author who took the time to find this mod that I didn't know existed and shared it to a wider audience while trying to make a living.


Replace "games" with "executives" and the sentence makes complete sense.

[-] 63 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I think we missed Rep Crocket's poignant question after Greene insulted her appearance:

Just to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blonde, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?

Also it's worth watching the entire thing to see how crass and ignorant, especially Comer lack of intelligence of the rules, Republicans were.

[-] 40 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Republicans: We need a federal database to track pregnant women!

Republicans: Putting gun owners into a federal database is a violation of personal freedoms!


Sad to see a developer screwed by their publisher go but at least they're able to do one last thing for their game, like it or hate it, and their players.

[-] 19 points 2 days ago

I mean are they though?

Recent NYT poll had Trump leading in the several battleground states and let's fucking face it, the American voting populace is dumb AF.

A bad performance from Trump I don't think will do much of anything because Americans are just too stupid to remember or care.

[-] 42 points 2 days ago

I'm going to guess this person lives in one of those shithole theocracies.


More of a SimCopter fan myself.


Tomb Raider GoG Key for anyone who wants it:

-.-- - .-.. .... . .- ----- -.... -.... ---.. ----- ....- .- ...-- ...-- ----- ---.. .-

[-] 11 points 2 days ago

Honestly I don't see the use for it at all. You can't tank, you can't run, you can't do anything with it outside of die. That one extra hit from a small bug isn't really going to do crap so it's better to run and gun.

I wonder when he'll get his chance to get a second pardon. Probably won't be long for this violent, murderous, racist Republican.

[-] 30 points 3 days ago

Just a honest showing of what it means to be a Conservative Republican Christian.

[-] 10 points 4 days ago

Older games I default to gog. Seems to have better support for keeping them working on modern platforms.


Yeah, why you vote even if you don't particularly like Biden...

F that electoral college btw.


Just sigh. Come on Sony learn harder.

I did change my review back to negative because missing 180 countries full of helldivers is making major orders harder.


I guess Sony is still learning....


So in a first for my group, we were hit with three bugged and failed missions tonight.

1st was a defense missions where bugs stopped spawning and missiles stopped shooting.

2nd what the extraction vehicle left immediately when one person entered it.

3rd what no one could get in the shuttle.

This was a serious WTF night, we lost so many samples. While I appreciate the devs, stop trying to balance and fix some bugs.


Just something from one of the creators of a game that I love. The podcast episode linked was great too of you want to hear the perspective from the people who made your games your come back to.

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joined 10 months ago