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[-] 3 points 1 month ago

Not nation-wide, but definitely in California and he claimed that himself. Anyway, if you want to dig deeper:

[-] 3 points 1 month ago

Electric vehicles are part of the problem. Definitely not part of the solution. Personal cars are incompatible with any realistic sustainability target. He actively sabotaged the development of public infrastructure to make profit out of his stupid cars. He's evil as fuck.

submitted 2 months ago by to c/
submitted 2 months ago by to c/
submitted 2 months ago by to c/
submitted 2 months ago by to c/
submitted 2 months ago by to c/
[-] 5 points 2 months ago

I had to check urban dictionary to get the joke lol

[-] 14 points 2 months ago

My girlfriend is a professional fermenter, so I have endless amounts of fermented sauces in my immediate surroundings.

I would say the most hyped one in her network is this strawberry gochujang she's making.

[-] 2 points 3 months ago

This logic totally makes sense in the world of university economy books, or international cooperation, but it's still going to kill most people on the planet.

[-] 10 points 3 months ago

dude, we should have gotten to 0 emissions yesterday to prevent global ecological collapse. Any year in which we keep emitting at this rate, it's millions of preventable deaths in the years to come.

What is happening is that any renewable development slightly lowers the price of energy and so energy consumption increases, because there are no meaningful degrowth policies in place. This is a complete failure for the ideology of transition and for humankind as a whole.

[-] 6 points 3 months ago

the transition in post-industrial countries happens because they can consume industrial goods produced in other countries that are not transitioning. It's the same trick they use to make you believe plastic is recyclable.

submitted 3 months ago by to c/solarpunk
submitted 3 months ago by to c/
submitted 3 months ago by to c/
[-] 2 points 3 months ago

they are also doing a whole flavor just for research-oriented social media, geared towards the OpenScience community and the academia in general. It will launch soon.

Then they have a whole set of collaboration tools and groupware, that now kinda incorporates the basic features of Trello and GitHub, but on top of a social media with granular permission systems. There the use cases are many more, but it's also much more general-purpose than the research flavor. I think the end-game would be to have a platform that acts as a middleware and connect social life, gift-based collaboration, work and consumption in a single open platforms.

I also wrote an article envisioning a federated notion-like tool built on top of Bonfire, that clearly would allow to structure knowledge and implement no-code software on top of Bonfire, but clearly this would require a disproportionate effort for what the project is at the moment:

[-] 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

to a reasonably large audience

That's a measure of success that makes sense only in a for-profit, growth-oriented environment. Software just has to be sustainable and "bigger" doesn't necessarily imply "more sustainable.

That said, what is now possible with social media is extremely restricted and our idea of what a social media is is constrained by profit motives. Social media could be much more, connect humans for collaboration and exchange instead of data extraction. We are so used to the little crumbs of positive experiences on social media that we normalized it.

Bonfire, for example, if we want to stick to the fediverse, is trying to challenge this narrative and push the boundaries of what a social media is supposed to do.

Another space would be non-siloed notion-like tools.

Anothe entire can of worms would be to go beyond the "dictatorship of the app" and start building software and UX around flexibility and customizability for the average user, rather than keeping this a privilege for tools targeting power users. Flexibility in UX means harder trackability and less CTR, so most end-user "apps" avoid that.

[-] 15 points 3 months ago

No more "alternatives" please. That formula has failed over and over again. We want software that can do what proprietary platforms do not pursue because it's not profitable. Online spaces to build meaningful connections, have interesting conversations with like-minded people, discover new things, be free from trolls and toxicity, possibly without the guilt of polluting the hell out of this planet with hardware and excessive electricity consumption.

submitted 3 months ago by to c/
submitted 3 months ago by to c/
submitted 3 months ago by to c/
submitted 3 months ago by to c/
[-] 2 points 4 months ago

no colonial power and no empire ever lasted forever. Everything made by human eventually dissolves. The current strategy of trying to stay alive (kinda) and keeping their identity is more than enough to eventually see the American empire collapse on itself and Israel with it.

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