submitted 3 months ago by eleitl@lemmy.ml to c/collapse@lemmy.ml
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[-] poVoq 10 points 3 months ago

The article is oversimplifying it by looking at global data. When looking at data from individual countries there have been some energy transitions, so it is not like it is impossible to do. But yeah, the point of the article isn't complete non-sense.

[-] chobeat@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 months ago

the transition in post-industrial countries happens because they can consume industrial goods produced in other countries that are not transitioning. It's the same trick they use to make you believe plastic is recyclable.

[-] sonori@beehaw.org 1 points 3 months ago

Except that the primary limiter on the rate at which the poorer countries are transitioning is a lack of capital with which to build new cheaper renewables in a country scale example of it being expensive to be poor. Building local industrial goods is giving them the capital necessary to build renewables, it’s just lagging because Fossil companies are putting huge amounts of capital into slowing it.

[-] chobeat@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 months ago

This logic totally makes sense in the world of university economy books, or international cooperation, but it's still going to kill most people on the planet.

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this post was submitted on 11 Feb 2024
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