
joined 3 months ago
[–] SolarMonkey 23 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Personally I’m super disinterested in plotlines that suddenly shift and have the main female character desperate to reproduce, or happy about falling pregnant unexpectedly, even, perhaps especially, when it’s wildly out of character for her badass self as she’s written, or makes no sense at all given the circumstances.

So obnoxious and overdone. And so very very lazy, because it’s almost never well-written, it’s just pandering nonsense. I straight up stop watching shows that pull that shit.

[–] SolarMonkey 3 points 1 week ago

You can also cut the flowers off after they open, and submerge them in white vinegar for 2-3 weeks, then strain. I do this with chive flowers (packed into the jar, but not so much there’s no room for liquid) and it makes a bright pink garlic chive vinegar that is really lovely. Onion would do the same, but probs look and taste a bit different.

[–] SolarMonkey 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

😂 that sounds horrible.

I’m not super into frustration, and it’s gotta be a good game for me to replay it.. I have -so many- options..

But that does sound like the sort of spiteful thing I’d do… like I can’t even tell you how many new kongregate accounts I made back in the day so I could play the same games over again and get all the achievements.. and if you can get them once it tends to be easier the second time..

[–] SolarMonkey 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

When you say dupe game achievements, do you mean you had to get all the achievements on the same game multiple times? That sounds hellish, if so.. but I’m a bit curious..

I have bought a few duplicates over the years, but started using gameye to prevent duplicate purchases (I only do physical games, mostly used, so it helps a ton)

[–] SolarMonkey 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I mean even now they are just another niche religious community.. I get what they were going for, but..

Their communities have a lot of problems. Like a lot. And because they mostly have that year of going into the world (intended as a culture shock, but really is just an introduction to modern convenience technology, which is mmmmm so enticing) their numbers are dwindling. And that sucks for the culture loss, but I doubt they will even exist in 50 years, honestly.

Or say they do exist in 50 years.. they will be the people buying all the cheap shit that doesn’t meet emission regulations because they “have to weigh each new innovation”.

For as long as I’ve lived in close proximity to Amish communities (most of my life, again Midwest), they have always made weird questionable allowances that I don’t really understand because I’m not part of the community. Most of them get around their religious limitation by just hiring someone, that’s why they need money. I know this because my family was hired on multiple occasions (because we often did poultry trades and other livestock deals with them) to operate machinery (chainsaws, modern farm equipment, etc) on their behalf.

And doesn’t that just seem like modernizing with more steps?

[–] SolarMonkey 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

That does, honestly, seem to be the threshold for the communities around me.

Can they use it in a way they can argue complied with their religion? If yes, and money, do thing. If yes, no money, do thing. If no, but money, try harder to argue, then do thing.

If no and no money, leave the community.

[–] SolarMonkey 5 points 1 week ago


Well that’s intensely disappointing, if I’m being honest. (Part of) My house is almost 100 years older. Less cool looking, but more historic all the same. ;)

But I do see that you said “stylized” so that’s my fault for not reading properly :)

[–] SolarMonkey 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I bet that costs a fortune to maintain these days. When it would have been potentially average (large and above average maybe since it still exists, but average in that it’s not a castle or something) back in the day.

This is the sort of building I would assume was an inn or something.

[–] SolarMonkey 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I was automatically enrolled in it a while back because I’m on income-based repayments, and they just keep delaying even recertification. I haven’t had to do shit with my account in years. It’s really nice honestly, because I don’t intend to repay it (I’ve never made enough to warrant a payment, under the income based plan.. so fuck ‘em)

I’m super glad you got into the infinite loop of stalling too! :) everyone should apply, when they can!

Basically, if I understand right, they are choosing to do nothing rather than fuck it all up and collect what they shouldn’t, which they would then have to credit.

[–] SolarMonkey 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

This was the problem I had with it too.

I think it may work for someone who isn’t keen on introspection in the first place, but if you are, you’ve probably already spent a decent amount of time reflecting on the truthiness of your thoughts and feelings, and even when you know they aren’t necessarily accurate, just fluffing yourself up doesn’t solve anything, because you are acutely aware that’s what you are doing.

It’s even worse when the things you need therapy for are circumstantial, like work/relationship stress or trauma, or about some core part of who you are (autism/adhd, etc) and they try to apply cbt.. like… that’s not helpful because the problem isn’t with my outlook, it’s with something I have no or very little actual control over, and I need productive ways to deal with it. I want someone to point out when I’m thinking about things wrong, sure, but that’s more like that I “sneak” food in the middle of the night and feel guilt for helping myself (despite having permission to eat whatever I want - only my own food that I pay for is fair game in my mind) and refer to taking food from the family fridge as a kid as theft, because my mother used to tell me I stole it, and I did used to be a klepto. I want someone to point out my trauma responses, not tell me to view all the stressful things as opportunities when they aren’t.

I did read a book, however, that I like to recommend to therapists I talk to, so they can be aware that I’m aware of self-restructuring already. It’s actually a really good book, and I hope the research is fully accurate because if so, just reading it and knowing about how stress can be good for you, is actually enough to help lower all-cause mortality related to stress, which would be pretty cool. It’s called The Upside of Stress: Why stress is good for you, and how to get good at it by Dr. Kelly McGonigal (link removed due to sucking - internetarchive apparently stripped that title as part of the purge, and I can’t find any other links that aren’t to torrents, or shady, but if you search for audiobookbay, you can find it there as an audiobook and I’ve used that site for years.)

[–] SolarMonkey 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

I wonder what insurance would look like for those people, tho. Like if you live in a city where this sort of thing happens even once every few years, nobody is going to insure the area. Maybe they have some sort of government program like FEMA, but like.. even that would probably be very limited.

So he may not be killing people outright, but he is very likely still absolutely destroying their lives at roughly the scale of a tornado.

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