Maybe in what they are saying is a kernel of a truth
sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I made a bunch of assumptions and I have really strong desire to help people, so I have made a mistake.
I’ve personally studied this personal issue for my entire fucking life
I would also be outraged if some armchair expert or worse an actual expert spew lies towards me and my situation. Even if I can't offer a solution at least I can be emphatic towards your suffering and your struggle.
I can't really offer you much other than virtual hug or a prayer to a higher power for a better tomorrow. Take care of yourself as it seems that no one else will.
There is a concern about accesability and hidden gamer slang.
First person 3d games can make you motion sick.
There you would need to learn to control a camera.
Red is health, Blue is mana, Yellow is for climbing.
There will be countless stuff that are build upon years of gaming culture.
Try to start with co-op so someone can guide you.
Make a post it note on the monitor with button mappings especially if you play on gamepad.