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Imagine defending a cult that protects child predators, will let its babies die before giving them a life-saving medical procedure, and drives members who quit to suicide by forcing everyone they ever knew to shun them.

Christ, William's one default smile makes him look like a claymation figure from Wallace and Gromit.

Piracy is the only option that won't end this way. 🏴‍☠️

[-] 25 points 1 month ago


Oh she's governable all right. She doesn't take those talking points from the Kremlin for nothing.

Any situation where Neelix is out of the picture is a net positive imo.

[-] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

"The answer was The Downward Spiral... Nine Inch Nails’ second album"

I like how Broken, despite having 7 tracks to PHM's 8 tracks, is referred to as an "EP" and not their second album. Not to mention Fixed exists. TDS is their third album, fite me.

Edit: since I'm on the subject, here are some little kids performing Wish.

[-] 46 points 1 month ago

How the hell do these people know how much you make?

Fuck's sake, I don't make $450k but my neighbor doesn't ask me for shit because he has no idea what kind of money I make in the first place.

Either you live in the wrong neighborhood or maybe you need to keep your mouth shut? idfk lol

I miss how civil everyone was towards each other.


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