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[-] 7 points 3 hours ago

Oh and killing projects people use

Can't forget that

I'm still salty about a few of these

[-] 3 points 5 hours ago

As it should be

Deer is delicious

[-] 2 points 13 hours ago

And a big problem we're having is that due to climate change those 1/100 chance events are changing for the worst.

[-] 8 points 13 hours ago

You'd hope so but it aligns way too close to a lot of the "trad wife" types for me to be too sure

[-] 2 points 13 hours ago

At his point for me it's only CAD and Lightroom that keeps a Windows install in my machine

All the games I like run fine on Linux nowadays

[-] 2 points 13 hours ago

Half the fun of fixing my code later is trying to figure out what the hell I was thinking when I wrote my code lol

[-] 5 points 16 hours ago

I've also got to thank you for those guides

I'm going to use the hell out of Udev now that I know it exists

[-] 2 points 16 hours ago

I never knew that was called bash, not sure how I missed the name up to this point lol

And Udev sounds like something I'm going to get a hell of a lot of use out of given my love of Tasker on Android (basically have it set to do specific things when certain triggers occur (like connecting or disconnecting to or from specific Bluetooth devices, reading specific NFC tags, etc)). I just never thought of trying to set something up like that on my desktops.

[-] 16 points 17 hours ago

I'm a bit (maybe a lot) of a noob to Linux

What are Udev rules and bash scripts?

[-] 100 points 17 hours ago

"I'm pepper spraying the water but it won't stop obstructing traffic!"

  • Local police probably
[-] 9 points 17 hours ago

And practice the buddy system

We are stronger and safer together

I've currently got a group of a few people coming with me to some of the events this year during pride month

[-] 6 points 1 day ago

NGL that sounds fire

Sign me the hell up for that


So I've got a bit of color blindness going on (a bit blue and yellow, a bit more red and green (not to mention some colors are painful but that's a different story lol)) and I had a question about editing pictures to show what different colorblindness looks like. My friends keep asking me how I see things and I'd love to show them.

I've been editing pictures for years but I'd say I still have a lot to learn in the color grading and color space departments (not like it's easy for me lol)

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I primarily use Lightroom but I've been learning Dark Table recently. So either would be fine.

Bear [Rule] (

Image description: a cartoony bear wearing a hat that says "Women want me, fish fear me." End of image description.

Liver [Rule] (

If anyone wants to give an ELI5 or a link to a video that ELI5 I'd be incredibly thankful

I swear that all the stuff I find is like super in depth technical stuff that just loses me in no time flat

Spring Break [Rule] (

I took this pic while on vacation to South East Oregon (specifically a place called Lake Abert) using my Lumix G9 and my 100mm - 300mm lens at the full 300mm and f/5.6.

I was really happy that of all the critters I saw that day this one sat still long enough for me to get a decent shot.

This little bird chilled for quite awhile singing away which was pretty cool.


I took this pic while on vacation to South East Oregon (specifically a place called Lake Abert) using my Lumix G9 and my 100mm - 300mm lens at the full 300mm and f/5.6.

I was really happy that of all the critters I saw that day this one sat still long enough for me to get a decent shot.

This little bird chilled for quite awhile singing away which was pretty cool.

New Forklift [Rule] (
Mt St Helens Moon Lit [OC] (

I took this picture on the last day of a not long enough vacation this month. I was really happy with how the moon had just enough light to give the shape of the mountain some contrast and how the wispy clouds cought the light from various sources.

I took this with my Lumix G9 with a 25mm f/1.7 lens, a 15 second exposure, and the iso set to 1600.

I had taken quite a few shots with the intent of stacking them but those attempts just didn't come out feeling like it did to be there. This shit though captured that feeling IMO.

I can't wait to give My Adams the same treatment later this year.

Mt St Helens Moon Lit [OC] (

I took this picture on the last day of a not long enough vacation this month. I was really happy with how the moon had just enough light to give the shape of the mountain some contrast and how the wispy clouds cought the light from various sources.

I took this with my Lumix G9 with a 25mm f/1.7 lens, a 15 second exposure, and the iso set to 1600.

I had taken quite a few shots with the intent of stacking them but those attempts just didn't come out feeling like it did to be there. This shit though captured that feeling IMO.

I can't wait to give My Adams the same treatment later this year.


Seriously a great outlook about fixing things

It's already broke might as well try

Basically how I learned to fix everything I've ever fixed: TVs, game consoles, cars, trucks, appliances of all kinds, etc.

Hell my 75in 4k OLED TV in my living room cost me a grand total of $45 in parts.

Sunset in Manzanita [OC] (
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joined 11 months ago