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[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

Sure, I'm all for a public alternative!

I just like the general idea.

[-] 1 points 12 hours ago
[-] 5 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

I think the point is, unlike buses with fixed routes, such shuttles could deliver people to places that face temporary massive traffic - like concert venues or whatnot.

There is no need to constantly run huge amounts of buses there, but at some point of time there's a lot of people willing to go - and such shuttles, flexible in their routes, may be the solution.

[-] 3 points 19 hours ago

Which is, today, anything remotely left or even centrist*

[-] 2 points 19 hours ago

The issue here is that Dems also go to the fascist state, they just always do it a bit slower to still be selected because "at least they are not THAT bad".

The question is, at what point should they learn a lesson to revise their playbooks and stop the corruption and enshittification? What should that lesson be? Could voting them out push them to pursue a more fair policy that actually caters to the needs of the people?

[-] 3 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

It is out of context. You'll get plenty of explanations by just reading it as one text.

And I'm not the original commenter.

[-] 2 points 19 hours ago

Team blue is team bad. It's just that team red is even worse.

But if we always follow this logic, we may as well allow them both to enshittify eternally, because reps will be just a bit more evil, and dems won't have the incentive to improve, either.

The question is: at which point should Dems be taught a lesson and how? Is current voting a good avenue for that?

[-] 2 points 19 hours ago

The trade war with China might be a way to assert US dominance and squash the competition, but in the grand scheme of things, protectionist policies are very bad for the global economy and global progress.

And leftists typically are internationalists, putting global efforts above national ones.

So it's not just love for China, even if Lemmygrad and Hexbear folks are really unhealthily obsessed with the country.

[-] 7 points 19 hours ago

I think the important takeaway here is that you may hammer R's all you want, but if you want to rely on the left electorate, you have to serve the left electorate.

So the fight really is between "let's at least hold blatant fascism" and "let's tech Dems to listen a bit so that on their next election they would actually cater to the left instead of being lesser evil".

Because right now Dems are just that - lesser evil that doesn't care to align with the leftists.

I have no balls in this game, I'm not even a US citizen, but I see the point they're trying to make.

[-] 25 points 19 hours ago

The biggest joke here is that US voters will ever be able to directly vote for the President

[-] 1 points 19 hours ago

BuT TheY mAy CaUsE CriMeS!!!

[-] 3 points 19 hours ago
submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by to c/

Just updated to Plasma 6, and got a question: is there a way to make the bottom panel keep at the bottom (like when fullscreen windows are opened) and not float regardless of windows?

Just always stay there without moving, like in Plasma 5.

Or is it dictated by the theme/hardcoded into Plasma 6?


I know Lemmy isn't normally the best place to search for this, but are there any high-quality right-wing explainers, or modern books, or media outlets?

I myself am ultra-left (quite literally communist, to the dictionary sense of the word), but I'd like to quit the bubble that inevitably forms around and look at good arguments of the opposing side, if there are any.

Is there anything in there beyond temporarily embarrassed millionaires and fears that trans people will destroy humanity? Is there rational analysis, something closer to academic research, behind modern ideas of laissez-faire capitalism and/or political conservatism?

I've tried outlets like PragerU, but they are so basic they seem to target a very uncritical audience.

I'd like to see the world in the eyes of an enlightened right-winger, and see where they possibly fail (or if suddenly they have valid arguments).


Is there any reason, beyond corporate greed, for SMS messages to cost so much?

If I get it right, an SMS message is just a short string of data, no different from a message we send in a messenger. If so, then what makes them so expensive? If we'd take Internet plans and consider how much data an SMS takes, we should pay tiny fraction of a cent for each message; why doesn't that happen?

There's no error (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

As Funimation drama unravels, here's a reminder for you that yt-dlp is able to download Funimation videos. Use that opportunity to preserve your collections before they're gone! (and keep them forever and ever)

Credits to humble who brought that up!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/


I just had two different rolls of toilet paper sitting in my bathroom, and looking at them from the shower I got an epiphany.

Some rolls are soft on both sides, while some only on external one!

And if you have the latter and tend to rip two squares and fold (and it's easier to fold downside up), if you hang it over you'll end up with the rough side!

Those people just don't want to hurt their bums! All while the rest enjoys more easy access to toilet paper while hanging it over.

Endless debate...solved?

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