submitted 2 months ago by poVoq to c/tidalpunk
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[-] ChihuahuaOfDoom@lemmy.world 12 points 2 months ago

I don't know what the big mystery is, we're fucked.

[-] keepthepace 7 points 2 months ago

The big mystery is that this year it is not another story of breaking records like the year before. The rise has been intense and no climate change models, even the most pessimistic, account for this. Either this is due to another event (like the Hunga Tonga eruption, that sent a lot of steam in the upper atmosphere, for an effect that is not well understood) or the climate models are bad and we have no visibility over what will happen next.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -2 points 2 months ago

There's no mystery. The planet is correcting an imbalance.

[-] Excrubulent 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Doomerism is an attitude that is being pushed by fossil fuel companies to foster apathy so they can keep turning a profit.

Don't help them please.

Edit: If anyone wants to see the logical conclusion of this kind of thinking, just read this exchange. I couldn't have known when I pulled this thread how much of their ass it would show. So far they've called themself a "human extinctionist" and said "death to humanity" and told me to "die childless, hopefully in a climate disaster". They haven't commented on how this really does make them a natural ally of the fossil fuel industry. They also seem to espouse socialism, which... I don't think they know what that means. This is just giving up with extra steps.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world 0 points 2 months ago

Help them? They should be executed.

[-] Excrubulent 3 points 2 months ago

You are helping them by spreading doomerism. I thought that was crystal fucking clear.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -3 points 2 months ago

Being a realist isn't doomerism. Recognizing that climate change is happening far faster than predicted isn't doomerism. Wanting oil executives to hang definitely isn't part of their plan.

[-] Excrubulent 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The planet is correcting an imbalance.

This is doomerism, and I don't believe that you don't understand that.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -2 points 2 months ago

I'm more of a human extinctionist than a doomer. I think humans should go extinct to save the rest of life on earth, as humanity is equivalent to a super volcano or meteor strike in terms of how many species we eradicate daily.

[-] Excrubulent 4 points 2 months ago

Oh okay, so your doomerism is fine because you have a fancy name for it and you actually want it to happen?

How fucking gullible do you think I must be to say that with a straight face. Wow.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -1 points 2 months ago

Why would I give a fuck about your gullibility? Death to humanity.

[-] Excrubulent 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I don't know, if you want to effectively enact your plan to destroy humanity, you might want to work on being persuasive to get others to help you destroy humanity. As it is, you sound like a silly edgelord who can't keep their story straight, not the credible threat to humanity you say you want to be.

You know who is a credible threat to humanity that you could count on as an ally? Billionaires and fossil fuel companies. They're doing an awful lot to destroy the ecosystems of this planet, which is presumably the reason you want to destroy humanity, and the thing most likely to destroy humanity. I think you should really reevaluate whether or not you want to help them help you destroy humanity.

But when you're destroying humanity, please make sure you always insist that destroying humanity doesn't make you a doomer, because you like destroying humanity. I find when I'm trying to destroy humanity, the most important thing is branding.

That, and destroying humanity.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -1 points 2 months ago

I don't have a plan to destroy humanity. I'm an extinctionist not a super villain. I got a vasectomy. My job is done.

Let me know when you're done with neoliberalism and want socialism.

[-] Excrubulent 2 points 2 months ago

Socialism? What happened to "Death to humanity"? What the fuck are you talking about? Do you have a coherent thought in your head or is this just a firehose of disinformation situation? What part of literally anything I've said makes you think I'm a neoliberal? I am FASCINATED to understand where those three thoughts came from, if anywhere at all.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -1 points 2 months ago

First of all, calm down.

Secondly, I replied before I fully woke up and got a bit ahead of myself. Neoliberalism is the default political alignment of modern democracies. I think it's the reason America is sleepwalking into fascism.

I was a socialist before I was radicalized to be an extinctionist.

[-] Excrubulent 2 points 2 months ago

I am calm, and if I weren't, "calm down" is the worst thing you can tell someone who isn't.

So are you trying to sell me on socialism, or extinctionism? Because you need to pick one. I've never heard of annihilationist socialism with omnicidal characteristics.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -1 points 2 months ago

I'm not trying to sell anything lol. Have a nice day

[-] Excrubulent 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

But wait! I'm done with neoliberalism and want socialism! Please, explain to me your theory of change.

So far I'm at:

  1. Vasectomy.

Where next? I need your guidance.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world -1 points 2 months ago

Die childless, hopefully in a climate disaster.

[-] Excrubulent 2 points 2 months ago

You're throwing away a powerful ally here. I could help you destroy humanity.

[-] Nudding@lemmy.world 1 points 2 months ago

"I used the humans to destroy the humans.."

this post was submitted on 16 Mar 2024
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