Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 10:44:47+00:00 ID: jqqpfl2
Norway, by far. Sweden is in steep decline and norway is doing better than ever.
Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 10:44:47+00:00 ID: jqqpfl2
Norway, by far. Sweden is in steep decline and norway is doing better than ever.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 10:48:37+00:00 ID: jqqpqsg
Interesting would you like to go on a little bit of detail on this one?
Ok_Choice_2656 at 2023-07-05 10:52:52+00:00 ID: jqqq3at
Judging by the posters previous comments he's the typical right wing cultural warrior that whines about immigration, too generous welfare system, political correctness and muslims. I would guess that is his main gripe
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:01:16+00:00 ID: jqqqsek
I couldn’t understand all of that, because he mostly writes in Swedish but from some of the words i understood. It seems like Sweden is quite right wing oriented. That’s why i was aiming for the big white north of Sweden. Like Ume(å). Not interested in the crowded south at all. Towards too generous welfare system. Haha i guess that’s a common problem, many Germans also think we are too generous with refugees. But it’s okay I make like 260k a year. If you do not want my tax. I’ll just give it all to Norway :D
flexez at 2023-07-05 11:13:15+00:00 ID: jqqrtdy
Umeå is one of the safest and best cities in the country. I love that city (though I don’t live there). But you do you, personally I don’t like some of the politics in Norway.
Remember that a lot of people in Sweden also have a ”the grass is always greener on the other side” opinion.
WhiteLama at 2023-07-05 11:07:37+00:00 ID: jqqrbvg
The more north and the more rural you go the less immigrant friendly it gets because in the south there’s been immigrants for a longer time (for better and for worse).
I’d say Sweden and Norway are both amazing countries to move to, and no one will bat an eye at you being Asian, lgbtq, a spider, missing limbs or telling bad dad jokes in either country anyway.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:49:34+00:00 ID: jqqv20o
I think so too. Both countries are amazing and offer dried fish and liquorice so it’s very hard to decide. :D
Polisskolan3 at 2023-07-05 11:13:58+00:00 ID: jqqrvls
I don't think most Swedes have a problem with Asians in general, but you may want to be careful not to give the impression that you're Chinese or in any way associated with China if you want to avoid negative treatment. If you're German with Asian appearance, you should probably be fine though.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:29:06+00:00 ID: jqqt7je
I am banned in China, can’t enter the country for protesting pro Hongkong and free Uyghurs… so ya I guess we can bash about china all together…
Polisskolan3 at 2023-07-05 11:41:52+00:00 ID: jqqud4s
I'm not personally interested in bashing China, but a lot of Swedes are so may enjoy that together.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:52:21+00:00 ID: jqqvbet
I think there is plenty of stuff people can talk about personally I like to talk about fun ne more positive stuff, rather than complaining all day long. People will go to the more extrem sides, once the society starts to polarized is hard to recover. Unless Tour de France goes though Sweden and they are giving away croissants for free.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:52:29+00:00 ID: jqqvbv6
I think there is plenty of stuff people can talk about personally I like to talk about fun ne more positive stuff, rather than complaining all day long. People will go to the more extrem sides, once the society starts to polarized is hard to recover. Unless Tour de France goes though Sweden and they are giving away croissants for free.
Ok_Choice_2656 at 2023-07-05 11:21:22+00:00 ID: jqqsioj
Umeå is probably a good pick. You should probably look for larger towns (like Umeå) if not cities if you want to find likeminded people. Smaller, more rural areas can be great of course but there is more if a gamble as you could be struggling to find likeminded people in some of them. I would guess the same applies to norway.
That being said, Norway is a great country as well. I have no doubt that you will find what you are looking for in either country.
Kenail_Rintoon at 2023-07-05 11:28:40+00:00 ID: jqqt66y
Northern Sweden is a good choice for work and cheaper although still expensive housing. Umeå is extremely left wing lbtq friendly with a very large percentage of students and young people. Also has a large contingent of both immigrants and foreign students so being asian is if anything a bonus. I think you would like it there.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:54:58+00:00 ID: jqqvkm9
Thank you for your comment. It’s really nice to see people here actually telling me: Sweden is nice and not pushing me towards norway. No offense on norway, Norway is amazing I won’t immediately going to move in 2025. so there is still time for me to decide and learn the languages.
PopulistSkattejurist at 2023-07-05 11:04:25+00:00 ID: jqqr1x1
Sweden is falling in many international rankings, still in the top in many categories though, just not cemented in the top 5 as we used to be.
Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 10:56:57+00:00 ID: jqqqkva
The swedish currency is at an all time low, the housing market is in steady decline (which is where the swedish "wealth" is), inflation is high, crime is rising and gangs are taking over more and more of society. School results are declining, unemployment is rising. Healthcare is a joke, among the worst in europe. Infrastructure is crumbling. The large growing muslim population is starting to organize, so all your "woke" interests will soon be threathened.
Meanwhile norway is selling oil and gas making billions of dollars that they put straight into infrastructure projects and investments that will secure the country for generations to come.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:08:20+00:00 ID: jqqre1f
Thank you for your expiations :) I know these Problem seems severe and i think Germany and Sweden share a lot of these same problems. But these things are manageable. Because these are goods factors. Goods can be made, replaced and changed with new representatives. The German train system is a joke our punctuality is at 59%. German transport ministry spend more than 80% of the tax on highway repair. Only 70km of new train rails has been built. The health care is a joke. We do not have enough beds and personell for the pediatric department! Many children has to be sent away. Not enough certain (breast) cancer medication, antibiotics. I have waited 3 days till my East European packaging antibiotics arrived. The inflation is high among all European countries. I won’t worry too much about that, we are far away from Turkey state. I am more interested in the social climate of Sweden. Because the political and social climate is something which is considered as harder to change, take a lot of effort and time.
Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 11:21:40+00:00 ID: jqqsjmr
And as you can see, pointing these things out instantly made someone attack me for being a "racist right wing internet warrior". That's how it always goes when politicians try to achieve tangible change.
JumpyFile at 2023-07-05 11:29:09+00:00 ID: jqqt7oe
I think the problem is that you’re making it sound like the apocalypse is near, while the truth is that most people in Sweden are living very comfortable lives. Trademark behavior of a racist right wing internet warrior
Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 12:06:32+00:00 ID: jqqwpyp
There is no apocalypse, just a steady decline. The frog in boiling water analogy is fitting here.
hummusen at 2023-07-05 11:19:02+00:00 ID: jqqsbg3
This comment is full of factual errors tho. Housing market is not in steady decline, it declined 2022 and is now increasing in 2023 (like in Norway and most of Western Europe)
Swedish’s schools are performing better today than 10 years ago.
Inflation is high tho, but that true in almost all of Europe, and is coming down quickly now.
Their is no data on the size of the Muslim population so no one can tell if it’s growing. It defenitely was growing until 2015, when the establishment changes immigration rule to be much tougher. Their is little to no Muslim (or religious at all) influence in Swedish society.
Unemployment is decreasing and at a 15 year low.
Health care is among the best in Europe.
Swedish infrastructure is good. Norway is better, they got the oil money. However public transport for daily commute is defenitely better in Stockholm than in Oslo, so sometimes Sweden win here.
I do agree about the problem with gang crime tho. It has been a growing problem for 10 years, last election was all about it and the right wing government is working on it. It’s not really a problem for Swedes anyway, it is criminals dealing with other criminals. Still a problem.
But don’t listen to this guy, he/she is clearly a far right winger or maybe even a Russian agent.
SeaZealousideal263 at 2023-07-05 11:37:31+00:00 ID: jqqtyz9
Good answer. Lots of shitty posts in here. Norway has similar problems with immigration / integration
I’d like to add that Stockholm is arguably more interesting than Oslo, which should be compared with Gothenburg
EasyLengthWise at 2023-07-05 11:41:47+00:00 ID: jqqucuo
Oslo must be utterly pathetic
SeaZealousideal263 at 2023-07-05 11:47:22+00:00 ID: jqquuvi
Det är en betydligt tråkigare och fulare stad än Stockholm ja
Edit: Nu ser jag var din passiva aggressivitet kommer ifrån. Du är en drogliberal ”festa är livet”-typ som är frälst av KPH. Jag fattar, du älskar klubbar och Christiania och tycker att Sthlm och Sverige suger. Newsflash: även du kommer att växa upp en dag.
Shear-buckle at 2023-07-05 12:03:09+00:00 ID: jqqvrtq
Russian agent? Tror du verkligen på det?
Jo, bostadsmarknaden är på nedgång. Nybyggen har i princip stoppats, vilket är den tydligaste markören. Priserna har gått ner 10% på ett år med 10% inflation. Realvärdet på bostaden har då sjunkit med nästan 20%. Taget tillsammans med att svenskars förmögenhet är främst kopplat till bostäder så har vi alla blivit väldigt mycket fattigare och med tanke på att räntan precis höjdes så lär utvecklingen fortsätta. Lägg till en kraschande valuta på detta så börjar det handla om ofantliga summor som vi svenskar tappar. Varför är man en rysk agent eller extremhöger för att vara oroad över detta?
Svenska skolor är inte bättre än för 20 år sedan, och fler och fler går ut skolan med bristfälliga kunskaper. Barnen kan varken språk eller matematik.
Sjukvården är också i totalt förfall. Vi har inte nog med personal för att hålla öppet operationssalarna och vi har bottennivå i antal sjukhussängar och kötider. Nästan hälften av alla som behöver en operation får vänta längre än 90 dagar. En bekant har väntat i 3 år på en operation på kirurgiavdelningen i ett av Sveriges främsta och största sjukhus, de opererar bara cancerpatienter och patienter från akuten.
Vad är så bra med infrastrukturen? Vi ligger back med tusentals miljarder i underhåll och satsningar på vägar, elnät, järnvägar och flygplatser.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 12:00:08+00:00 ID: jqqw398
Hi Hummusen ( fellow hummus lover?) Thank you for clearing up a lot of the misunderstands. I honestly do not know why so many Swedes dislike Muslim people, probably the culture difference is too big and less time to get to know eachother. (wildly guessing here). I am not very much interested in cars, am a cyclist and care a lot about environment. But glad to hear sweden is not gonna collapse soon. Would be bad for all of the 10mio Citizens.
butttrix at 2023-07-05 11:44:02+00:00 ID: jqquk5l
Norway is better in all categories except pizza.
eolisk at 2023-07-05 11:03:20+00:00 ID: jqqqyl5
Norway is better ☺️
Kokoro87 at 2023-07-05 11:08:21+00:00 ID: jqqre37
I would go with Norway for now. Sweden is not doing very great at the moment and only time will tell what kind of a shitshow that will go down during these next 5-10 years.
Squirrelventure (OP) at 2023-07-05 11:10:11+00:00 ID: jqqrjrq
That’s very sad to hear. I heard about lots of inner political issues and the currency thing is really bad.
SkadeskjutenIgelkott at 2023-07-05 11:33:06+00:00 ID: jqqtki4
From a Swedish point of view Norway is a smaller version of Sweden with more money and bit higher standard of living. I would've said that it's easier and cheaper to come to Sweden but I'm not sure if that's true with the new rules that are coming to immigrants.
How you are treated depends a lot on what kind of Asian you are. If you look rare people will assume you are an immigrant., even after you've been here 30 years and speak perfect Swedish, I know kids to people where 1 parent is Swedish and the other is not and while I think they look Swedish a lot of other swedes will just assume they're not and speak English to them. It's kinda funny since if someone looks foreign enough most people will speak Swedish and then switch to English to try and avoid offending them.
wheeloffortuneee at 2023-07-05 10:48:42+00:00 ID: jqqpr20
Norway is alot better right now
Alexis_is_high at 2023-07-05 11:54:13+00:00 ID: jqqvhzy
Norway, because I get the impression that the people there are more friendly.
grazie42 at 2023-07-05 11:40:05+00:00 ID: jqqu7ah
Unless you want to live in Stockholm, gothenburg or malmo, the gang issues will not impact your life here (and as someone living in one of those it likely wouldn't anyway).
If you want to live "in the north" and find fellow sourdough-people, I think Umeå(also a University town) is your best bet in all of the nordics. Also a pretty vibrant labour market for white collar workers (with the accompanying "high" home prices).
Yes, Norway is "run better", but as someone who's worked for a norwegian company and spent time in the country, I would not want to live or work there permanently. I think, particularly for someone coming from Germany, Norway(outside of Oslo) may just be too "small town" for you...
EasyLengthWise at 2023-07-05 11:40:21+00:00 ID: jqqu893
Norway, but it's still pretty shitty compared to Denmark
angrybeehive at 2023-07-05 11:43:35+00:00 ID: jqquin1
I think the Netherlands is better than both Sweden and Norway. They love Sweden and wa t to be like Scandinavia. You’ll have better opportunities and quality of life there. Both Sweden and Norway can be hard to integrate with the culture. The dutch are way more friendly and inclusive.
No_Mushroom139 at 2023-07-05 11:19:14+00:00 ID: jqqsc0f
Id say Sweden is better than Norway, due to Swedes generally is much more open minded than Norwegian. I ve lived in both.
At the moment Sweden is plagued by gun violence as an effect of the last 30 years of to much immigration combined with systems in society, like law enforcement, arent built for this kind of situation.
Most of the negative you hear/ read about Sweden arent true. Its the extreme rights narrative your seeing.
Alexis_is_high at 2023-07-05 11:58:26+00:00 ID: jqqvx6v
You think so? I have always gotten the impression the Norwegians are more open minded. Sure, I can understand that they sound a bit more harsh (they are more strict on immigrants) but I get the impression that on the inside they are very open-minded people. For Swedes it's more often the other way around: they say that they are open-minded but when you take a closer look those are just words. That being said, I know that some older generations of Sweden were more open-minded, but the younger generations are less so.
No_Mushroom139 at 2023-07-05 12:17:23+00:00 ID: jqqxuat
Its always a question of who you meet. But I mean that the facts
that Sweden has an economy dependent on export of goods and services.
that Swedens economy is driven by invention, not raw materials.
that Sweden has had a large refuge immigration.
that Sweden is very open to labor immigration
All are signs that Swedes are open minded.
Parasitic_Cold at 2023-07-05 10:59:43+00:00 ID: jqqqnph
I sadly must agree that Norway is better. BUT you might find less immigrants who share your background in Norway. I am swedish, and our immigrant community is big here with a lot of different cultural food places to visit etc. However Norway seems a lot more competent at running their country. Our right wing politicians have fucked our school system for 20 years, sold out or health care, opened our immigration for everyone under Reinfeldt, and have legalized aggressive gambling commercials. You also have a lot of shootings between criminals the last 2 years in the big cities. I think we also have a cultural problem with our youth, with loads of them glorifying gangster rap and lifestyle, including drugs that are becoming more common. Sadly thats the backside of Sweden right now.
Bavariany at 2023-07-05 11:18:20+00:00 ID: jqqs99q
Hey, i wanted to ask, if the right wing government only got into power in the last election (made international headlines), how did they fuck over the school system for 20 years already ?
milky2277 at 2023-07-05 11:20:16+00:00 ID: jqqsf57
We had previous governments and elections
Parasitic_Cold at 2023-07-05 11:20:46+00:00 ID: jqqsgqg
They have been in power for much of the 21 century, with the left wing switching in occasionally. I personally don't know why the left hasn't changed some of the laws the right made. But the right basically prepared and laid the ground for a immigration crisis that the left under stefan löfven had to handle in 2015.
Bavariany at 2023-07-05 11:35:05+00:00 ID: jqqtqvm
didnt know that they were in power for that long, from the media it made it look like its a first, til.
How did they lay the groundwork for the immigration crisis though ? by starving MV of funds ?
Parasitic_Cold at 2023-07-05 11:37:51+00:00 ID: jqqtzzv
Fredrik Reinfeldt was very accepting of immigration and held a famous "Open your hearts" speech. We had laws that have now been reduced, that were very broad in regards to who could get a permanent visa for fleeing their country. These laws were made under a right wing government. This created a giant wave of accepted syrian refugees in 2015 when they all fled to europe and basically only germany and sweden allowed them to enter.
Bavariany at 2023-07-05 11:59:14+00:00 ID: jqqw04y
now that you mention it, i vaguely remember hearing about this open your hearts speech.
Crazy, and now the left is for immigration and the right is against it.
thanks for the reminder of the swedish history of immigration!
I knew about the germany one, living in germany :/
Parasitic_Cold at 2023-07-05 12:08:50+00:00 ID: jqqwy9p
Yeah I don't really know where I stand on immigration personally. Have met a few that were kind and nice people, but I can't look away from the fact that some choose a criminal life. I wish there was a immigration tight left leaning party. Maybe have it like they do in Canada, where they choose who can enter based on skills? A complex issue that I know too little too little about to have an opinion.