[-] mister_monster@monero.town 2 points 1 day ago

Well I'm just commenting on the premise that we should attempt to get big name people. I oppose the idea of chasing people, I'm partial to the concept of "if you build it they will come." It's worked for Monero so far. People that aren't interested in decentralized and censorship resistant tools are that way because they want things other than reach. These names use YouTube ant Twitter because they want clout, they want marketing, they want control, they want things other than for their voices to just be heard and their rights respected. And that's fine, but trying to chase down these people is a fools errand, because we simply can't give them what they may really be after.

An example, Trump wants to be paid to be on social networks. OK, that's fine, he has a point when he says he's popular and his presence makes the network more valuable and he should get a piece of that, but if then he goes on to claim he's being silenced, well, there are a myriad of ways to get your voice heard for free or very cheap, no need to launch your own social media company. It's not about censorship in that case, because all he needed to do was to spin up a Mastodon server (which is what he ultimately did and then got caught violating the GPL), that's not what he did.

The tools are here. The big names who don't like being censored are free to use them. Monero never chased the DNMs, it was just the right tool for the job. If they really want censorship resistance and for their words to be heard they'll use the tools available to them to accomplish that.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 8 points 1 day ago

I personally don't like ads because they're intrusive, and because they are an attempt to manipulate my mind in some way in order to extract resources out of me. I'd like to keep my mind as clean as possible and not be a tool towards someone else's ambition.

I don't mind ads on something like a TV, where you're already passively consuming content, and the ads are just "here's a product and how it can improve your life". But in something interactive, they are incredibly intrusive, and most ads are made not about a product and why you'll like it, but they're done in ways that are tested and optimized to bypass your rational mind and appeal to your emotions or your lizard brain. I loathe being manipulated and have great disdain for those that attempt it.

There's also the factor specifically online of tracking and data mining. You want to show me a product, fine, you need to know what color my butthole is to sell it to me, go fuck yourself.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 2 points 1 day ago

They're welcome to use these tools.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 53 points 2 days ago

If anything this tells me that that inflation number is bullshit.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 0 points 2 days ago

Diagnosing me with a disorder lol OK.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town -4 points 2 days ago

In the sense of what it supposedly represented, and in the sense of it's land and people, it most certainly is. What we call America today is nothing more than a machine, a meat grinder that has superseded what came before it in all but name.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 3 points 2 days ago

10-15%? Trump won the republican primary in 2016. There are more than half of Republicans that support Trump. That race wasn't even close. The recent one was absurd how much it favored him.

Republicans don't care about "electability" anymore. I don't think anyone does, for their own chosen candidate. Biden certainly doesn't look too good, but he's got firm support as well. The optics thing has flown the coop.

Trump will be nominated even if he is in jail. As far as whether he is elected, we will find out.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town 0 points 2 days ago

Alright, let me ask you, benefit of the doubt and all that. What do you think about people that seek to control others? And why do you completely ignore what it is I'm actually saying and focus on what words you would like banned?

[-] mister_monster@monero.town -1 points 2 days ago

I said that those who seek power over others are subhuman scum. Curious you took it personally.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town -2 points 2 days ago

I'm not a racist, but you know that already and just like to shout insults at people because your ideas cannot stand on their own merit and everything is a means to an end to you. You're a con.

[-] mister_monster@monero.town -1 points 2 days ago

People who seek to dominate others are subhuman scum, I don't think I'll get a lot of disagreement on that.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by mister_monster@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

At least 2 separate Haveno networks have launched as of today. One is called Reto and the other is called HardenedSteel. Those are the only ones I'm aware of right now, and things are happening pretty fast.

The haveno software was designed with the assumption that only a single network would be operated. People could fork it and run their own networks, but they wouldn't interact directly at all. But it looks to me as of this moment this is not how it is going to play out.

The client has the network info hard coded. So to use more than one, you need two copies of the client. This means that for most people they have to pick one. And, users might not understand this, just google "haveno" and pull the first git repo they see. This has significant, fast moving and quickly ossifying network effects with big repercussions.

We need to be very vigilant right now, as we are about to witness the very swift rise of a major power broker in our community. We don't want to start using a Haveno network run by scammers or authoritarians. Each network is it's arbitrators, and soon, the merchants on each one.

I think it's probably a good idea to figure out a way to connect to multiple networks, and to show listings with details about which network/arbitrator set a user is trusting when taking up a listing.

I'm cautiously optimistic, Monero has gotten rid of powerful people without a hitch before. But it is a bigger community now and that will be much harder to do. If we are vigilant during this time and we get through this successfully I think we become unbeatable, but the road directly ahead of us is treacherous, the next few days are going to move very fast.


Specifically ones listed on kycnot.me. I'm asking (as I'm sure you can guess) because I'm considering buying some XMR via a swap or two and I don't want to get my funds stuck indefinitely.


I've been noticing this lately. If you want to buy Monero or other cryptocurrencies, you have to KYC, set up accounts, have a bank account, wire money, all that stuff.

However, if you want to spend it or sell it there are a plethora of options, as simple as buying a prepaid card, or just doing business with people that accept it directly.

Bonus: once your capital is in Monero or Bitcoin or something, moving it around is relatively easy with swap services, atomic swaps and the like. Even p2p services, you don't have to worry about PayPal, bank accounts, cash in the mail or any of that. Once your capital is internet native you're golden.

This is a sign to me that it's more valuable than fiat and people are seeing that. Now it makes more (practical, tangible) sense to get all your capital into cryptocurrency than keeping it in fiat and just buying cryptocurrency when you need it, as it was a few years ago. If you can get all your capital into Monero or something, you can easily get fiat when you need it, the reverse is not as true.

I predict that the barriers to entry will be increasingly bigger than the barriers to exit as time goes on, in an attempt to stop the bleeding, but that it will backfire into people preferring crypto directly and make things better for all of us. And this also means less of a need to exit in the first place.

submitted 10 months ago by mister_monster@monero.town to c/piracy@lemmy.ml

I would guess this is due to the Mali government taking control of the .ml TLD, but whatever it is means I cannot get the CSV file for a search.

Is there a mirror somewhere that I can use? This was my main way of searching torrents.

submitted 10 months ago by mister_monster@monero.town to c/meta@monero.town

Something to think about. It is pointless to interact with any of those posts directly here, so as a result they get no engagement. They're just links to Reddit, and I feel like they're just funnelling engagement back there. I can't help but notice, possibly incorrectly, that activity here sharply dropped as soon as that bot went active.

If we want the content here, wouldn't it make more sense to pull non self post content directly and post it as a first class Lemmy post here without linking to the reddit post?

If our goal is to make this the new Monero home, wouldn't a better approach be adding this site to the sidebar on the subreddit, or having automod inform every poster about it's existence? Is moving here even our goal anymore?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by mister_monster@monero.town to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I figured I'd post this here so that people can know about it. If it is against the rules mods please let me know.

To make this project succeed we need content. There are other RSS to Lemmy bots out there, but they are all difficult to use. This one is easy; the configuration file is pretty self explanatory and the options make it easy to get content onto many Lemmy instances and communities.

Let me know what you think, feedback/comments, and of course feel free to open an issue in the issue tracker for the repo.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by mister_monster@monero.town to c/meta@monero.town

I built this specifically for monero.town, but anyone can use it anywhere. It is pretty easy to configure, all the info is in the readme and there's an example configuration file to get you started using it.

Feel free to aso me any questions you want, recommendations, and also feel free to open issues in the repo.

submitted 11 months ago by mister_monster@monero.town to c/meta@monero.town

I could build it, but I don't currently have a VPS or other server to run it. A bot that posted whenever Revuo Monero, The Monero Standard, etc would go a long way towards making this place the only place you need to go for Monero news and information.

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