submitted 5 months ago by lemmur@szmer.info to c/wolnyinternet@szmer.info

Czy korzystacie z serwisów typu spotify lub tidal, czy słuchacie muzyki pod dumnie powiewającą piracką flagą. Co sprawiło że podjęliście taką decyzję i jak wam się z nią żyje?

meme (szmer.info)
submitted 8 months ago by lemmur@szmer.info to c/tf2@lemmy.world

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

Ten moment kiedy wszyscy zastanawiają się:

  • Hmm, dlaczego wcześniej tego nie robiliśmy?
[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

Swietny pomysł!

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

But It's important to breed superinteligent microplastic, which will rule us and get rid of furries.

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 8 points 9 months ago

Marked as a duplicate, removed.

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 2 points 9 months ago

Walchala oczekuje, niech żyje V8!!!

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 59 points 9 months ago

Well, time to migrate to codeberg

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

Yeah, but It's very robust and simplistic

submitted 9 months ago by lemmur@szmer.info to c/opensource@lemmy.ml
  1. Be a huge company
  2. Buy one of the biggest FOSS hosting websites
  3. Train AI model on code from your purchase
  4. Paywall and restrict access to the model for everyone except you
  5. Laught at Stallman and his lifework
  6. Profit
[-] lemmur@szmer.info 9 points 9 months ago

you can go 1 step further and try to use signal, It's much more convenient.

[-] lemmur@szmer.info -1 points 9 months ago

Well now the GPU market is fine, but quite possible boom in AI devel may change it quickly

[-] lemmur@szmer.info -1 points 9 months ago

Of course it is

Fuck GPUs (szmer.info)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lemmur@szmer.info to c/technology@lemmy.world

Like... seriously, why every year is now the year of semiconductor deficiency, all thanks to the increase in GPU sales? First we had problems because of cryptomining boom, now everyone wants to train their own fucking AI. Fuck you Nvidia, fuck you AMD, I just want to buy the fucking computer!!

Thanks for your attention.

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

The best solution would be to raise taxes for the richest, but considering the fact, that bullshit like big corps being allowed to lobby in the US is a thing, well... It is not going to be easy.

[-] lemmur@szmer.info 1 points 9 months ago

One question, where was UBI 5 centuries ago?

submitted 9 months ago by lemmur@szmer.info to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Hi, recently I thought about lemmy and came into the conclusion, that it lacks one thing to be a true competition for reddit and stackoverflow and that is the search engine and user visibility.

Let's say I want to fix some issue on my computer. I type the question into the browser and what?... first 3 links lead to reddit, stackoverflow some random website or eventually quora. If there was answer to my question on any lemmy instance, I'd be lucky if it was on any of the 3 first browser pages. Also the fact, that the links of lemmy instances look well.... not so standard, doesen't help.

I think the solution would be to create one "central" instance, which wouldn't have any users, but instead would aggregate posts from technical forums of other isntances. It would greatly improve search engine visibility and provide centralized access to content without dropping the federation philosophy. It would also help creating a brand, as everyone instead of searching for answers on reddit etc. would just go to lemmyhelp.xyz and look there, knowing it's somewhat trusted and official source. Also moderation on such site would be MUCH easier, than on reddit or SO.

What do you think?

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by lemmur@szmer.info to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Hi, soon Im gonna start giving e-lessons and I would really like to use some open source solutions. I will need communicator, calendar and whiteboard app. Any recomendations?

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