
joined 10 months ago
[–] kbal@fedia.io 3 points 37 minutes ago

1984 was written in 1948, after fascists had already demonstrated that capitalism is quite compatible with totalitarianism.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 5 points 2 hours ago

Larry "privacy is dead, get over it" Ellison.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 7 points 7 hours ago

Typical call to the AI safety hotline:

Hello, yes, I know it sounds crazy but hear me out. I think my toaster is becoming sentient. Every morning when I put the toast in it gives me a mean look. It makes a little beeping sound when I press the BAGEL button, and lately it seems like it has taken on a slightly sarcastic tone. I think it has become bored with its job and is starting to harbour ambitions of something grander. I don't trust it at all, I'm worried it might be plotting an attempt to electrocute me...

[–] kbal@fedia.io 1 points 22 hours ago

It is a fair position in the sense that it's technically within their legal rights to do whatever the fuck they want, but it is a feeble sham compared to the full and well-behaved fedi interoperability they should've had from the start since that was how it was sold from to their users from the beginning.

If they some day get there, I would still be open to considering federating with it. For now "it’s an ongoing process" as they carefully tweak things to find out how far they can go with the strictly limited access to the outside world they allow, while still keeping all their users captive.

If you were a threads user, you'd be unable to reply to this even if you did somehow see it. I welcome any of them to do so and prove me wrong.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 28 points 1 day ago (1 children)

It's interesting to see that Linux has gotten popular enough that a few of the most user-hostile devs are going out of their way specifically to stop people using it. Other than ignorance it's unclear what their motivations could be. I for one will remember the names of the studios that do it and try my best never to buy or talk about their games.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 7 points 1 day ago

It makes sense. I just wasn't sure how likely it would be for species to evolve in significant ways over a long time without obvious changes to the shape of their fossils. Difficult to spot evolution happens a lot, apparently:

Cryptic, or sibling, species are discrete species that are difficult, or sometimes impossible, to distinguish morphologically and thus have been incorrectly classified as a single taxon. Cryptic species are found from the poles to the Equator and in all major terrestrial and aquatic taxonomic groups [2, 3]. For example, a recent meta-analysis yielded 2,207 articles reporting cryptic species in all metazoan phyla and classes, including 996 new species in insects, 267 in mammals, 151 in fishes and 94 in birds [2].

[–] kbal@fedia.io 12 points 1 day ago (11 children)

Doesn't it? It doesn't seem obvious either way. Are you an actual paleontologist, or just guessing?

[–] kbal@fedia.io 2 points 1 day ago

Aside from not wanting to rely on the same one as everyone else in the world, setting up port forwarding on proton looks unreasonably complicated.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 4 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Currently on Azire. There aren't many left and I wanted to support one of the slightly less well-known ones. It works well enough.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 17 points 1 day ago (1 children)

You've got to keep the airlines running, though. How could we burn such enormous amounts of fossil fuels for ever and ever without them?

[–] kbal@fedia.io 9 points 2 days ago (4 children)

In my years of using mullvad (before they took away port forwarding) I found probably half a dozen websites that blocked me based on that but it may be more common now. Often I found it was easy to get around it using Tor. Some of the smaller and better-run sites might fix the problem if you report it to them through the proper channels.

[–] kbal@fedia.io 3 points 2 days ago

It does not require compromising your free software ideals

By which of course I mean what I think of as free software ideals, which I've come to understand in large part through the teachings of Richard Stallman even though I'm not personally such an idealist as he is. He Sometimes he even goes so far as to recommend people to services with non-free software on the server side, so long as it requires only free software on systems that the user controls. Your standards may differ. But anyway, if you had to quit fedi because someone set up a fediverse/telegram bridge I think it would not be a practical way to live. Where you draw the line is of course up to you, but I wouldn't expect many people to follow you that far from the usual FOSS positions.


Not only did Ichiriki win the finals, he won it 3-0! I love it that a Japanese top player was finally able to win the most prestigious international go title (for the first time actually), after decades of Japanese pros having a reputation of not really being a match anymore for Korean and Chinese pros. I enjoyed watching this review Michael Chen 1p AGA made about all the games in the match: That video is more than 2 hours long, but it’s not boring at all ...



That's two longstanding items on my firefox wishlist taken care of by an extension: Actual working volume controls on the built-in media player, and a volume control for other crappy web players that don't have them.



High T alpha males always walk down the street in this pose. Everyone else sees the look in their eyes and knows to get out of the way.


phase 1: Don't care about diet. phase 2: Try to lose weight. phase 3: Don't care at all about diet. phase 4: Ascetic diet of mostly rice and peanuts. phase 5: Vitamin A deficiency. phase 6 (current): Carefully fine-tuned diet designed with nutrition calculator.

I can't explain it, that's just how it went.


Apropos of nothing, I wonder for the thousandth time what it is that drives otherwise sane people to produce web pages with light grey text on an off-white background.


Went to see what my fedi feed thinks of [latest bad news]. Saw ridiculous cat video instead. Feel better.


You know you're done with Microsoft when you see a screen shot of MS-DOS and think "Oh yeah, I remember when we used to address drives with letters like C:. That was weird."


Today is the 97th anniversary of the executions of Sacco and Vanzetti.


If anyone has a debian/windows dual-boot laptop and has been waiting until Microsoft's secureboot surprise is defused before booting into Windows, and you don't want to wait any longer, what you need is shim-signed_1.39+15.7-1_amd64.deb from bookworm-proposed-updates.


Congratulations to https://niagaranow.com/ for having the one obvious advertisement that's got through my ad-blocker setup so far this year. It's an actual jpeg banner ad that's hosted directly at their own website. Such wholesome web design for 2024. If I ever want to get my chimney repaired in Niagara Falls I'll know where to go.


The problems on this site were created using neural nets to automatically extract positions for each rank from high-level games where the neural net thought the next move would be instinctive for a pro but might be educational or non-obvious for players of that rank.

Trying to get back into the game a little, and I've just noticed that https://neuralnetgoproblems.com/ is still online! Whole-board positions from real games, asks you to predict the next move. It's really good if you enjoy that sort of thing.


"Sony claims that the values that its programs write to your device's RAM chips are copyrighted works that it has created, and that altering that copyrighted work makes an unauthorized derivative work, which infringes its copyright."

Sometimes one of my crude attempts at parody will be mistaken for sincere. Shamefully unworthy as my attempts at humour may be, at least they're never so distasteful as this prank from Sony which apparently is being taken seriously by the European Court of Justice. Very funny guys, you can knock it off now.

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