I have all my services running locally on a 192.168.10.x subdomain. Many are docker containers but some (like gitlab) are proxmox vms. Everything is behind a reverse proxy so I can access services through a url like paperless.mydomaon.com. the reverse proxy automatically pulls certs as needed.
This is great for accessing stuff when I'm home.
I'm trying to set up something for remote access. I don't want to use cloudflare as I just want access for myself from my phone and laptop. So I'm leaning towards tailscale or similar.
But do I need to move all my services to use the tailscale subnet? Seems like a pain and also requires installing tailscale on everything (even on docker containers?). Or do I just install tailscale on the reverse proxy since it can reach everything else. But then I wouldn't be able to ssh into a proxmox vm remotely unless I installed tailscale on the vm?
Or is this what the tailscale subnet router is for?
Rude tone apart, this is absolutely true. Nobody thinks satellite Internet is meant to compete with fiber to the door.