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[-] 13 points 2 hours ago

Piss, innit.

[-] 9 points 2 hours ago

I used to have to put !g (redirect to Google) on like half my searches to get the results I wanted. These days, I actually generally prefer DDG's results over Google's.

[-] 5 points 2 hours ago

Only if you see "being smart" as a one-dimensional axis.

[-] 5 points 2 hours ago

I feel bad for all the people that knew about this and didn't narc.

[-] 4 points 5 hours ago

Depending on the project, there might not be a soundtrack to buy - especially for indie projects.

I've pitched in a few bucks here and there to support projects, with mixed results. I don't regret supporting even the failed projects though, since I viewed it more like a donation than a purchase.

[-] 7 points 7 hours ago

The number of gamers that are still entirely unaware of games like Noita or Project Zomboid (to name a few) is absolutely criminal.

[-] 13 points 7 hours ago

Or if you really want to support the project, but accept that it might not turn out.

[-] 3 points 10 hours ago

Haha no way! At this point I can't think of a reason to switch from VLC, but I'd love to see a Winamp renaissance.

[-] 5 points 17 hours ago

What is the nutritional value of a lamentation?

[-] 3 points 18 hours ago

Sadly, I entirely agree.

[-] 6 points 18 hours ago

Imo Ghibli is the only studio that could ever fully do the story justice.

[-] 4 points 18 hours ago

not the Bob Hoskin’s Super Mario Bros film

You take that back!!

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

Picked up the Fallout RPG starter set, and I'm curious to hear people's opinions on it.

From what I gather, it released in 2021, but the first time I saw it was in the store a few days ago - on display no doubt due to the success of the TV show.

I've always been a fan of the Fallout setting, and from what (very) little I've read while flipping through the rulebook, it seems to be almost a mixture of d20 and Fate? The rules seem to have some crunch, while also allowing room for roleplay - again, from what I can tell at a glance.

I'm curious if anyone here has run this game, and what you thought. Do the rules make sense in practice? Did you have fun with it? And if you played through the example module, how was it?


Hi everyone!

I'm looking into self-hosting, and I currently have dynamic DNS set up to point to my home IP.

My question: is it worth getting a dedicated IP through a VPN?

I'm pretty technically savvy, but when it comes to networking I lack practical experience. My thought is that pointing my domain to a dedicated IP and routing that traffic to my home IP would be safer - especially if I only allow traffic on certain ports from that IP. Just curious if that idea holds up in practice, or if it's not worth the effort.

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joined 11 months ago