Companies like Exxon literally buy up green technology that could have huge, net-positive, impacts in the climate resiliency sphere/in combating climate change because they don't want the competition. The sheer audacity of this bald-faced fucking lie. What is the point of money on a dead planet, morons?
Outside of it being a Meta creation, the fact that it is inextricably tied to an Instagram account is enough to keep me away. Even if the app itself isn't collecting your data (it is, though), all of your information is bundled together in a neat little package, stretching across platforms.
Sometimes I feel like the internet is a huge mistake, but then I see stuff like this and am just all, "bravo, you crazy assholes," in the proudest, most pleased, way possible.
Challenge not accepted.
Yeah, I definitely feel like I can't shut up about it/stop engaging with it because that's how I'm processing my decision to move away from it. (And because, like @Breafulus_Emphotoga points out, Reddit is/was really addictive, so I'm struggling to go cold turkey and need a support group lol.)
Ugh, this is so shitty! On multiple levels! I'm sorry. Guess we're just being further proven correct in our decision to gtfo.
It looks like the sub is now in restricted mode - is that the doing of the other members of the mod team or is admin trying to control outrage?
Like Elon, his big mistake was thinking he was smarter than he is and deciding to open his mouth thereby alerting the public to the fact that he's very much not smart.
Hahahaha of the list of all the people not to emulate in this day and age, Elon definitely tops it. Well done, Huffman. How's that last thunk from the final nail in the coffin sound?
Christian Selig is too decent and mature for his own good. In his place, I'd probably make the [immature, bad] decision to go scorched earth.
He's probably relying on the fact that the numbers are now skewed in favor of people against the blackout because those of us who were pro are extricating ourselves from the site and not posting/commenting/interacting with content as much, if at all.
I have a bizarre sensitivity to shea butter and beeswax, so am heavily limited in the chapstick department. Aquaphor is absolutely the best!