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[-] 3 points 1 hour ago

Its like they are the US but 10 years in the future

[-] 1 points 1 hour ago

Just stop listening to him already...

[-] 5 points 22 hours ago

Eew.. Dry saliva sounds way more unpleasant than dry earwax

[-] 13 points 1 day ago

So instead of opening the door when it got too hot, she made a 40min Tik Tok that has been watched by more than 30mil viewers, documenting her fear for suffocating or having a heat stroke

[-] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not only within, but way above average. If not, they wouldn't look up to him like this.

That said, I have read some of them call Jesus too woke to be Christian

Newsweek article

The Damage report


[-] 137 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Tesla offers manual door releases for situations with depleted power, but Janel opted to wait, fearing potential damage to her car. "Inside my car, it's 103 degrees, so I'm slightly freaking out. I hope I don't run out of air," "I can't open up the doors or the windows otherwise I could potentially damage my car, so I'm just stuck in here roasting like a frickin chicken dripping sweat,"

I hope that I don't die of suffocation and heat, but I can't afford my car breaking if I OPEN THE DOOR in the middle of an update.

[-] 52 points 1 day ago

If there ever was an example of the Streisand effect, this is it!

[-] 22 points 1 day ago

Its really helpfull for brainwashing children. Lesson learned from the Taliban

[-] 5 points 2 days ago

They are all just models!

[-] 3 points 2 days ago

I don't know if you assume that I am a woman, or you are trying to make me cheer for the bear.

I understand that people have personal experiences that can be hard and even unbearable, to even talk about, but that does not justify one saying that men are like that and women are like this. I understand that it is important to share about ones lived experiences but also important not to make conclusions about all humanity based on the few people you have had a relationship to

Its the same result (





Please use a personal email. My email is 'mail' @ 'my actual name'. It does not get more personal than that

But you can't use emails starting with mail@, admin@, support@, info@, main@, etc.

Instead they advised me (3 times) to create a personal email on a service like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Orange, etc


I have recently transitioned to Gimp, and looking for ways to improve/optimize my process of these repetitive edits. I often do 150-200 so even the slightest optimization can save me hours!

I know how I could have done these much faster on Photoshop, with batch actions, and even would have gotten a better result, but I am fairly satisfied with the result for this first attempt.

Already noticed errors, are the feather edge of the select tool. I should have increased the feather to avoid the visible edges when adjusting levels of the face area.

Also, I should have taken better pictures to start with!

That said, resizing each picture separately, seems like a waste of time. On Photoshop, I could set the crop tool to crop resize the cropped image to a set dimension and resolution, even if i scaled it. I could also freely rotate it. So just the crop tool, saved me 3 steps per picture!


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Happy 5th of May! (
submitted 2 weeks ago by to c/



His notable works include The New York Trilogy (1987), Moon Palace (1989), The Music of Chance (1990), The Book of Illusions (2002), The Brooklyn Follies (2005), Invisible (2009), Sunset Park (2010), Winter Journal (2012), and 4 3 2 1 (2017). His books have been translated into more than forty languages.

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joined 10 months ago