I'll say the same but you already did. I hate this smell too

is just an example. When I opened some random apps my cpu fan start to work and the CPU usage was about 85~90%

[-] chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

because artificial zionist state (aka Israel)leaders are a threat for themselves

[-] chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

In fact you can but this didn't solve the problem. I installed all drivers possible but nothing fixed the high CPU usage when I opened some apps like calculator and Super Tux Kart for example. I have a Intel Nuc 12 gen and with arch is all working flawlessly

Yes u can but this don't solve the problem. You open calculator and your PC is 90% use and the fans are on maximum, lol.

Empire (aka USA) in one pic

If you are flying on 737 Max is good clap your hands while you still have them

[-] chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de -4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You gonna be very upset when you realize that Fedora ditched support for some essential codecs for hardware acceleration on Intel Integrated Graphics and any forum won't be able to help you properly. Bullshit experience. Arch is much better (btw)

don't forget that the "containerization" is weak and not reliable.

[-] chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Fritter as a client for Twitter ? Lol this app doesn't work for long time. Squacker is the only available option today but unfortunately they use Twitter API instead of Nitter that was shut down

[-] chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I'd like to understand how tax evasion works on Empire (aka USA)


Recently I installed Fedora 40, I have a Intel Nuc with a 75Hz monitor but I tried different ways to set the refresh rate from 60 to 75 but I couldn't.

What do I need to do?

Any help is welcome because I didn't found any forum to help me to solve this problem.


Exemple: How does Apple guarantee that the iOS source code will not be discovered by an adversary?

Is there any type of different encryption for this case?


It is something to always take into consideration and not forget.


Hi guys!

I downloaded the Fedora Sway (SPIN) ISO, but when I try to simulate it in VirtualBox, nothing happens.

Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed in this case?

Any tip is welcome.


Hi guys!

I downloaded the Fedora Sway (SPIN) ISO, but when I try to simulate it in VirtualBox, nothing happens.

Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed in this case?

Any tip is welcome.

Based on real facts (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de to c/linux@lemmy.ml
We must resist (discuss.tchncs.de)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by chemicalwonka@discuss.tchncs.de to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

I'm looking to replace my portable modem with a GL.iNet router because I saw that they claim to use OpenWRT which is a open source firmware.

My question is:

Is their OpenWRT version actually reliable?

Tyranny of Microsoft (simplifiedprivacy.com)

Microsoft’s agenda is very clear, they want control and surveillance over the flow of information on the internet.

Tyranny of Microsoft (simplifiedprivacy.com)

Microsoft’s agenda is very clear, they want control and surveillance over the flow of information on the internet.

view more: next ›


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