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[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

Escape works for me.

[-] 2 points 15 hours ago

That's the moment when a fire enchanted enemy comes in.

Or the regular enemies walk all over the plants...

[-] 11 points 15 hours ago

Nah, that's running on a laptop with the actual AI stuff being rendered on my gaming PC. I think that's basically what all the AI tools on phones do as well. It's just some company's gaming PC.

[-] 5 points 16 hours ago

When I look at what she does before even hitting the AI button I think her artistic interests are not in trouble. But she always liked drawing and painting anyways.

[-] 9 points 17 hours ago

Couldn't you configure the existing panel to do what you want? Add and remove widgets and resize it and you should have what you need.


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FOSS AI painting with Krita

It's so awesome that I can let my kid paint with Krita and let her enhance the picture with AI live. She wanted to have an AI picture editor on her phone but I didn't like the privacy policy. But Krita AI Diffusion came to the rescue.

After testing it out myself I showed her Krita, the most important tools and how to use layers and before I could say anything she was off to paint a nice landscape. When she was finished I actually got to enable the AI plugin and show her the ropes around that. And after enabling live painting she went ham and added a phoenix and a giant hand.

Hardest thing about it was that she had to describe what she wanted in English. But she's already learning that in school so it shouldn't give her too much trouble in the long run.

Anyways, FOSS rules!


It's so awesome that I can let my kid paint with Krita and let her enhance the picture with AI live. She wanted to have an AI picture editor on her phone but I didn't like the privacy policy. But Krita AI Diffusion came to the rescue.

After testing it out myself I showed her Krita, the most important tools and how to use layers and before I could say anything she was off to paint a nice landscape. When she was finished I actually got to enable the AI plugin and show her the ropes around that. And after enabling live painting she went ham and added a phoenix and a giant hand.

Hardest thing about it was that she had to describe what she wanted in English. But she's already learning that in school so it shouldn't give her too much trouble in the long run.

Anyways, FOSS rules!

[-] 7 points 20 hours ago

You seem to be wired.

[-] 2 points 1 day ago

Now I regret not watching more Vision of Escaflowne.

[-] 2 points 1 day ago

Been spendin' most our lives living in an Amish paradise.

[-] 66 points 1 day ago

When you want to find something in a different path than your current one you have to supply it as the first argument. When you try to do find -name /path it will complain that the path should be the first argument. So it knows what you're trying to do and instead of doing it it just complaints.

[-] 7 points 1 day ago

Was the other way around for me. F-stab just makes no sense.

Cheeky (

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Can we get a scrollbar for the community quick search? I just posted one I didn't really intend to because I thought I was hallucinating the other one. But stupid me should just have scrolled down to find it. Is it possible to get some kind of indicator to see that there are more available?

I'm on the Android app on Android 13.


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Does Arkham Knight get better?

I never completed Arkham Knight and only played the first two games which I really liked. But for some reason I can't get into Arkham Knight. I find myself overwhelmed by the controls that seem to do something different all the time.

Granted, I am much dumber now than five or so years ago when I played the first two. But as far as I recall they were relatively straight forward. But as soon as I reached the first tank segment in the beginning of AK I remembered when I gave up originally.

But this time I decided to soldier through. Until I got to a segment where I had to complete five or six boring ass tutorials which all showed me different unrelated things of which I needed exactly one to progress and which all could have been integrated into the normal gameplay. Three I already forgot and with one I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing but somehow I completed it.

Is it worth it to go on playing? Do I have to know everything it's trying to teach me? I remember that it was pretty much needed to learn everything in Doom Eternal (as opposed to 2016). But at least all the controls were pretty consistent there.

Anyways. Should I keep playing? Or is Arkham Origins better? Maybe I should just replay Asylum and City instead.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

I never completed Arkham Knight and only played the first two games which I really liked. But for some reason I can't get into Arkham Knight. I find myself overwhelmed by the controls that seem to do something different all the time.

Granted, I am much dumber now than five or so years ago when I played the first two. But as far as I recall they were relatively straight forward. But as soon as I reached the first tank segment in the beginning of AK I remembered when I gave up originally.

But this time I decided to soldier through. Until I got to a segment where I had to complete five or six boring ass tutorials which all showed me different unrelated things of which I needed exactly one to progress and which all could have been integrated into the normal gameplay. Three I already forgot and with one I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing but somehow I completed it.

Is it worth it to go on playing? Do I have to know everything it's trying to teach me? I remember that it was pretty much needed to learn everything in Doom Eternal (as opposed to 2016). But at least all the controls were pretty consistent there.

Anyways. Should I keep playing? Or is Arkham Origins better? Maybe I should just replay Asylum and City instead.

Edit: I kept playing and it did get better. Still annoyed by the same things as before but it's still an Arkham game. Thanks all!


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"What's your gender?" "Well..."

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

Der Sommer steht wieder vor der Tür und das Gras steht mir schon zum Hals. Da wollte ich mal wieder gucken, ob vielleicht ein Mähroboter mir die Arbeit abnehmen könnte.

Allerdings verlangen viele Geräte die Bedienung per App mit Cloud Anbindung und ich will mir lieber nichts kaufen das den Dienst aufgibt sobald es nicht mehr nach Hause telefonieren kann.

Kennt jemand ein einigermaßen gutes Gerät das auch Offline funktioniert oder wenn es denn eine WLAN-Verbindung hat einfach nur im heimischen Netz bleibt? Idealerweise wäre ja etwas, das sich auch mit Open Source Software betreiben lässt aber ich unterstelle mal, dass das abseits von einer Eigenkonstruktion (zu der mir im Moment die Kraft fehlt) eine utopische Anforderung wäre.

Unser Garten ist etwa 750 m² groß und sofern wir nicht bald umziehen ohne großartiges Gefälle. Aber ein Klettergerüst ist im Weg. Aber wenn es Hart auf Hart kommt würde ich das Gerüst einfach Großzügig vom Mähbereich ausschließen. Eine Verbraucherfreundliche Bedienung ist mir da wichtiger.

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