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[-] 7 points 15 hours ago

Already is needed.

[-] 1 points 2 days ago

Electronic but all the instruments are recorded from nature - bird chips and rocks and thunder clapping. Maybe some toads for the bass.

[-] 7 points 3 days ago

Orcas are cool. They work as a team and they’re clever. Great White shark is just a blood-smelling chomp chomp. Orcas grab onto the sharks fins, and start dragging it around. Sometimes they rip the fin off. Sharks need to keep swimming to breathe so they don’t like being dragged around. Then the orcas eat the liver and the heart and go hunt another one.

It seems they’ve adapted their great white strategy to boats. Instead of grabbing a fin they grab the rudder. Makes perfect sense. Maybe they’ll learn to stick old boat parts into the spinning props. The article says they’ve encountered hundreds of boats but most of them get away. If they get more clever about immobilizing them they’ll be quite deadly.

[-] 5 points 3 days ago

California has required child:staff ratios for childcare. Under 1 year is 3:1, age 1-2 is 4:1, age 3 is 7:1, and ages 4-5 is 8:1.

Our childcare center is non-profit. It’s about $1800/month for infants and $1300/month for 3-4 year olds. They cover all the food and diapers, and they do the laundry (sheets). The teachers are paid poorly. The government pays nothing. Anyway I agree with you, for infants it makes sense for the cost to be about the same as renting a small place.

[-] 10 points 3 days ago

Interesting, my rake makes some sounds when I use it. It’s pretty loud on hard surfaces.

[-] 24 points 5 days ago

Bullies are part of a cycle of abuse. They belittle others so they themselves can feel less pathetic. The strategy my mom taught me is to be untouchable. Don’t give them the satisfaction of getting under your skin. Shrug, chuckle, and genuinely forget about them. They’re insignificant. No need to butt heads. It also an effective strategy for road rage. You can’t lose if you’re not playing the game. You can even make them think they won. Some of these assholes genuinely get furious at unwavering positivity.

[-] -2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

At this point I basically need to do 25 Google searches to find what I’m looking for anyway. This is a stupid comparison. When I eat cabbage and beer my digestive tract releases more GHGs than my whole day of using ChatGPT (zero). I just need to figure out how to harvest and burn my own methane so I can do more ChatGPT queries guilt-free.

[-] 6 points 1 week ago

If you use the actuary life tables for your expected lifespan, you can have a true mid-life crisis when you turn 39 or 41 depending if your male or female.

Or if you’re the age of one of the presidential candidates you’ll know what it feels like to have under 10 years of life expectancy remaining.

Anyway, I do think it’s weird. You have plenty of time to waste at your age. It would be a misuse of your youth to try and allocate your time wisely.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

An employee owned S-Corp is little more than a tax shelter. It doesn’t have much bearing on equity among employees. It mainly gives the company more un-taxed cash to buy out competitors. It’s like a pyramid scheme because employees have to buy their way in. That cash is used as more bonuses for the upper management. The only people getting wealthy are the ones already with millions of equity. Employee “owners” can’t do anything meaningful with that ownership.

Anyway after arguing for all kinds of raises, after nearly 10 years I didn’t have a whole lot to show. A 401k and Roth IRA. It’s not nothing but that too is like a pyramid scheme. My friends who worked in state government made just as much money and earned a pension worth 20% of their future salary.

[-] 7 points 1 week ago

10 years in consulting. 2.5 to 3.0 billing multiplier for my labor. Even an “employee owned” corp. Still basically a pyramid scheme run by rich white men.

[-] 5 points 1 week ago

We show that a 5-HT1A-selective 5-MeO-DMT analogue is devoid of hallucinogenic-like effects while retaining anxiolytic-like and antidepressant-like activity in socially defeated animals.

Not sure how to phrase it but I guess making it more therapeutic, and less recreational makes it more likely to be a candidate for passing FDA regs.


See also: Family Guy S02E14 Let’s Go to the Hop

[-] 3 points 1 week ago

It’s justified by power line maintenance and safety, right? Then the amount should be based on how many miles of power lines are running out to your house. That would make it more expensive to live out in the country, where the largest fire-related expenses already are, and cheaper to live in the city. Or we can keep subsidizing sprawl. We already spend billions protecting a few hundred homes from wildfires. Spend billions on freeway widening too. This is probably small compared to those other things.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/geoengineering

Current mainstream mitigation measures may be insufficient to halt sea-level rise, implying that radical measures may be required. Geoengineering—which can be described as a mechanism to mitigate unprecedented sea-level rise—has garnered scientific interest in line with the present state of climate change. This study investigates traditional and modern geoengineering techniques through a systematic literature review. The results suggest that conventional and pioneering techniques can decrease sea-level rise, and those optimal results would be achieved through the cooperation of methods. Ultimately, findings from this review informed five strategies: tactical application of conventional geoengineering; optimisation through technique alignment; adaptation to receding coastlines; a global platform for project collaboration; and progression of research capabilities. These strategies, in turn, informed a procedural guideline for policymakers who seek to mitigate sea-level rise.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/geoengineering

Precipitation enhancement, commonly called “cloud seeding” or “weather modification” is a scientific method to artificially stimulate clouds to produce more rainfall and snowfall than would be produced naturally. The primary mechanism is to inject substances, such as silver iodide or ice crystals (cloud seeding agents), into the clouds, enabling snowflakes and raindrops to form more easily. Various cloud seeding programs have been operational since the late 1950s. The majority of programs continue for a number of years during winter months and as conditions warrant. The following is a summary on previous cloud seeding programs in California.


When I go to, a bunch of stuff shows up for my IP that’s definitely not being downloaded by anyone in my house (foreign language torrents). Aside from that my router (AT&T Arris BGW210) needs to be restarted about once a week, due to some kind of dhcp issue. The most recent event seemed bad - none of my devices had internet, they could all talk to each other, and my ONT activity light was flickering steadily. During this time I had no access to the router, even plugged in directly to LAN. Fixed by a restart but no idea what was going on.

The DHT torrent thing has been happening for months and the router thing could just be that AT&T sucks. I have no other evidence that something is wrong.

I could buy a firewall and put it downstream of the AT&T equipment.

I could switch internet providers, get a new IP address and router, and see if that fixes it.

Should I try to figure out what’s going on or just keep restarting the router once a week and ignore the DHT hits from my static IP?

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