[-] antik@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

often times they won’t even action users who are engaging in transphobia, even if reported. It’s really not great.

As I said in my other reply. I don't live that life so we might not get all the cues but if anyone on our team sees transphobia it will be removed.

[-] antik@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

You too ❤️ Good luck with the community!

[-] antik@lemmy.world 6 points 4 months ago
[-] antik@lemmy.world 2 points 4 months ago

Most likely this is the reason

[-] antik@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago

Correct, I use both myself. Pihole is also my DHCP server and I created different blocklists for different devices on my network. For example, I have "general", "media", "gaming" and "kids".

[-] antik@lemmy.world 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"they changed a comment before linking it"

You can even see when the post was last edited, this is just false 🤷🏻

Edit: saying we changed the comment and calling the admins here trolls while we were really just trying to be helpful. You're no longer welcome here

[-] antik@lemmy.world 5 points 5 months ago

with a built in back room toggle for making them public

Not true. Votes are visible in the database but there is nothing built into lemmy for this.

[-] antik@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

Yep those comments were restored.

[-] antik@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

Man you're too much. Goodbye indeed

submitted 10 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/drumandbass@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/grime@lemmy.world

Featuring, Fumin, D Double E, Napper, Jamakabi, Neeko, Flowdan, Ozzie B, MC Forcer and Demon.

submitted 10 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/grime@lemmy.world

This tune even has its own wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oi!_(song)

submitted 10 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/grime@lemmy.world

This one's a banger, release your anger.


Bman - Cosmodrome EP (2023) (monkey-business.bandcamp.com)
submitted 10 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/jungle@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/drumandbass@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/drumandbass@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/ukgarage@lemmy.world

Headphones in at work, let's wobble

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/lemmyworld@lemmy.world

The lemmy.world instance was just updated to version 0.18.2. The login issues that were being reported (for example, here) are now resolved.

For release notes: https://lemmy.world/post/1339018

Edit for those who still have issues logging in:

  • When using a browser: clear cookies and cache
  • When using an app: remove your lemmy.world account and add it again.
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/belgium@lemmy.world

Noticeable improvements here on our home instance at Lemmy.world!

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1061471

Another day, another update.

More troubleshooting was done today. What did we do:

  • Yesterday evening @phiresky@phiresky@lemmy.world did some SQL troubleshooting with some of the lemmy.world admins. After that, phiresky submitted some PRs to github.
  • @cetra3@lemmy.ml created a docker image containing 3PR's: Disable retry queue, Get follower Inbox Fix, Admin Index Fix
  • We started using this image, and saw a big drop in CPU usage and disk load.
  • We saw thousands of errors per minute in the nginx log for old clients trying to access the websockets (which were removed in 0.18), so we added a return 404 in nginx conf for /api/v3/ws.
  • We updated lemmy-ui from RC7 to RC10 which fixed a lot, among which the issue with replying to DMs
  • We found that the many 502-errors were caused by an issue in Lemmy/markdown-it.actix or whatever, causing nginx to temporarily mark an upstream to be dead. As a workaround we can either 1.) Only use 1 container or 2.) set proxy_next_upstream timeout; in nginx.

Currently we're running with 1 lemmy container, so the 502-errors are completely gone so far, and because of the fixes in the Lemmy code everything seems to be running smooth. If needed we could spin up a second lemmy container using the proxy_next_upstream timeout; workaround but for now it seems to hold with 1.

Thanks to @phiresky@lemmy.world , @cetra3@lemmy.ml , @stanford@discuss.as200950.com, @db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com , @jelloeater85@lemmy.world , @TragicNotCute@lemmy.world for their help!

And not to forget, thanks to @nutomic@lemmy.ml and @dessalines@lemmy.ml for their continuing hard work on Lemmy!

And thank you all for your patience, we'll keep working on it!

Oh, and as bonus, an image (thanks Phiresky!) of the change in bandwidth after implementing the new Lemmy docker image with the PRs.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by antik@lemmy.world to c/belgium@lemmy.world

Now that a lot of 3rd party apps for reddit have shut down there have been loads of new users joining the various Lemmy instances. So who got here today and what has been your experience so far?

I'm here to help should you have any questions about Lemmy, lemmy.world or life in general (I can not really recommend that last one).

Anyway, welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay 😁

EDIT: I created seperated threads for this not too long ago but I think it's useful to post them again.

  • Some things might still be confusing to people, I read a comment below about someone not knowing how to browse content from different instances for example. I really suggest you read this post by lemmy.world admin @ruud which does a wonderful job to explain a lot of it.
  • If you're wondering what 3rd party apps there are available, this thread seems to list them all!
submitted 11 months ago by antik@lemmy.world to c/belgium@lemmy.world

After some trial and error lemmy.world has been updated to a 0.18.0/0.18.1-rc1 hybrid. Should take care of some issues like the infinite scrolling on the frontpage, issues with content-display when you have multiple tabs open (since no more websockets) and issues in Jerboa.

Also new: emoji's 😱

Good job @ruud !

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joined 11 months ago