submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by quinten@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

- Lemmy.world is not loading, and I am encountering an error when opening a new page.

Please start by checking the following links to see if Lemmy.world is experiencing any issues:

- I am experiencing an issue with the client I'm using.

Are you using a client other than the website itself? Is the issue specific to that client? If so, please contact the developer of the app or web client you are using.

Here are some popular apps/web clients you can reach out to:

- I am unable to create a community, and I keep seeing a spinning circle.

Please check if the desired community name is available.

- There is a community I want to moderate, but the moderators appear to be inactive.

Please email us at info@lemmy.world or create a post in this community.

- Did we defederate, or did someone else defederate from us?

Visit https://gui.fediseer.com/instances/detail/lemmy.world for information about defederation of any instance.

Alternatively check https://defed.xyz/ and enter "lemmy.world" to view a complete list of defederations.

- I cannot access my account.

For assistance with account access issues, please email us at info@lemmy.world. We cannot assist with these matters in the comments section due to privacy concerns.

- Why am I banned from this specific community?

Lemmy offers transparency, and you can check the modlog of the community to understand the reason behind the ban. If you have further questions, feel free to send a private message to one of the moderators. If you have other issues, please email us at info@lemmy.world.

- Can this feature be added to the website?

If you would like to request a feature to be added to Lemmy, please contact the Lemmy developers on GitHub or reach out to the developer of your preferred (web) client. Instances like ours cannot directly add features to the website.

submitted 5 days ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Are folks aware of this issue? Is de-federation being discussed or is it not that bad yet? Everything I've seen as a mod and as a user is just BS about "investment opportunities". But the volume of these comments is going waaay up these past couple days.


Hi, for at least 7 days, posts created on Mastodon on the wetdry.world server that mention the communities @splatoon@lemmy.world and @animal_crossing@lemmy.world have not been forwarding correctly.

The server does not restrict access to lemmy.world at all, mastodon.world is marked as limited but that doesn't apply to Lemmy.

I'm posting from the @splatoon@wetdry.world and @crossing@wetdry.world accounts and they always have the handle for the respective Lemmy community at the bottom of our posts.

Thanks in advance for the support!

submitted 5 days ago by Cypher@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

I have tried to create a community on multiple browsers, devices and from multiple different internet connections (no vpn) and have not received an error.

The community name is available and I’ve tried with/without images and the description field.

Could an admin please message me so I can get the community created? Thanks

submitted 6 days ago by solrize@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Example (spam post containing an amazon affiliate link, post hopefully deleted by now but I assume mods/admins can see it): https://lemmy.world/post/15846936

Also there are tons of links people post legitimately but have tracking parameters, gclid=this, fbclid=that, etc. Those can be cleaned up too.

By editing out these parameters automatically when the link is posted, people's privacy can be protected and the incentive to post affiliate spam can be decreased.

It could be a server config parameter and/or put into the posting UI: "your post contains [link] with flagged parameters, choose between a) post cleaned up version (shown), or b) post link without changes (may go into moderation queue depending on community settings)."


I mainly use the Mlem app, and today I got a notification that I had one new inbox item. When I checked my inbox, I saw that it was empty.

Before I submitted a big report, I wanted to see what happened on the lemmy.world website. As shown in the attached screenshot, it too shows one unread item, but nothing in the inbox.

So I’m led to believe this is an issue with the server. And if not, then at least I have done my due diligence before reporting this to the Lemmy devs.

In either case, is there anybody here who could help me get this resolved; or at least pointed in the right direction?

Thank you!


It seems like every user on annihilation.social is a racist idiot, and indeed seems to be the entire purpose of that instance. Who do we talk to about starting a discussion on defederation so that they can't use lemmy.world to spread their vile hatred?

For example, one is referencing the Protocols of the Elders of Zion like it's a true thing and the other is talking about how God hates race mixing.

submitted 1 week ago by jeffw@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

The only mod on !popculture@lemmy.world is a banned user. I'd like to start posting on this community but I'm hesitant to use an unmoderated community. Can I be made a moderator?

On a side note, the banned user is still listed as a mod on a number of communities. Are banned users supposed to be removed as moderators or is there no policy on that? And what happens if a community is unmoderated on Lemmy?


I started a community on this instance, and when I view it from other instances, it doesn't show any upvotes or comments. Is there any way to fix it? the community is !linerider@lemmy.world


Hey All

I am running Firefox on pop!_OS and have an extension that switches my themes between light and dark. It works really well and have set all my apps to follow system theme. I am running Firefox and it does switch well and my Lemmy setting is set to follow the browser. It was working well for a long time, but the last two months I have noticed that lemmy does not auto switch the theme. Is there something I can do on my end?

submitted 2 weeks ago by lx4l2617@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

I'm still new to how lemmy works exactly but why does trying to delete a post not actually remove it? It's still fully viewable so are you not able to delete posts on here at all? I'm a bit confused.


Lately I'm seeing this more and more where posts have comments that will refuse to load. It seems like the issue is getting progressively worse. Right now, I'm using the Alexandrite front end but the default has the same issue where comments don't load.


Today I have come across two different accounts that were probably a misinformation toll and probably a scammer. Is there a way to report these accounts and the communities they make right to Lemmy.world admins?.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world


I know that this question was asked several months ago, and the response was that there wasn't a setting for it. Has a setting that blocks posts with keywords been implemented since?

Thanks in advance!


I'm not sure if there are certain images on here causing this popup to appear or what, and I wonder if someone can help me figure this out. I wonder if its something that will need to be blocked or an instance that needs to be de-federated until the admin of it agrees to remove the Malware that is causing it to happen. Here is a screenshot I managed to take of the popup.


I cant seem to get timely post federation to my instance (moist.catsweat.com) from lemmy.world. I might see a new post every few hours instead of every minute or so.

posts from other lemmy instances (lemmy.ca, lemmy.ml, dbzer0, etc) have no problem.

i see a ton of lemmy.world traffic in my nginx logs... it seems very specific to 'new posts'. voting/comments seem to come through no problem once the post shows up.

ive checked a few other instances similar to mine, and they are not having this issue. so it seems something specific to lemmy.world and my instance.

i do recall a similar issue several months back, and it involved a lemmy.world admin resetting some outbound queue.

any ideas?


I was actually thinking about making a community for him called, 'Pictures of Ruud wearing a hat' Where basically You just post his profile picture with him Wearing a different style of hat.

It's got to be a different style of hat though every time.

I'm being serious lol I think it would be fun. Like light hearted cutesie silly kinda thing.

The only caveat though, is he HAS to join and also give his honest opinion about what he thinks about the style of hat the OP puts on him in the picture.

Like he has to say if it sucks or not if he likes the color and stuff.


I just found that I'm getting the infinite spinning issue when commenting on a post in !enshittification@lemmy.world and not sure what the issue is as it is the same on two different computers.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Blackbeard@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

Mod has been inactive for months, and I'd like to take it over and help it generate more traffic. They have dozens of other communities they gobbled up during the API protests which have also been abandoned, just fyi.

Also forgot to add, I messaged them a few weeks ago about joining the team to revive the community, and haven't received a response.


I am being unfairly targeted with temp bans despite doing my best to follow the moderators requests.

submitted 1 month ago by can@sh.itjust.works to c/support@lemmy.world

!obscuremedia@lemmy.world doesn't have much traction but I'm trying to change that and there are a good amount of subscribers. Unfortunately the only mod seems to have created the community, made one post, and not returned in the ten months since. I've messaged them but I'm not hopeful they'll ever come back to Lemmy to see it.

I understand the concerns over "power" mods. While I do mod a few communities already only a few get any real engagement and I try to be pretty hands off with them, only removing obvious spam and trolling.

Thank you for your consideration.

submitted 1 month ago by azulon@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

For some reason, the link in the post I've just made appears twice: under the title (red on the screenshot), and as a link preview above the post body (blue on screenshot). All other post only have the link under the title, but no preview.

Most other posts look totally different and have the link only appear once under the title (for example, this one: https://lemmy.world/post/14822763).

How do I fix this? Because I couldn't find any "hide the link preview" button in the post editor?


Put me in the trash where I belong.


I posted a picture in thiccmoe. I later got a message that it was removed NSFW. That's fair.

I asked the mod of that community and they didn't do anything and don't know what I'm talking about. Also, if I go to that community, it's still there.

I went back to my messages and noticed it's from automod at lemmy world, not Ani social. The community is on Ani social.

How does that work? Does that mean it's only removed for lemmy world users since the automod is from lemmy world? Does it affect anything on Ani social?

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