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[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 5 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Yea. I can't see why people r defending copyrighted material so much here, especially considering that a majority of it is owned by large corporations. Fuck them. At least open sourced models trained on it would do us more good than than large corps hoarding art.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yea, I got that, but I'm just confused by the post lol. Is this some sort of mutated form of humor, that has emerged out of the fallen core of the Chornobyl reactor that I'm too dumb to understand?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Bruh wtf is this and why're people upvoting it?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 1 points 1 week ago

You know what? I see it if I squint hard enough

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 18 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Serious question: Has any culture tried breeding these guys to keep mosquitoes at bay? Something like how people kept cats around to reduce the population of mice?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That a mathematically accurate democracy is impossible is obvious.

That's not how scientific proofs work. Also, this video delves into which family of voting systems can be the closest to a perfect democracy.

This is a no-brainer, and completely irrelevant.

It is relevant as we should be considering ways to move away from plurality voting, which sucks.

It’s also a strawman, argument, as nobody ever claimed that democracies are mathematically accurate.

Huh? Haven't you ever seen mathematical proofs in your life? Why should proofs always be about disproving something? What are you talking about here?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee -2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I have no idea how this is an attempt at whataboutism lol. This video deals with the mathematical definition of a perfect election (or democracy, however you word it) thing that you are talking about. It's a well produced explanation of Arrow's impossibility theorem. That's it. No one's saying that we should move away from democracy or whatever lmao.

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago

Honestly I find it really hard to imagine a humanoid robot (at least without muscle induced mobility) maintaining an aircraft/plumbing and so on.

I can imagine the use case. I don't see this tech being anywhere close to maturity in this decade though. The amount of processing power would be CRAZY to deal with these tasks, no? Computer vision + motor skills. Add actual mobility to that. What would be the power source? Definitely not a battery! Would it be like a cable connected to a wall outlet or something?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 11 points 1 week ago

U should have aggressively marketed your "startup" idea back to him lmao.

"Jesus and all is cool brah! But I really need 40000 dollars for my startup brah! I'm doing the Lord's work I swear! Please give me 40000 dollars! Pweeeeeeze pweeeeze you'll go to heaven I swear!"

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 7 points 1 week ago (7 children)

What even is the purpose of humanoid robots? Is there even a use case for it?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee 3 points 1 week ago

What even is Pinterest? I see people using it as social media, but I never got what it was for. Isn't it just an image hosting site like Imgur? Or is it more like Instagram?

[–] UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee -4 points 1 week ago

No. But if u r a rail worker in Germany, Hitler is clearly talking about murdering minorities and u r aware of this information and yet u stay, then yes. U r complicit in the crimes of Hitler.


Most states rely on paper bureaucracy to ensure that the state can function and provide services. Paper bureaucracy has been part and parcel of how we maintain states and corporations since the Chinese invented the first paper bureaucracy systems of management 3000 years ago. But as you all probably know, bureaucracy kinda sucks. It costs a lot to maintain, and in the worst cases bureaucracy can turn a state into a labyrinthian monstrosity that can be near to impossible to navigate.

Estonia is a Baltic country that in recent years has been embarking on reform programs that are intended to change this. Estonia is a “Paperless state” meaning a state that has effectively removed all paper from it’s bureaucracy and replaced it with a digital state structure. In this short video I would like to introduce you to the digital state and argue for it.


Edit: To those downvoting, could please comment the reason as to why you are downvoting? The comments that are there right now do not explain the reason for the downvotes. I am genuinely curious as to what the thinking behind disliking the post is.

Imagine you are a trans woman in the 15th century. You lack the tech to grow boobs. You lack the tech to make ur dick into a vagina. However, the want still exists and is very real.

Now imagine the year is 2124. You are 55 years old. The tech to look exactly like you looked when you were sayyy 12 exists. You want to look like that. I would say that looking like that is your right. It's your body after all.

However, you are still 55 years old. You just LOOK like a child. But you possess the ability to consent. Is having sex with such people moral? (I would say it is).

This however introduces problems. How do you differentiate between actual children and people who physically look like children? Would this be a political issue then? Would adults who want to have sex with adults (but those who look like kids) be discriminated against? Would there be movements for this?


I really really don't understand how people are either so tiny brained or so fkin inconsiderate. Probably this is the wrong community to post this, as my infuriation levels are far from mild.

Like... you look up a tutorial on a specific thing. You see a list of videos describing the very thing that you want in perfect English. You open the video to see that it is in a completely different language (usually Hindi). You then feel like personally going on a mission to assassinate that video creator. /s

Like come on... I understand that English alphabets are more readable to people who speak languages other than English. FINE. I GET IT. But would it be too much to ask to at least put the name of the fkin language that your video is actually in, in the title?

Like... it would so much better for a video title to be "(Hindi) Ranked Retrieval model explained" instead of "Ranked Retrieval model explained" and it turning out to be in Hindi. Like... do these people not think? Or do they not have a brain? Or do they just not care?

I scoured through SO MANY VIDEOS and all of them have this nonsense going on. Like come on....

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by UraniumBlazer@lemm.ee to c/femboy@lemmy.blahaj.zone

So I thought I had figured myself till now. But I was clearly wrong...

So the last few days have been incredibly confusing as I reflected on my gender identity. I'm definitely a boy, that's for sure. I wouldn't want to go by any pronouns except he/him. The they/she stuff simply isn't me.

I don't want to dress up in a feminine manner (I don't think I would be comfortable in skirts and thigh highs and what not...). Like... I haven't tried that yet, but I really doubt I would be much interested in it. I like my current wardrobe.

HOWEVER, I want a feminine-ish body. Like... not boobs or anything. I find boobs quite repulsive. BUT I would definitely love to have a more feminine butt/dick. I like tucking, WHILE loving my dick.

I hate body hair/facial hair. The only place that I like hair on is my head. And while my hair is long-ish, it isn't girl-like long. Like... the intention is not to look like a girl.

I dunno, it's weird I suppose... Here's one way to put it. If estrogen didn't give me boobs, I would LOVE to take it. I would love to have a higher voice, better head-hair, and a girlier butt and dick. BUT I would still identify as a male while being in male-like clothes.

What the hell am I? I'm definitely not trans. I don't think I'm a femboy, as I would hate doing makeup/wearing skirts n stuff. I'm so confused.

Oh, and I'm gay if that's relevant.


For those unaware, YaCy is an open source indexing software with some p2p search capabilities. However, if you've run it yourself, you'd know that the search results are very bad. Therefore I am wondering if this is a resources issue or a YaCy software issue, or both.

Had YaCy had really huge resources for the crawling and indexing, would it have been a good enough search engine to replace google/ddg?


Like imagine going to a pride parade and you see some twink u never met and be Iike, "hey colleague! How're u? How's the bottom job position working for you?"

"Colleague"... That's a funny word...

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