
joined 1 year ago

I really like subway, it's about the only place you can get chipotle sauce in the UK. Used to go there every week.

That said, I haven't bought it in about a year. The prices have gone up to the point where I feel like I'm spending insanely irresponsibly if I'm not buying the absolute cheapest food, and Subway is no exception. The stress of knowing I spent far too much on something far outweighs any enjoyment it might provide.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wait, you can send envoys to neighbors? How?

Like 50 of them spawn every single month

By and large the main way they're a threat is either by immediately rushing and ganking anyone that leaves the fortress, or against my actual military, then they simply use the Extreme Russian method of throwing so many units at one person that that person passes out from over-exertion and can be killed by the 20th opponent of the fight

I swear to god if these bats had their population tracked like any of the surface civilizations I'd have wiped all of them out ten times over (although what really annoys me is that the World Map says I'm at peace with the bastards)


Doubt it. I think this guy wants control of Russia.

I strongly advise you not to give Prighozin the benefit of the doubt- he's a HUGE Nazi, and has the tattoos to prove it (plus he literally named Wagner after... well, Wagner. Hitler's favourite musician).

Best case here is mutual destruction of russian leadership.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I have a good option here: Dairy.

Basically, your body can only produce so much Lactase (the thing that breaks down Lactose) at a time. Lactose intolerant people barely produce any Lactase, which is why eating a tiny bit of cheese is OK for them, but they'll explosively shit themselves if they have a glass of milk.

Anyways, you have a lactase limit, time to find it. An added bonus of this strategy is that your options are a bit more varied: You can load up on cheeses, milkshakes, cream puffs, cheesecake. Regular old milk has the most lactose though, so if you want to shit yourself plentifully and violently, bring a ton of that (and whatever other foods you want, the milk will do the work here). Just don't try and chug a whole gallon of milk in under 20 minutes, you'll vomit because it will dilute your stomach acid until instead of digesting it, it'll curdle in your stomach.

Hyper Light Drifter is a really pretty game with tight controls, fair difficulty, excellent music, and some of the best atmosphere of any game I've played.