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[-] -1 points 10 hours ago

I mean, there's murdered children and a beheaded baby on Not sure why everyone feels the need to play hamas apologist.

[-] 6 points 10 hours ago

Isn't the president mostly a puppet for the ayatollah? What would be the point of taking him out?

[-] 4 points 10 hours ago

I'm not sure bias checking Reuters is really necessary.

[-] 2 points 22 hours ago

As with most insects, it pretty much always depends on how convenient / inconvenient it is to capture & release them at the time of finding them. If it is very late and they sit in a bad spot then I'm not gonna go through the hassle. If they release some stink bomb shit when feeling threatened then I'm even less inclined to do so.

[-] 10 points 1 day ago

Naja. Die meisten großen Modelle sind ja mit Internetdaten trainiert, und die sind seit ca. 2015 in Deutschland eben genau auf diesem Niveau. Sollte also nicht zu sehr überraschen, dass man mit derartigem Trainingsmaterial eben ähnliche Kommentare generieren kann.

[-] 8 points 1 day ago

Doesn't seem to happen when they get squashed.

[-] 8 points 1 day ago

Selbe Spiel in der Klimapolitik.

[-] 6 points 1 day ago

Ist auch eine schöne Parallele zur Klimakrise.

[-] 3 points 1 day ago

Another user explained why I likely saw the discrepancy. Though, aside from that, federation generally is very much wonky and unreliable unfortunately.

[-] 1 points 1 day ago

Ah, I see. As far as I know fedia only defederated a few very small instances that caused technical issues. Hexbear comments were actually one of the examples I was referring to, but upvotes instead of downvotes. But I guess the discrepancy then comes not from my end, but theirs. They probably did not see a lot of the downvotes because they came from instances that weren't federating with them, so they weren't aware of how much they got actually downvoted. Seems a little problematic in that it reinforces their little echochamber.

[-] 6 points 1 day ago

Are you sure? I occasionally see people complain about downvotes while having 0 downvotes.

[-] 2 points 1 day ago

Cars have such a high priority in people's lives that this wouldn't help much because a court would generally rule in favor of the cars, since a lot of people are basically dependent on them, which somehow justifies having your car park in front of your house. Otherwise we'd have the consequence of having to create dedicated parking spaces everywhere in form of parking garages / houses, which would be away from where people live since the space for that is typically not existent. But hey, you're welcome to try to create some sort of precedence in court. Maybe you can afford some very good lawyer who could pull this through and convince the judge.

140 (
submitted 2 months ago by to c/

For a while now all video threads are basically just opening a screenshot of the video when you expand them instead of opening the video itself. I noticed this both for YouTube and Catbox hosted videos and you now have to first open the thread itself, and then click on the actual link of the title to open the actual page where it is hosted to play the video. Previously you could just watch them from within your feed without leaving it.

I think the only exception I've seen for this are redgifs that sometimes pop up from the few lemmynsfw places that do manage to federate with kbin / mbin, but those also have issues like rendering behind the posts below them.

I also noticed that video playback does continue when you close the embedded container, so you always have to pause them manually (which is ironically not supported by redgifs player).

submitted 3 months ago by to c/

I get the threads, but there's no votes, no replies. Nothing. None of my comments show up anywhere if I look at the original instances. Ever since the 26th of December it's been a complete shitshow.

Edit: Didn't get any reply notifications for this thread either...

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