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[-] 1 points 40 minutes ago* (last edited 39 minutes ago)

*Jo succeeds a hit with searing smite.

[-] 1 points 1 hour ago

Why is that necessary though? Astarion used to just speak up and we had a chance to barter. Have they changed it completely, or is it bugged?


In my first playthrough he was able to talk to Raphael outside of the Gauntlet of Shar. This time Raphael just left without ever giving Astarion a chance to ask any questions. So, I reloaded a save, did the whole House of Healing fight again, made sure to have Astarion selected when we approached the Gauntlet, and it auto switched to my character when the conversation started and he left again. Have they changed this sequence? Is it bugged? Do only certain dialogue choices give you a chance to barter?

[-] 2 points 6 hours ago

Yeah this dude was just naturally ornery. But once you earned his respect he was awesome. Since I rode him every day, he and I developed a real bond. I could steer him with my knees, and he often knew what I wanted to do before I consciously communicated it with him. I also knew what he didn't want to do and would go out of the way to keep him happy.

It was a fun job. It was definitely hard work, and under-paid, but it was satisfying in a way that few jobs are. It was perfect for summer employment as a young man, since it included room and board, in addition to the meager wages.

[-] 1 points 11 hours ago

Most of us just don't give a shit. Some of us have cats and put it on under so the cat can't unspool the whole thing if it goes crazy.

[-] 2 points 11 hours ago

Something that still covered the trigger, but allowed access would be better, like a little snap flap trigger cover.

[-] 2 points 11 hours ago

Okay, I need you to design me the most dangerous holster possible!

[-] 1 points 11 hours ago

It's awesome. There are some great pictures from their journey too. I especially like this one, although I couldn't find the original uncropped one.

[-] 1 points 11 hours ago

Is that a prison?

[-] 1 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)

They work their asses off though. Those two flower shops are owned and run by two different families. They wake up at like 3:30 am to get their business day started. They're the first generation children of political refugees who fled Laos through Thailand after the Vietnam War

[-] 2 points 12 hours ago

I could not find any other pictures of these two in your profile, but I did see lots of other cute pictures

[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

What are those glorious birds?

[-] 1 points 12 hours ago

I didn't see the cat at first and thought you were giving us the age of the wolf pillow.


I've added some instances to the instance filters, yet I continue seeing those instances. Is there something else that I need to do to block entire instances?

submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/
We meet again (
submitted 1 week ago by to c/

I hadn't tried it in 2 different playthroughs because it's rated really low online. But since I've used the other builds already, I figured I'd give it a go for Astarion in this new playthrough. He has an item that makes him invisible for two turns whenever he kills someone, which basically makes him a one man killing machine. For 3 different battles now I've split him off from the group and sent him out ahead to sneak attack the enemy group. Welp, reinforcements were never needed. He sneak attacks from range, turns invisible, moves away so he can't be detected, and attacks again. Each attack one-shots his victim, and he can make quick work of entire groups of enemies.

I can see that this build wouldn't be great for unexpected battles, or outright confrontation, but when you know that you want to fight, dang man! It's amazing.

If you happen to find that item that gives invisibility on kill, then I highly suggest getting a good bow, and giving assassin a try. It seems like it would be a good option for a playthrough without companions, as long as you are able to get back into stealth after attacking.


Every time I get a notification that someone has commented or messaged me it is back to the Show All option, even though I've set it to Show Unread a hundred times already.

submitted 3 weeks ago by to c/
submitted 3 weeks ago by to c/
Can you find all 7? (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

I didn't do anything to trigger it. I just hit an enemy with the t5 hammer. The weapon was not cursed. This is most certainly a game breaking bug.

Edit: this is Experienced Pixel Dungeon


Everywhere online now, every movie, every home video, has been passed through so many filters that people don't look human any more. Nobody has any lines in their face, their teeth are florescent white, their eyes are filled in and have no veins. Nobody ever looks tired, or natural. Add to the mix the fact that everyone is getting lip implants to look like a blowfish, and I'm just tired of it. I miss seeing real human beings.

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joined 10 months ago